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November 6, 2023. part 7. The loose change, 7 eleven 21 and a triple winning 7's. I won $5 on the triple winning 7's. Afterwards, I headed out the store and biked toward the Hannaford spot. I went pass the sign and biked up the swirly hilly road that led into the parking lot. I parked my bike and was hoping there was valid bitches up in there yo !! When I seen there was none and I’m so deadass, yo bro, I was like what the fuck ! Like what the fuck is going on !! I ended up buying two lottery tickets from the damn lottery machine. The loose change and the 7 eleven 21 tickets. I ain’t win shit bro !! I headed up outta there, got on my bike and ended up biking deeper into red hook. I ended up stopping at this place called “red hook diner”. I went inside and they had a fish tank, a nice floor and red cup like coverings over the lights that were hanging from the ceiling and the place was just chill. I ended up picking out a menu to look at and took it outside with me. I wanna try that place one day, I biked further and saw this building with multiple pumpkins in a row in front of the building. The pumpkins were on these wooden pallet boards. I continued to bike and eventually entered another city. City of red hook, I biked and saw this place I wanted to try called, “Cancun’s”. They had some damn good ratings man !! I finally got to Cancun’s. I headed inside the place and ordered a grilled chicken fajita. This place was decorative also. The chairs’ backs had designs carved a certain way. The designs were different colors per chair and resembled plants. The leather seats by the windows, had a design of nature of some sort as well. When the food was ready, I got it and walked across the street and down the block a bit where these metal gray tables and chairs were outside. I ate and the food was pretty fucking good. I felt crazy eating that food. Like yo, my energy was going down. I felt like I was gonna pass out and the good thing is that I have quite the appetite. I really have a big ass appetite. The sun was almost setting now. Like it was about sunset and I just didn’t give a fuck. I was glad to have biked and enjoy my day man. Tho I didn’t flirt with bitches. After eating, I walked around the corner and saw this design of a red hook, on this gray brick wall. It seemed to be made out of metal. So cool. And I was seeing some places with them red hook symbols. Next too the red hook, was a plastic sign. Some of the words on it was, “shop and dine local”. Cool. The hook just looked so fucking cool !! I biked further some more, stopped at a Sunoco gas station market and brought a triple winning 7's lottery ticket. I didn’t win shit. I walked out and biked more down the road. I ended up spotting a diner and another Stewart’s and so I crossed the street. I went into Stewart’s and brought a loose change lottery ticket. I ended up winning $1 and whenever that happens, it’s a sign I shouldn’t play again. I paid $1 and won $1. Whenever I play after that, I lose. It’s crazy. Luck is different from person too person. I walked out and went into the diner spot. I looked at the menu after asking for one and walked out. They didn’t have a menu to where you could take one out the store. I biked further down and stopped at this CVS pharmacy. I locked up my bike to this locking bike thing and went inside. Another bike was also there. It was a black color. This place had a long ass hallway my Nigga !! Shit was crazy. You walk down the hall and make a left to get to the shopping area of the store.