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November 6, 2023. part 4. The place is like a monument of some sort. It looks like one of those designs. A bit like the White House, but not quite. The place was more of a beige color too. I walked around the area a bit and saw these goats behind the gate, which was fucking crazy because they were up on a steep hill. There was a sign saying too not feed the goats. I guess I could call them mountain goats. They got mountain lions, I mean. I walked around the building and of course took some pictures of it. I was wondering how much it would be to get inside. These two older ladies were walking around and I asked them how much it was to explore the building. One lady said to go down too the office and ask the people and she pointed and said where it was. Cool. She also told me that it’s worth it and also mentioned some Roosevelt building too explore as well. So I headed down to the office and there was this tree to the right, that had grew out of the ground sideways. Interesting. I went inside the office and when it was my turn on line, I asked how much it was to explore the building. The guy said $10 per person. I then told him I’d come back. I knew I’d be gone all day and people may worry, so that’s the only reason why I didn’t explore the place !! My family is so fucking annoying at times !! I headed deeper into the park, the opposite way of where I had came from. I wanted to see how deep the park went. I ended up seeing and biking pass this parking lot that was some distance away. Some distance to my left, was the cliff. I end up exiting the park and biking toward the direction of Staatsburg now. I passed a bricked apartment area and just thought about how easy it would to break into some cars. I could go there at night and see what people got in they shit. People are usually less on guard in nicer neighborhoods and I’m not tryna fuck up a nice neighborhood, but man I like breaking into cars. I’m not gonna lie. It’s like getting pussy for the first time and so, you want to keep getting it. When you find something you like doing, no matter what it is, you want to keep doing it bro. That’s part of the reason people advise people too just be legit. Because if you like fucking people over, it’s just hard too stop. Anyway, I ended up on the right side of the road at one point and as I kept biking after some time, these jumping black bugs were on the side of the road. What the fuck ?! I was tryna avoid them by just staying on my bike and biking over them or through them basically. I continued too bike and thought I was out of hyde park. I ended up stopping at this gas station market. A brown color on the outside. They had a sign that said they take e b t. I went into the spot and didn’t win any lottery. I headed out and biked some more. I saw some cops cars, people on the road, a tow truck and a fire truck, along with a red fucked up car on the side of the road as I kept biking. Damn !! Another car that was black, was being pulled up on a tow truck. Tires on both cars were fucked up. A road crosser guy, was on the next road too my right. A guy who makes sure people cross the road safely. I continued too bike after being nosy and taking pictures and ended up passing by some big building. A beige color. I continued to bike and passed the sign of staatsburg. I ended up biking pass this antique shop. I biked and biked and it seemed like the road was turning into a highway. Biking through staatsburg, was like biking a long ass country road !!