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October 6, 2023. part 2. I ate my hot chips and went back to the fabric store, Joann’s. Mom brought some fabric. We headed out and she drives us to the hood afterwards. We ended up at Nelly’s on Main Street. Mom brought some food for me and Ayy goon. Ayy goon is the ancestors and we have a whole set up for that. Sort of like a shrine. I had mom get me some chicken, beans and yellow. We headed to stop and shop next. I saw these Goya mango wafers and I gotta try them one day. I also saw some chocolate turtle apples. They were in front of this 99 cent sign. So like anyone, you’d think it’s 99 cents. A dollar. When I got on the self checkout part, I asked the guy who I don’t like, who lil bro feels is tryna get close to him and set him up, if the apple is 99 cents. He has me wait a minute and then tells me they’re not. So why the fuck is a 99 cent sign in front !! Whoever put that there, is a fucking dickhead !! Anyway, I headed to the dollar store and brought some salsa chips. Mom and I eventually headed back to her place. I ate my food and then helped mom a bit. Some old movie was on, about bumpy Johnson. Movie came out in the 90's. Mom and I was watching it. The movie has Lawrence Fishburne in it. I ended up falling asleep on the couch. On the 7th, I cleaned up mom’s place quite a bit. I really helped out. I scammed another person. They apologized about not reading the description and ended up sending the money. This time, a female. I texted this escort for a video, since now, more money had been sent to her. She said to give her a minute and that she had a rough morning. As I was moving some stuff around for mom, I found a weed thing by the shoes. I brought it to mom’s attention as lil bro is such a fucking idiot !! Like, who smokes in their mother’s house !! She doesn’t even smoke and she doesn’t like that stuff !! Dumbass !! Stupid nigga always gets caught too. Mom couldn’t believe it. Anyhow, I mopped mom’s floor and she got in the shower. She eventually drives me back home after some time. This bitch who I had planned to do a movie date with, unmatched me on hinge. Fuck that bitch !! She wasn’t helping to come up with plans anyway. I had to do all the fucking pursuing !! I hate lazy bitches !! Uninterested bitchass. I should’ve asked her if she’s down to fuck. My next match, I just might. My sister later on drove me too the dentist. I went inside and they hooked me up and stuff. After some time while on the way out, one of the females at the desk scheduled me another appointment for some months out. I headed out afterwards and my sister drove too Walmart next. They got one in fishkill. She told me the story of when she stole something while in college as we were walking into the store, and as we were in the store walking around. She ended up stealing something from Walmart and that was like her second time stealing. So she got on this bus and a cop car ended up driving in the same direction as the bus. The cop car pulls over the bus and a cop walks on. The cop says whoever stole from Walmart, too step forward. That they got the camera footage. My sister eventually stepped up and said she’s the one who stole. She ends up being taken off the bus and they called mom and pops. She thought that was a bit dramatic. They got her a lawyer and she ended up getting something that doesn’t show up on her record. Someone ends up telling her, that she could never work at a Walmart again. She said that years later tho, she was able too work at a walmart tho and how she was surprised to get the job. Probably because of her record not showing up. Our parents were tripping, talking bout if you steal, then you’ll steal from them. Yeah no. That’s bullshit !! If you steal from random people and could make enough money too sustain yourself that way, then there’s no way in the god fucking hell, you’re going to steal from your parents. And plus, it’s not like she always stole !! She said that at one point, something of mom’s went missing and that mom was staring at her. She got mad with mom and said when she thinks back too that, it still makes her mad. She said she wouldn’t steal from her, like come on now. So yeah. Damn. For some, stealing probably ain’t for. I know for me, it’s good. That’s why I broke into like over 10 cars within 2 months, and ain’t get caught. I’m cautious. Not tryna sound arrogant, but whatever you’re doing, do that shit the right way. If you gotta steal, do it the right way. If you gotta catch a body, do it the right way. By the right way, I mean in a way, too where you don’t get caught !! In a way you don’t injure yourself or do things sloppy. Anyhow, my sister and I headed out the store and we headed over to curbside pick up. She wanted me to ask this guy what to do, since she can’t sign in for curbside pick up. I headed out the car and went to talk too dude. He says a few people are ahead of her and I gave him my sister’s name.