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WHEN YOU WANT TO BE WHITE SO BAD YOU PRETEND YOU NEVER WERE BLACK September 19, 2024Woke or Asleep, 13th Amendment, 1619 Project, Abortion, Accountability, Authoritarianism, Believe ME Not what you see, Black Conservatives, Blacks for Trump, Buy My Vote, Caste, Change Gonna Come, Christian Nationalism, Cowardice, Critical Race Theory, Cult religion, Danger to America, Deceit and Trickery, DEMOCRACY DIES, Diversity, CriticalRaceTheory, Dont Say Gay, Elections Have Consequences, Facebook, Facism, Flat Earth Society, Freedom of Speech, Gay Rights, Get Out The Vote GOTV, Haters, Human Trafficking Slavery, Hypocrisy, I Am Somebody Too, I heard you but I also saw you, Just plain stupid, KKK, Make America Great AgainMAGA, Miseducaton of the Negro, NAACP, On Your Knees Kiss the Ring, Opinion Pieces, Project 2025, Race In America, RaceBased Decision Making, RACE, RELIGION, SEXGENDER, Racism, Religious Rights Theocracy, Rogue Governors, Rotten Aplles in Barrel, Separation of Church and State, Sorry About Your White Feeling, Sorry MY Liberty, YOUR Death, Sorry Not Sorry REPENT, Top Secret, True Believers Closed Minds, VOTE Like Life Depended on it, Wannabees and Losers, What Were They Even Thinking, When he shows you who he is, White Christianity, You Are MY PROPERTY IS THIS THE BEST THAT MAGA GOP BLACK CONSERVATIVES CAN DREDGE UP httpspeople.commarkrobinsoncommentspornographicsiteblacknazi8715558 Hypocrisy on steroids with a good dash of selfdenigration and shame floats on the top of the water until you flush it down the drain... Enter MAGA GOP hero Mark Robinson Donald Trumps endorsed candidate to be elected the next governor of the state of Michigan. Many of you have seen some of my disdainful comments about Negros with Black skin who wish they were white, and spend their entire life trying to cross the line to pass for white people. I have pointed to men like Clarence Thomas, Byron Donald, Tim Scott and a few others even in the past few weeks. Do not get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with wanting to support and advocate for truly conservative positions of public policy. But in my mind, no one who is so eager to please their white MAGA masters like Donald Trump to the point that they grovel before him and try to ingratiate themselves is no one I can respect. Those of us who know the history of slavery are well aware that there were always some negros who tried to be the lapdogs of their white masters and shucked, jived, and grinned in order to be patted on the head or butt and allowed to sleep in the big house with the masters they loved. That history shows that in most cases those negro overseers and special slaves ultimately were demoted and sent back to work in the fields with those who they had been charged to oversee as white lords with black faces. If those negros could not pass as actually being white because they were fair skinned negros, there was no place they could go when they were no longer useful. Today on CNN and numerous credible news outlets all across the political spectrum we are learning about the hypocrisy and pathetic nature of one of the most pitiful of those MAGA GOP Trumpers North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson. He epitomizes what seems to be the dream of many Black GOP MAGA wanabees in 2024. httpswww.cnn.com20240919politicskfilemarkrobinsonblacknaziproslaverypornforumindex.html httpswww.msnbc.comrachelmaddowshowmaddowblogmarkrobinsonnorthcarolinagovernorcnnreportpornblacknazircna171856 Sadly I share this posting with my Black Conservative MAGA wanabee friends who are still trying in their own minds to suppress feelings of guilt about denying their own upbringing and history, feelings of guilt about not actually being able to be Black and Proud of their heritage no matter what their station in life, about valuing money and pseudopower more than character and selfrespect. It is a hard bargain with the devil to trade selfrespect and empathy for an enslaved demographic of the United States that includes your own mothers and fathers all for a job with a title, a BMW in the driveway, a god you really do not know or believe in, and a white trophy wife or girl friend. As George Jefferson told Weezy in the break trhogh sitcom The Jeffersons long ago, We movin on up, Weezy to an appartment in the sky... I have written about Black MAGA Conservatives on numerous postings on my BlackGold Blog over the past few years. Those of you who are interested to know what I say about this group of hypocrites and wannabees can read many of those postings on my Blog websites where I am not quite as restrained by community standards of how I share my thoughts compared to what Meta FB allows me to state on their platform. Check out this BlackGold blog keyword link httpsblackgold.orgblogcategoryWannabeesandLosers So, let me just say that I do not fault Mark Robinson because he made very lewd and despicable statements on porn websites. Many men have made trips to such websites in moments of lust and curiosity including me. While some go to the dark corners of the internet when they think no one is watching, the internet has a long memory. So how can I fault Mark Robinson for being caught in what he thought was an anonymous moment where he showed his real sexual lusts and character But I have never claimed to be a Black Nazi, said such hateful statements including statements that Jews and Gays need to be killed, nor stated that slavery was a good thing and that I would love to have some slaves in my life today. Mark Robinson has said at least some if not all of these hateful and selfdepracating statements... CNN Broke this story today. Sad excuse for a MAGA GOP Trump endorsee to be the next governor in a state with many Black residents and citizens whose ancestors were slaves in the state of North Carolina. You can read some of the details of this breaking news in many places on the internet today. I would suggest you might want to start here httpspeople.commarkrobinsoncommentspornographicsiteblacknazi8715558 httpswww.advocate.compoliticsmarkrobinsonncgovernorstatementsrebelltitem1 Share this post