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October 6, 2023. part 4. She just stomps upstairs and says “you could tell him”, too pops. Pops comes down the stairs and I said how lil bro always does this crap !! He said that I do it too when I go over too mom’s place. That’s crap. I felt lil bro been on some bullshit lately, at the time. Pops says I got dishes and that he’ll owe me some days. I did the dishes and afterwards, I played some call of duty black ops 4. In the very early hours of the 9th, I was gonna do the stairs, but pops wanted me to wait until he goes to sleep so that he doesn’t get in he way. A little after midnight, I made myself some turkey ground breast tacos. Tacos with turkey ground breast. I had 4 hard tacos and one soft one with the taco sauce. I also had a glass of orange juice. Afterwards, pops went to sleep and I started sanding down the second set of stairs. Like, I was tryna get paid ! I had wanted to pay the fave to help her out and I been planning for some time now, too run an ad campaign through Bing, for my website. Too get customers. Hopefully I get back more than what I put into the ad. If I put in $150 to run the ad, hopefully I get back at least $250 from sales. I was behind on my website bill and I needed more polyurethane. I knew everything was gonna eat up my money at the time. I buy the gallon size of polyurethane. It’s a better deal. I was hoping I could scam someone for $50 and then send that too the fave. I was thinking how if only I could scam someone for just $100 through cash app, then I’d send $50 to the fave and could also pay my overdue bills. I felt that my financial situation was a mess at the time and that I had just finished the stairs like a week prior. I was in a bit of a jam. I needed polyurethane, but specifically for the floor. It’s different from the regular polyurethane you use on furniture. Floor polyurethane can handle high feet traffic. I needed a sucka too scam now, more than ever. While sanding, dust was going all over the place. Partly because my fucking sander bag that catches dust, has a hole in it !! Plus, the dust part was also loose and I was mad as fuck !! I paid $50 for this shit almost 3 years ago. It been got a hole sometime back somehow. I felt that a sander I spent $25, like my first sander, was better quality. I hate trash quality bruh !! I was thinking how if I sell this sander, I’d probably get $25 at most. I was wishing I could just get a full refund !! I was also wondering if the orbital sander would be better at stripping. I’ve seen orbital sanders with 40 grit, but never the palm sanders with 40 grit sandpapers. I gotta look it up and see if a 40 grit sandpaper exist for palm sanders. I was thinking about adding mineral spirits too the stairs afterwards. I just felt I should’ve brought another replacement sander. Same one as my first one. As I’m still very angry about this piece of shit thing, my sister comes out the room at around 2 a m and by this point, I been sanding the stairs down for some time. A while. She complains about me sanding at 2 a m. Gonna say some stupid bitch shit, like how typical bitches who don’t got a man talk !! Talking bout why I chose too do this now and blah blah blah. Yo, shut your bitchass the fuck up !!! I can’t do it in the daytime you dumb bitch !!! Can I !! I told her I didn’t care !! Like, you don’t pay me shit !! So shut your ass up !! And you for god damn fucking sure don’t tell me what the mother fuck too do !! Bitch !! I told her I had one stair left, cause I did and she asked me what the attitude was for. Asking dumbass questions ! You had the nerve too interrupt me working, when you aren’t the fucking one paying !! I headed downstairs to get some more sandpaper. After each stair, I would switch out the sandpaper so that I’m not on one stair, sanding forever ! Bitch of a sister talking bout she don’t care about my attitude. So you don’t care about my well being !? Then fuck you, you stupid ass bitch !!! Go cut your wrists !! Anytime I show anger, it’s for a fucking reason !!! I don’t get angry because I like it !! That’s fucking stupid !!! Too many times, I’m pist the fuck off !! And that shit ain’t healthy. You coming out your room too talk fucking reetarded too me, is quite fucking stupid !!! I know when and how too do things !! Dumbass fucking bitch !!!