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October 7, 2023. part 5. You’re broke ass can’t afford to lose $90 ?! I called the dude a faggot and said how the person stole my stuff. I knew this scam wouldn’t work that well. Copying and reposting posts from Craigslist, is better because you usually can’t find the stuff that they’re listing, anywhere else online. I was thinking of just stealing things from google lens, but including the real seller’s media of some sort. Instagram, Facebook, etc. but then a potential sucka, may text me and the real seller. So that ain’t nothing but a waste of time. That day, Craigslist also flagged most of my shit. Of course !! This is exactly why they’re fucking reetarded !! I posted some of the listings to Facebook as well. I headed to the barn some time later to check on the bookshelf parts. I checked through the barn door and nothing had fell down or anything. I ended up calling a pawn shop and asking if they took so and so. I asked if they took iPads, chargers, Ryobi batteries, bike lights, etc. I hung up after speaking too the guy and called back and asked if they take phone chargers. He said he could and asked, “but what are you gonna get for that ?!”. I called another pawn shop and I ended up biking to dollar general. When I biked there before, I had left my bike pump there. I was hoping it was still there !! I rushed too there and nobody had took it. But it did rain tho. I was quite surprised. I had to buy some candy from the store. Like, I was happy nobody took it. I brought some sour Mike and Ike’s and some sour lemonade stand jolly rancher gummies. I biked down the road and ended up biking to the hood. I went to the pawn shop and exchanged each charger that I stole from people’s cars and one I robbed off a bitch, for a dollar each. I went out the store feeling cheated. Like, I could’ve sold them online. And the way I’d do that, is by false advertising. At least by how the charger looks. I had a purple charger that I stole from breaking into a car. So what I’d do, is list a black charger that’s the same type and same size as the purple one I stole. Then when the buyer meets me in person, they would see that charger would be purple instead of black. That’s how I’d do that. I biked down the block more and was gonna stop at Gino’s. I thought they was opened, but they was closed. I biked down some more and see this Mexican ice cream spot on this corner. The corner is like a sharp turn. Or is shaped like an acute angle. So the more you go down the block, the further the divide between the two sides of the blocks are. I biked deeper into the hood and biked passed this watermelon truck. They had a table out with some watermelon on it. I biked out of the hood and my plan, was to head to this pizza shop place to try their pizza. I biked to “Mike & Joe’s brick oven pizza Italian restaurant”, I parked my bike outside and went inside. I brought me a regular slice and the lady asked if I wanted it to go. I told her that I wanted it to stay. I headed outside with the pizza when it was hot and ate it at one of the tables out there. I walked down into this smoke shop after I was done eating, hoping that they had arizona's. The door too the place seemed shattered. I felt the door and realized that that was just the design. I went inside the place and it looked quite nice. There was a guy behind the counter and they ain’t have no drinks there, so I left. I drinked one of my water bottles that I brought with me, while on my way to Stewart’s. I biked too Stewart’s and threw out the pizza plate I had into this garbage that was between two gas station pumps. I went into Stewart’s and brought a lottery ticket, I won $1 and headed out, fucking hate when that shit happens !! They cost $1 !! I headed toward and pass Dutchess college. I passed this house with a big ass skeleton. People getting ready for halloween. I headed into the kokopelli’s pizza pasta burritos place. I parked my bike up against the window. I asked them for a regular slice of pizza and this place was cheaper. I like to try different pizza spots and compare. Different food spots really, but pizza is inexpensive. I headed out with the pizza when it was done and biked to this senior citizen home. Same place I went to back in April and the bitch was staring at me.