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October 7, 2023. part 4. Out of every door in the fucking house, my door !! I was nearly enraged !! It felt like it was on purpose, which made me even madder !! I don’t really like dogs to begin with ! I find dogs, at least larger ones, too be fucking stupid !! They’ll invade your space, until you put they ass down. A bit later, I did a google image search of the dresser I listed, that people have been texting me about. I got the dresser listing from off Craigslist and plenty of people had texted me about it. I did a google lens search to find similar dressers to the one people were texting me about. That way, I’d copy the post of those dressers and see if they out do the original dresser people have been texting me about. This would enhance the chance of scamming someone. And one thing I hate about scamming, is that it could be traced. I’d rather be stealing valuable shit that I could sell, than too scam. You just gotta steal things the right way. Meaning, in a way you’re not gonna get caught !! Steal and then quickly sell the item you stole too a pawn shop, or if it’s a catalytic converter, then too a scrap yard. With scamming, niggas could track and even do charge backs. Best types of scams, are the ones where people pay you cash, too do a job and you decide to not do the job !! With scamming, you gotta trick a bunch of people. With stealing, you just snatch what they got and resell it without a trace !! Anyhow, I stole some posts from multiple websites that came up from the google lens search. Such as from Etsy and a couple other websites. Google lens is so fucking awesome man !! I was planning to list the things I stole from google lens searching, onto Craigslist and Facebook. Thing is, someone could do a google lens search on the listings I stole. And that’s exactly what happened a bit later on. And this is exactly why I like stealing better. You’re there physically and it’s a nice rush to have that goes around your body. Selling things online is so fucking slow !! You snatch something, you could go to a shop and sell that bitch quick !! So a guy hit me up from Craigslist about one of the listings I stole from the results of google lens. I had posted the item too Craigslist and he was ready to leave a $90 deposit for it. He ends up realizing I’m tryna scam him. Nigga did a google lens search himself on the dresser and found it. Nigga tells me I’m a scammer and how the fuck he know I ain’t the real seller !! The nigga could be selling on Etsy and on Craigslist. Fucking morons !! Too dumb too support local businesses that handmake furniture, but not dumb enough to get scammed. This stupid ass shit pisses me off !! Because it’s like, people are just stupid smart !!! Stupid and smart at the same time !! They’re mixed as fuck !! You’re that paranoid, too where you do a fucking google lens search !!