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October 7, 2023. part 2. Fucking idiots !! I didn’t need them fucking with that account next. Any little thing because of their shit ass dumb fucking a i, and your account could be snatched down !! I looked up the weather that day and it said it wouldn’t rain until nighttime. It was still cloudy tho. That day was cloudy. I wanted to get me some food and renew my website plan. I walked the dog earlier than the time I usually do because I wanted to head out. When I came back inside with the dog, pops said it wasn’t time yet and I had told him I was going out. Pops asked me about the tool big bro agreed to bring. He mentions the stairs being dangerous and that big bro may forget to bring it. I soon texted lil bro, telling him to not let big bro forget the reciprocating saw. Pops then says it may be good to have the same tool big bro has, for the house. I agree and we actually headed to Home Depot. I told him that we also needed some polyurethane for the stairs. He said that was fine. I picked out a pry bar and a reciprocating saw. I waited for pops at the register. I had texted him. I thought about giving the fave a pry bar instead of a bat, as metal hurts much more. If anyone messes with her, she could knock them upside the head. Pops gives me the card to pay and as I do pay, he continues walking into the store to get some items. Of course, I forgot to get the floor polyurethane. As he was at the register and I had waited for him, I told him that I forgot one thing. I gave pops back the card and the stuff I brought and he gave me another card. I went and got the gallon size of polyurethane for the floor. The varathane brand that they had. The glossy type too. I brought the item. On the way back, pops said I smell musty and asked if I showered. I hadn’t, so I said no. He lectures me a bit and I been depressed. Depression makes you not wanna do shit !! All the ways of tryna get my money up and life’s been a real bitch !! And for no reason neither. Karma ain’t the reason neither !! When I was going completely legit, I was dealing with the same shit !! Life’s a bitch at times when you don’t know what too do !! You feel like you’re in the box that’s a force field and no matter what you do, you can’t achieve what the fuck you’ve been trying to achieve. And what gets you angry, is that it ain’t even that fucking hard too achieve !! Putting close to $200 toward an ad campaign for more sales on your website and getting laid at least every 3 months from 3 different escorts for the price of $160 each, shouldn’t be that fucking hard !!! My god !! And some little $160, so $480 per 3 months, shouldn’t hurt !! Multiple good sales, could easily get you that amount !! That’s why I been trying to save up too run an ad campaign for my website !! To get some damn customers !! And that’s exactly why I’ll be cutting off people’s catalytic converters and selling them at scrap yards. You’ll get at least $150 per catalytic converter and they don’t care where you got it from !! You’re making them money !! So yeah. Now too achieve my goals, I have to slice them bitches off and sell them. Right now, at least 4 to 5.