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This article will show several steps on how to create a video and upload it onto YouTube. Please note that this article is only for beginners who are wanting to start a YouTube Channel. Step 1 – Getting the right video editing software (optional). I recommend that you purchase a video-editing software if you ‘d like to communicate your message more efficiently on YouTube. Yes, you can take a “selfie” video of yourself on your phone and then upload it to YouTube, but your video may be a little shaky at times – if you do not shoot it properly. A lot of these software applications make it very easy to upload your video to YouTube. Plus, you can also use the software to create some special effects for your video. I personally recommend Camtasia Studio for Windows and ScreenFlow for Mac. Prices for the software can be anywhere from $30 – $200 or more. There’s also “FREE” trial software that you can download, but be warned; most free software has extreme limitations on what you can do. If you’re unsure of what software to buy, you can also go to “Google” and type in “Best Video-editing software” and see what you find. You will find the recommend software to use. If you download the software, just follow the directions and you’ll be fine. Well done! You’re on your right way to making videos! Step 2- Buying a Webcam. Webcams can also record videos that you can then store onto your computer. Webcams are great for a better video, because you can put your webcam right on top of your computer monitor, and then record your video while you sit down comfortably. This will allow you to present a less shaky and more stable video. With a webcam, You won’t need to worry about a shaky camera, and your message should be clear. Additionally, webcams are usually inexpensive. As with I mentioned earlier about buying the right video editing software, do the same thing for webcams. Of course, once again you can “Google” for the right webcam. I personally recommend you check out 1080p webcam of Logitech from “Amazon” or “Flipkart”. I use “ChromaCam” software to remove background without using a green screen. For an amazing mic to deliver an incredible experience, switch to Hooke Audio for 3D binaural recording. Hooke earphones provides you with a chance to record audio in 3D and others will feel an immersion in the audio experience. Step 3 – Explore and get familiar with your new software and Webcam. Have fun now! All right then! You’ve spent a fair amount of time and money getting your video editing software and webcam, so now it’s time for you to take a break and have some fun! You’ve earned it! Play around with your webcam, earphones and video software and learn about it. Get familiar with it until it becomes almost second nature. Learn a few tricks about inserting some crazy special effects on your video using Chromacam. Really, have a lot of fun doing all of this. When you’re more relaxed, you’ll probably learn better. Step 4 – Explore and get familiar with YouTube. Have some more fun! There’s a lot of videos of ordinary people like you and me, just doing everyday things, such as: watering a plant or playing with their pets. Explore YouTube and watch other peoples’ videos. Step 5 – Deciding on what kind of video you want to make. Perhaps you want to give your opinion on politics. Or maybe you ‘d like to talk about a certain movie. On the other hand, maybe you would like to show the world how well trained your German Shepard is. if you feel that you have an important message and would like to clearly communicate with your audience, you may just want to write a script for yourself. Just write down what you ‘d like to say, and then record your video, using your script as a guide. Step 6 – Filming your “serious” video. Once you’ve gotten your idea nailed down and have a great way of presenting it, just record your video and label that video as one of the “IMPORTANT” ones. This video will show your image to the world after all. Step 7 – The Final Step – Uploading your video onto YouTube. This is it! The final step and what you’ve waited for! You are about to finally upload your video onto YouTube. You can also schedule the video on YouTube during upload. I personally use Tubebuddy scheduler to schedule lots of videos on YouTube. A screen will pop up on YouTube and tell you the status of your video loading once you upload your video. The amount of time it takes to upload all 100% of your video depends on how long your video is. Once your video has uploaded completely at 100%, you’ll get a message and your video will now be live. Congratulations, you’ve uploaded a video! You earned the credit!!!!!!