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Silence. KEMPER Andy? ERIN Pepper? Morgan? Silence. KEMPER Let's go. ERIN Wait... Erin slowly walks back towards the way they come from. She stops in her tracks. ERIN Guys!? More silence. KEMPER It's not them, Erin. ERIN You don't know for sure...Andy! Pepper! Morgan! Kemper walks towards her and looks ahead of themselves. KEMPER I'll go look. Erin stays still while Kemper walks slowly into the woods. Erin watches him and shines the flashlight in front of him as well. She sighs as we hear thunder rumbling in the clouds. Erin looks up and sighs. She shines the flashlight at Kemper, who looks around, but sees nothing. He turns towards her and shrugs. KEMPER I don't see anything. Suddenly, the buzz of a chainsaw can be heard from behind Kemper. He quickly turns around to see Leatherface cutting through the branches and making his way right towards Kemper and Erin! Erin screams and accidentally drops the flashlight. ERIN KEMPER! COME ON! Kemper runs towards Erin and grabs her hand. They both take off running deeper and deeper into the woods. Leatherface makes his way through the branches and goes chasing after them while more thunder can be heard. As we go back to Erin and Kemper, we watch as Erin continues to look back. She sees Leatherface coming up right behind them! ERIN Kemper... Kemper turns around. His mouth drops open. KEMPER LET'S GO! Kemper leads as he pulls Erin's hand and they both go running down the branches and bushes. They stop as a large branch sits right in front of their faces with Leatherface coming closer and closer! KEMPER GO! ERIN Not without you! KEMPER JUST GO, ERIN! NOW! She looks at him and suddenly pulls her way through the branch. She looks as Kemper tries to get in himself, but can't. He reaches out his hand as she grabs it. She tries to pull him in but can't! ERIN COME ON! KEMPER I'M STUCK! ERIN WHAT IS THIS, A FUCKING MOVIE!? GET OUT! NOW! Kemper suddenly falls as Leatherface comes up closer to him. Erin falls to the ground she looks up and starts to cry. KEMPER GO! ERIN No...! KEMPER Go find help! ERIN Kemper, I'm not leaving you! KEMPER GO! Erin cries harder and starts to run into the woods. She looks back to see Leatherface at Kemper's feet. She cries and looks ahead of her, seeing nothing but pitch black. More thunder rolls as we suddenly see it start to rain. Erin runs faster and faster, looking back every two seconds. As she looks, she sees no one in sight but herself. The only sounds that can be heard if the rain falling onto the soft ground. She looks up and starts to cry. Suddenly, she trips, sliding into the wet mud. She stands up and looks around. Nothing but falling rain surrounds her. She stands up and starts to walk back towards the van. She walks slowly. No one and nothing can be seen around her. She gives off a sigh of relief and continues to walk. The rain begins to pour harder now. She wipes the mud off of her face and continues to cry. Another sound of a branch breaking is heard behind her. She turns around and sees nothing. She turns back around and continues to walk. Another noise is heard from behind her. She turns around again just as the chainsaw lights up! She screams and runs into the woods. Leatherface chases after her like a wild animal, waving the chainsaw in the air like a maniac. She looks back and sees him coming closer. She stops and looks down to see Kemper lying face down in the mud. He is not moving. She cries and continues to run. ERIN SOMEBODY HELP ME! Erin runs faster and faster until she finally reaches the EXT. LONELY COUNTRY ROAD_RAINING_(CONT.) Erin looks ahead of her to see the van sitting to the side of the road. She looks back to see Leatherface still chasing after her, but still very far in the woods. EXT. VAN_LONELY COUNTRY ROAD_RAINING_(CONT.) Erin makes her way to the van and slides open the door. She steps into the van and slides the door shut. INT. VAN_LONELY COUNTRY ROAD_RAINING_(CONT.) Erin ducks down and lies down on the mattress. She is very close to the side of the van. Only the sound of the rain tapping against the roof can be heard around her. She squeezes herself and closes her eyes tight. She starts to cry quietly. She pushes herself into the back of the van and covers herself with her hands. She stays silent as the rain continues. We look