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November 22, 2023. part 4. Of course while I was close too one of them hotel or apartment parking lots, my back bike wheel went flat. I tried pumping it up and it didn’t work ! I was so sick and tired of the bullshit man. I felt that no matter what way I try too make money, good or bad, that I was just stuck. Like, doing bad or good things to get money, just wouldn’t work !! I felt like I got too much bad luck man. I mean, not too long before, I just got a new fucking tuber !! When you feel like there’s nothing you can do to get ahead in life or get ahead financially, like it’s just out of your control and you don’t wanna work a job, it makes you very angry !! It’s like being in some type of bullshit supernatural box !! Some shit you can’t break open easily !! It’s like, you don’t have much control over your life !! Anyhow, I seen a cop pull someone over. They ended up letting the person go and making a U-turn, which was coming towards my direction. They kept going and passed me tho. I was cussing and shit, just very angry. I hated the thought of having to walk all the way home. It sucks !!! There’s a reason I got a bike !! Well, two bikes actually. They actually get me places. I actually threw my bike pump further into the street out of frustration at one point. Then I had to go and pick it up. While I was on the other side of this street at one point, trying to get my bike pump too inflate my bike’s tuber, a cop car and some other cars passed by. Keep in mind I had the reciprocating saw with me. So yeah, I walked all the way the fuck home that night bro !! After I got back, I was thinking about the fave and how I’ma just use some of the money from the website sale, to go and get laid. I wanted too see her and hadn’t seen her in months yo !! I drinked some grapefruit juice and eventually went to bed disappointed. In the daytime, I cussed out some nigga on Facebook and threatened his life. I did this because I hate faggots who can’t read !! I hate faggots regardless, but especially when they can’t read !! A faggot is also a guy who willingly doesn’t read what he’s buying when as a man, you’re supposed to pay attention !!! Pay the fuck attention !! It gets me very angry, when people don’t read !! If I said I want you to pay first and to pay cash app only and you text me saying you want to pay cash only, then I’m gonna cuss your mentally fucking reetarded ass out !!! Like, why in the fuck is you texting me ?!!! Dumbass !!! I had a couple choice words with some more idiots that day !! I later logged into my bank and was now able to see my statements of course. Can’t make this shit up. I sent venmo a screenshot and figured this should work. Statements and transactions are different. I went outside with some bike slime to put into my bike’s tuber and the slime is supposed to seal all holes in the tuber continuously for two years. It actually works. I ended up adding some slime in the tuber after taking off this small piece that fits into the Schrader valve. I then added the small piece back and pumped up the wheel. Everything seemed to be going fine, until I saw a part of the tuber bulging out between the rim and the tire. In the back of my mind, I knew it was gonna explode. I didn’t want to believe it was going too. I was real pist off now. How in the god fuck, do I pump up a tire and manage to let part of the tuber slip out of the rim and tire !!! This shit made me so god fucking mad !! At this point, there was like nothing to do !! The tuber explodes and my ear felt funny afterwards.