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November 18, 2023. November 18, 2023. part 3. I ended up falling asleep on my bed and in the daytime morning of the 28th, pops woke me up to clean the kitchen. I cleared the sink up and put some of the dishes in the dishwasher. Pops came to my room talking bout two things. Now, he was pissing me off a bit. He mentions ice in the sink from the night before I took out from the freezer, which eventually melts anyway, and some seasonings left out. The only thing that made sense too bother me, was the damn seasonings !! I cleared that stuff up and went back to my room. I later thought of a way to unlock someone’s iPad and I never went back for that iPad that I stole out of a car I broke into and ended up throwing it in some bushes in this park. I may go back for it and take it if it’s still there. This was in the summer. I was thinking about taking someone’s iPad and looking at the finger prints on the screen to see where they put their code in for the numbers too get into the iPad. I turned mine off and shined a phone light on my screen. Finger prints everywhere, but I could still see where my finger prints were circle shaped on the screen. It was where the passcode too enter for the iPad was. Thing is, the order of numbers. But I figured I’d guess. Younger people tho, usually use a pattern of diagonal ways. Older people, more straight forward. So that helps too. I’d like to get into someone’s iPad so that I could hard reset it and sell that bitch !! The iPad I threw in the bushes, has been rained on and got wet, even tho I had put it in a plastic bag. Plus I wiped the prints off anyway. Anyhow, I later on ended up heading out. I ended up biking too the hood after I was on this other main road. I biked too this Jewish college area that was pass the hood. I tried finding a bank that was around there or that said it was around there according to google. I biked up and down the road and was getting frustrated. I couldn’t find the place and tried walking around the college area a bit. At one point, I had asked a young dude like myself, if he knew where the bank was. Guy was saying something and I still couldn’t find it. I ended up biking to Main Street in the hood and down some blocks to the bank. I entered the bank and had too walk across the bank too the other side, too some other doors too get too one of the a t m machines in there. There were two. I withdrew $60 and another black dude like myself was at the other machine. Cool. I headed out the way I came, so I walked back across the bank and went outside with my bike. I biked back toward the house and headed home. I think that that was the day where I got back just in time for it to start pouring rain. Like I was literally in the front yard when it started raining and I started biking pretty fast to get too my bike shed. I put my bike back and ran to the house to get inside. I later on ended up at mom’s. I believe she picked me up. I had me some famous Amos cookies. Different type. The type was a small pack instead of the big box. In the very early hours of the 29th, I was driven back home. I watched the new power book 4 force episode. I also had some black beans over yellow rice with some fish on the side and grapefruit juice with ice. I eventually went to sleep. In the daytime, I got woken up by pops over the counter and stove being dirty. The day was rainy too. I texted big bro that day and asked if he could meet up with some dude who was selling a reciprocating saw that I wanted too buy. Big bro said he could. I asked big bro too test the tool before buying too see if it works. I talked to big bro and the seller too plan a meet up time. That day, I also called the two brothers pizza place and told the bitch who picked up the phone to control one of her employees and said, “ah'aight !?”.