Read Aloud the Text Content
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Text Content or SSML code:
<Speak> <prosody rate="medium" volume="medium">As I settle into my comfortable position,</prosody> <break time="2s"/> <prosody rate="slow" volume="x-soft">I feel a gentle wave of <prosody rate="slow" volume="x-soft" pitch="low">CALMNESS</prosody> spreading through me…</prosody> <break time="2s"/> <prosody rate="slow" pitch="medium">I allow myself to <prosody rate="slow" volume="medium">EMBRACE</prosody> this moment fully,</prosody> <prosody rate="slow" volume="x-soft">feeling <prosody rate="medium" volume="medium">SAFE,</prosody> <prosody rate="medium" volume="medium">SUPPORTED,</prosody> <prosody rate="medium" volume="medium">and READY</prosody> to receive positive suggestions.</prosody> <break time="2s"/> <Speak>