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October 7, 2023. part 11. Fucking clowns !! The things that were actually mine that I listed, so my furniture, I was getting scam messages on. Almost every time I’ve gotten scam messages on a listing, no real people who were serious, brought my furniture. So the shit gets me so mad when I get these dumb god fucking Indians contacting me. I think they somehow fuck up my listing in a way to where nobody real is contacting me. I don’t know. This is exactly why I started breaking into cars !! I was thinking about how I can’t wait to get that outfit. I'd be breaking into cars on and off camera !! If you know, you know. That day, I knew that I was barely even getting much money for the big Ass bookshelf I was in the process of making at the time. And this is exactly why I charge so high for certain items. Materials are expensive as fuck !! Later on that day, I walked outside and had remembered that one of the neighbors, had his aquarium tank out for free. I walked up toward his front yard and he was outside. Thank god. I was about to walk up to his door and I think he has some dogs. At least one. I don’t like dogs and will put one down if I got too. Anyhow, I asked him if the tank is free and he said it was. We shouted a bit too hear each other, as were some distance away and my hearing isn’t the best. I got mad ear wack's. So I decided to take the tank and he asked if I needed help. I said no and carried the tank too my house. I was planning on selling it. Later on, I had 4 nacho cheese shell tacos with some Nathan fries and ketchup for lunch. The tacos come extra wide and I love those types !! Some time later, for dinner, my sister had made some delicious tofu and I had some over yellow rice. It was very good. Lil bro didn’t seem to care for it and even criticized it. My sister came into my room and asked me how the beef was. I got mad and asked why she would feed me beef. I don’t eat beef or pork. I just was raised not too and don’t see the reason too. My sister is vegan. My brothers tho, eat beef. She asked me what’s wrong with beef and I said that I don’t eat that !! I told her to get out my room and as we were walking up the stairs, she mentions to lil bro how she asked me how the beef was, blah blah blah. Lil bro said that it’s not even beef. It’s actually tofu, but like a beef tofu. They call it beef tofu because they try to make it resemble beef. But it’s tofu, but it is tougher than regular tofu. My sister play too much. I was also trying again to charge up my bike light and the button’s light actually went too blue this time. Which is medium power. Green is full power. Red is low power. Flashing red, means it’s almost dead. I also ended up logging into my mercari account and couldn’t believe I still had one. Very sick of Facebook’s and Craigslist’s bullshit, I wanted to try mercari again. I had to actually change my bank information. So this account is from like last year at least. Cool. In the very early hours of the 13th, I had sanded down the stairs that I had to replace. I’ll talk more about the 13th and later dates in the next journal. Until next time, peace out !!