around the van from Erin's point of view and then return to the CAMERA. Erin ducks down more and continues to cry silently. She wipes her tears and looks up. Nothing but the rain. She crawls her way to the side window and slowly looks out of it. There is no one in sight. Not even Leatherface. She sighs and leans back down on the mattress. Suddenly, the buzzing of the chainsaw starts again and Leatherface can be seen standing outside the window! Erin screams and covers her eyes as Leatherface tries to scrape his way into the van with the chainsaw. Erin looks around and suddenly jumps into the driver's seat. She looks back and sees Leatherface still trying to break in. She opens the driver's door and suddenly falls out of the wet mud. EXT. VAN_LONELY COUNTRY ROAD_RAINING_(CONT.) Erin stands up and quickly starts to run down the road. She looks back and sees Leatherface running after her. She cries and continues to run faster. She makes her way into the lonely field and runs through the wet grass. She looks back and sees Leatherface tearing through the grass with the chainsaw. Erin runs and runs, and cries and cries. She falls, but quickly gets back up again. She is very far ahead of Leatherface, but she can still hear his chainsaw buzzing in the distance. Erin pushes through the grass and suddenly sees the old house full of light in front of her. She screams as Leatherface comes closer and closer. She starts to run towards the old house until she is on the EXT. PORCH_OLD HOUSE_RAINING_(CONT.) Erin pounds on the door and looks back to see Leatherface coming closer and closer towards her. ERIN SOMEBODY! PLEASE! Erin suddenly tears open the door and runs inside, shutting it tightly and locking it. INT. HALLWAY_OLD HOUSE_RAINING_(CONT.) Erin, soaking wet, looks around the house for any place to hide. No noise is outside but the rain. ERIN Hello? Somebody please help me! Erin looks around. There is no answer. ERIN PLEASE! Erin looks ahead and sees the sliding door. She pounds on it and waits for a response, which she does not get. ERIN HELLO? SOMEBODY...PLEASE HELP ME! She pounds on it again, but there is still no answer. She tries to open it with her bare hands, but can't. She sighs and tries again. She pulls once more and the door comes sliding open. She falls to the ground and looks at the front door, which remains still. She stands up just as the chainsaw comes running through the door! Erin screams as the chainsaw tears apart the front door. She screams again and runs into the room behind the sliding door. She looks at what's left of the front door to see Leatherface almost step inside. She tries to shut the sliding door, but can't! ERIN COME ON! The door still won't move, and Leatherface busts down the door and comes running towards her! She screams and the door slides shut! INT. DARK ROOM_OLD HOUSE_(CONT.) Erin locks the door with three locks that can be seen all over the sides of the door. She reaches over and looks into the peephole. From her point of view, we see nothing but the dead door. Suddenly, Leatherface's eye comes directly in front of hers! She screams and comes falling back down the stairs. She suddenly sits up as she goes sliding into the dark room, which is full of water. The water is up to Erin's waist. She cries and stands up. She looks around to see the other door in the back, and the door to the left of her, which is closed. She looks up to see the broken window, which Morgan slid out of. Rain comes pouring down into the room, flooding it. She sighs and looks around. She stands up and slowly starts to walk up towards the door on the far left. She opens the door quietly and steps in. She cringes at the bloody hooks. She covers her nose and looks around. Meat and bones lie everywhere on the ground. A loud bang is heard above her. She ducks down and hides behind the door. Footsteps pass her from the hallway. They disappear and Erin opens the door slowly. As she looks around, she sees...MORGAN! He is lying face down on the floor. She runs over to him and falls next to him. ERIN Morgan...Morgan, we must get out of here now! Morgan stands still. ERIN Morgan...? She reaches out to him and movies his shoulders. He sits still. ERIN Morgan...Morgan! Get up! Morgan doesn't move. ERIN Morgan! Erin moves his body up to see that he is completely dead! Water flies everywhere