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Policy recommendations Concluding policy recommendations derived from the current study for fostering a competitive and sustainable decarbonization of the Polish power system include: 1. Establish Technology-Inclusive Foundational Groundwork: • Develop regulatory frameworks and permitting processes to support the expansion of all technologies. • Focus on reducing costs, eliminating barriers, and resolving conflicts of interest to facilitate cost-effective and scalable deployment. 2. Promote Onshore Wind Expansion: • Maximise the deployment of onshore wind power within the limitations of conflicts of interest. This corresponds to approximately 70 GW in this study, a sevenfold increase from the current capacity. • Maximise the build rate to expedite the phase-out of costly and environmentally detrimental coal power, thereby limiting CO2 emissions. 3. Advance Nuclear Power: • Target the establishment of a nuclear fleet surpassing a total capacity of 8 GW in the long term. • Investigate measures to facilitate the repurposing and repowering of coal power plant sites with nuclear reactors. • Nuclear power reduces reliance on transmission infrastructure, fossil-based generation, reserve capacity as well as it provides fossil-free firm capacity to the Polish grid. 4. Facilitate Natural Gas Power Plants with Carbon Capture: • Facilitate the implementation of natural gas power plants equipped with carbon capture capabilities. • Establish infrastructure for the transport and storage of captured CO2, providing dispatchable capacity to complement weather-dependent wind power. 10 5. Swift Transition away from Coal: • In the short term, replace coal power with more cost-effective natural gas combined-cycle and open-cycle gas turbine power plants. • Promote CCS retrofitting of these power plants. 6. Encourage Demand-Side Flexibility: • Promote initiatives to increase demand-side flexibility, particularly in electric vehicles and industrial hydrogen demand as well as household heating with accumulator tanks. Significant demand-side flexibility is an important ingredient in all modelled scenarios. 7. Reinforce Transmission Grids: • Reinvest and make new investments to strengthen local, regional, and national transmission grids. Significant grid reinforcement is a prerequisite for the extensive deployment of cost- effective onshore wind capacity