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Good morning, students! Welcome to the school year 2022-2023! My name is Teacher Jes, your English teacher and I will discuss to you the following: 1. Overview of the Lessons 2. Health and Safety Protocols 3. Classroom Rules Please have your pen and paper with you so you can take note important information while you are listening. After watching the video, you may send your questions through Skype. So, let's get started! First is the overview of the lesson. For this school year, we have a total of four lesson units which are all be discussed in the next few months. First unit is... Then second unit... Next, third unit And lastly, the fourth unit... If you have questions regarding the overview of the lessons, you may pause this video and list down all your questions. Once you are done you can play it again. The next thing important thing that we need to discuss is the health and safety protocols. We will discuss only the basics, since last 24th of June, when we had our simulation and this was discussed to everyone already. First, when we are going inside the school we have to make sure to check our temperature, sanitize our hands, and present our health declaration form at the gate. Then, we have to follow the arrow markings when finding or locating our respective classrooms. Make sure to sanitize first before entering the classroom, an alcohol dispenser is placed at the entrance door. And lastly, while inside the classroom, talking to your seatmates, removing of facemasks, sharing of food and water are not allowed. If you have questions regarding the health and safety protocols, you may pause this video and list down all your questions. Once you are done you can play it again. We are almost done, the last important thing that we need to talk about is the classroom rules. These apply whenever I am the one teaching in front of your class. 1. Attendance - Students must come to the school every face-to-face meeting, and attend online meeting. Students must also comply with the activities/tasks/quizzes given for that particular day. 2. Deadline - Students must submit their tasks/quizzes/activities at least 2 mins before the given deadline. An automatic deduction will be applied once they submitted it after the deadline/later. 3. Be a responsible student -Before going to school make sure that your health and condition are okay, if not, you should inform your teacher prior going to school Also, follow the necessary protocols when entering the school and the classroom. 4. Be mindful of your words and actions -Be mindful of your words when asking our teachers or if we need to talk to our teachers. Be mindful of your actions, make sure that whenever you're at school your actions are aligned with the health and safety protocols mandated. 5. Questions must be asked directly to your adviser/subject teacher -Avoid asking/talking to your classmates, if you have concerns it must asked directly to your adviser or subject teachers. 6. 'We Learn' -There are two participants in the learning process. The 'teacher' who teaches his/her students and the 'students' who learn from their teacher. But in 'we learn' students are not just the one learning but also teaching, they can also contribute in the learning process. Once again, if you have questions regarding the classroom rules, you may pause this video and list down all your questions. Once you are done you can play it again. And, that sums up or discussion for today. Once you are done listing down your questions you can send it to me via Skype so I can answer all of it. Thank you for watching! See you on the next video presentation!