as his body falls to the ground. Erin screams with terror. She stands up and starts to run towards the door when she suddenly hears more footsteps making their way towards the sliding door. Erin turns around and sees the closed door in the back of the room. She runs towards it and opens it to find Andy and Pepper's dead bodies! She screams and slams the door. She panics and suddenly sees the open window. Why didn't she see it before? She runs towards it just as the sound of the chainsaw can be heard tearing at the sliding door. She makes her way out of the window and goes running away from the house. EXT. LONELY FIELD_RAINING_(CONT.) Erin runs through the long stalks of grass and continues to look back. We see through her point of view that Leatherface is coming out of the front door! She screams as Leatherface runs towards her very quickly, waving his chainsaw in the air. We cut back to him and Erin in between shots. Erin screams while she runs. ERIN SOMEBODY! PLEASE! The chainsaw grows nearer and nearer towards her. She screams louder. ERIN HELP ME! Erin runs faster and faster, and no matter what she does, Leatherface seems to be coming closer and closer to her. She falls into the ground and looks up, seeing the van. She gets up and runs past it and finally starts to run down the EXT. LONELY COUNTRY ROAD_RAINING_(CONT.) In a series of shots, we watch as Erin runs down the road and makes her way into the woods, followed by the maniac himself. In a montage of fast moving clips, we watch Erin runs through the woods, Leatherface coming after her, and the rain pouring down on both of them. Erin screams and screams but nothing seems to help. She stops running and looks up, seeing a lonely gas station through the trees. She screams and continues to run towards it. ERIN HELP ME! PLEASE! Erin suddenly gets caught in the branches, tearing her shirt and her pants. She screams and tries to get herself loose. Leatherface comes closer and closer, waving the chainsaw everywhere. She pulls on her shirt, which seems to be tearing. She looks back to see Leatherface comes closer and closer. She tugs on her shirt as hard as she can and she soon falls to the ground, her shirt a little torn. She stands up and starts to run. Leatherface stops at the branches and cuts through them with the chainsaw. Erin runs through the trees until she finally reaches the EXT. GAS STATION_LONELY COUNTRY ROAD_RAINING_(CONT.) As Erin runs, she looks up to see a police car parked in front of the gas station. Just as she runs towards it, SHERIFF HOYT, an old man in his very late fifties, steps out, holding a large mug of coffee. Erin runs towards him. ERIN PLEASE! PLEASE HELP ME! SHERIFF Whoa, whoa, whoa, little lady. ERIN Please help me! Erin falls to the ground, he face covered with dirt and mud. SHERIFF Just slow down and tell me what's wrong. ERIN HE'S KILLING THEM! SHERIFF Who's killing who? ERIN THE MAN...HE'S KILLING MY FRIENDS! PLEASE! HELP ME! SHERIFF Hold on, ma'am. Just calmly tell me what happened. Sheriff Hoyt helps Erin up, who is not leaning against the police car, crying. SHERIFF Just tell me what happened, ma'am. ERIN There was a man...and he was killing all my friends...He was coming after me...With a chainsaw. SHERIFF Oh, come now, miss- ERIN I'M NOT LYING! He's in the woods with a chainsaw! He killed all of my friends! SHERIFF I'll go take a look. ERIN NO! Please! Please don't leave me! SHERIFF Everything gonna be okay, just hold on a minute. Sheriff Hoyt walks away as Erin stares at him, pulling her hair back and wiping her tears. Sheriff Hoyt walks over into the woods and looks into it. The rain slowly comes to a stop. Erin sniffles and tries to help herself from crying. Sheriff Hoyt looks out. He turns around and heads back towards Erin. SHERIFF There's nobody out there. ERIN But he was chasing me with a chainsaw! SHERIFF I understand that, just let me take you to the nearest police station and they can sort it out there, alright? Erin sniffs and then nods. Sheriff Hoyt opens the car door for her and she steps in. SHERIFF I'll be right back, okay? You just sit still. Erin nods and Sheriff Hoyt shuts the door. He looks at her and then makes his way into the gas station. INT. POLICE CAR_GAS STATION_(CONT.) Erin holds herself and looks around. She wipes her tears and looks outside into the woods. She