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October 6, 2023. October 6, 2023. October 6, 2023. So back on September 6th, niggas was tripping about me scamming a bitch the week prior. I blocked they ass. That day, I also stained the bookshelf parts and my fucking camera kept cutting off due too storage. I wanted too recorded me building pop’s bookshelf all the way through !! I kept speeding up each video and deleting the original ones so that I could have space too record. It was hot as fuck that day. I went back to the house with my electronics when I was done. I was only in my underwear. I also ended up cussing out some dude who refused to leave a deposit. In the summer, I would scam people with some of my tactics. I actually got too scam someone else that day. I had him send money too a hooker since he used venmo and I ain’t have venmo. I told him to send a screenshot and he did. He paid $25. I then told the guy he paid the wrong venmo. That way, no heat blows back on the escort or me. My plan from now on was too start saying that, every time I scam someone. I’d say that I had them send it to the wrong person. The guy responds, complaining a bit. He said how he doesn’t know how I managed to mess that up and that he could see the same venmo name on other listings. He mentions that he works with cyber security, or some shit like that and that the last guy who did that, had to pay a pretty expensive fine, blah blah blah. So I cussed his bitchass out. The fuck is you talking too !! Pussy !! I called him a faggot after I said it was an accident and he ain’t gonna do shit !! Not too me at least. I blocked his bitchass. I called Home Depot and asked this chick on the phone if they’ll take an item back without a receipt. The chick said yeah, that they should be able too. So I was heading to Home Depot with an unopened box of screws and I was also bringing the x box series x controller. I’ve tried selling it online and it ain’t sell. I was hoping to get $5 for it from GameStop. I biked too GameStop and this bitchass nigga gives me $2.50 !! Mad fuckin reetarded ! And this is why people hate GameStop !! I went into dollar tree with the fucking money and brought two candies. The rips pineapple flavor candy and warheads sour taffy candy. I ate some rips candy and it was good. I had never tried the pineapple flavor before. I biked too the rail trail and headed the wrong way at first. Then I turned back around and went the other way. I get to the Home Depot after some time and this bitch gives me a gift card since I ain’t have the receipt. That’s they policy. I just headed too the paint aisle and brought some mineral spirits. I saw a guy from my school there. We was in a metal shop class. An old guy and his lady ended up getting online before I could. So I headed to self checkout, paid and then left. On the way out of the parking lot, the guy I saw who was in my class, that was in the store, was now in his jeep. He looks at me and asks if I was in his automobile class. I said yeah. He mixed it up a bit. I figured he ain’t recognize me in the store, but he eventually did. I seen him working at a Williams lumber like back in 2022. Back then, I had a mask on. I also saw another chick who was in my woodworking class, at that Williams lumber place. He asked if I wanted a ride and I said that I’m good. He said that it’s hot and asked if I’m sure. I said yeah and he asked how far of a bike ride and I said not that far. I wasn’t too engaging. He’s chill, but I like to bike and we never exactly talked that much. He drives off and I continue to bike. As I’m waiting to cross this street some way up the road, he beeps his horn and keeps going. I waved and then crossed shortly after. Cool. I bike back to the house and when I arrived, mom, my sister and lil bro came outside. Mom said I’m back just in time. I walked too the barn and put the mineral spirits in there. Mom and I headed out. I road with her toward Wappinger's and she went into Joann’s. I went into the Giacomo’s pizza place around there and their regular slices were too expensive. They ain’t no fucking GABY’S, from fucking Queens, New York !! Niggas be charging like $3 or more for a regular fucking slice, when it still tastes like ass !! Or just plain. I headed over to the dollar spot there, by the shoes store and some other store to the left. I brought some hot chips and picked a quarter up off the floor. I ate my hot chips and went back to the fabric store, Joann’s. Mom brought some fabric. We headed out and she drives us to the hood afterwards. We ended up at Nelly’s on Main Street. Mom brought some food for me and Ayy'goon. Ayy'goon is the ancestors and we have a whole set up for that. Sort of like a shrine. I had mom get me some chicken, beans and yellow. We headed to stop and shop next. I saw these Goya mango wafers and I gotta try them one day. I also saw some chocolate turtle apples. They were in front of this 99 cent sign. So like anyone, you’d think it’s 99 cents. A dollar. When I got on the self checkout part, I asked the guy who I don’t like, who lil bro feels is tryna get close to him and set him up, if the apple is 99 cents. He has me wait a minute and then tells me they’re not.