knows what she saw, and she knows that no one believes her. She sets her head down and continues to cry. The gas station door swings open and Sheriff Hoyt walks out, followed by HENRIETTA SAWYER, a young girl of about eighteen. She is very dirty at the moment and holds a young baby. She talks with Sheriff Hoyt as they both make their way to the car. Henrietta opens the passenger's door and steps inside. She looks over at Erin and smiles. Sheriff Hoyt sits himself down in the driver's seat. He looks at Erin and smiles again. SHERIFF This is my daughter, Henrietta. HENRIETTA Hello. ERIN (wipes her tears) Hi... Henrietta smiles as Sheriff Hoyt starts the car. EXT. POLICE CAR_LONELY COUNTRY ROAD_CONT.) We watch as the police car makes its way down the lonely country road. INT. POLICE CAR_LONELY COUNTRY ROAD_(CONT.) Erin looks outside as Henrietta and Sheriff Hoyt stay silent. The baby whines and groans. SHERIFF So what brings you all the way out to Travis County, um... ERIN Erin. SHERIFF Erin. ERIN My friends and I were on our way to Mexico...Then our van broke down. SHERIFF That's never good, is it? ERIN No... SHERIFF So what happened? ERIN We went looking for help...But we didn't find anything. Are you taking me to the police station? SHERIFF I just need to make a little stop at our house...You don't mind, do you? ERIN No... SHERIFF (smiles) Good. HENRIETTA Do you think that we could have her for dinner? SHERIFF That's up to her, honey. Would you like to join us? ERIN I'd rather just go to the station. HENRIETTA Oh, but you must join us. My uncle makes the best meat, right, pop? SHERIFF The best in the county. ERIN I just want to go to the station please. HENRIETTA Alright, but you don't know what your missing. ERIN I just want to go home. SHERIFF That's not going to be for a while, darling. So why don't you just sit back and join us? ERIN I don't know. HENRIETTA Please? For us? We seldom ever get company. SHERIFF Usually we just scare them off, right, sweetie? HENRIETTA That's right. Sheriff Hoyt and Henrietta smile. Erin leans over towards the door. She closes her eyes and looks outside. They pass the van. Erin watches it as it disappears from behind them. They suddenly take a sharp turn into the field. ERIN Where are we going? HENRIETTA We told you. Our house, silly! Erin pants. She pulls her hair back and looks out into the wet grass. EXT. POLICE CAR_FIELD_(CONT.) We watch as the police car makes its way to the same old house we had seen before. Light surrounds it from the windows, making it very eerie. We follow the police car as it suddenly parks in front of the house. INT. POLICE CAR_OLD HOUSE_(CONT.) Erin looks at the house and starts to panic. HENRIETTA Please come on and join us. ERIN No...NO! GET ME OUT OF HERE! SHERIFF Oh come now. Don't be shy. Suddenly, Sheriff Hoyt grabs Erin and pulls her out of the police car. She screams and kicks wildly. Henrietta, who is outside, smiles and watches. She bounces the baby. SHERIFF Open the front door, will you, honey? HENRIETTA Sure, pop. EXT. POLICE CAR_OLD HOUSE_(CONT.) Henrietta makes her way up the stairs and opens the front door. Erin screams and screams, but nothing can be done about it. Henrietta looks at the front door, which is nearly destroyed from the chainsaw. HENRIETTA Hey pop! SHERIFF What is it now? HENRIETTA Look what Bubba did to this door. Sheriff Hoyt turns around and looks at it. SHERIFF That son of a bitch. When he gets here I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind! HENRIETTA I'll go get grandpa. Henrietta walks into the house as Sheriff Hoyt carries the screaming Erin up to the porch. SHERIFF No why are you screaming? I promise you, we're gonna have some fun! Erin screams as we watch them both go into the house. As they walk inside, it begins to rain again. INT. HALLWAY_OLD HOUSE_(CONT.) Sheriff Hoyt walks in the house with Erin while Henrietta makes her way up the stairs. HENRIETTA Grandpa! INT. LIVING ROOM_OLD HOUSE_(CONT.) Sheriff Hoyt walks into the very dirty living room and sets Erin down on the couch. SHERIFF Jedidiah! Sheriff Hoyt smiles at Erin as he covers her mouth. A very young boy, JEDIDIAH SAWYER, runs down the stairs and into the living room, joining his father. He is a boy of about six or seven. JEDIDIAH Yes, pop? SHERIFF Go get some rope for our new friend here. JEDIDIAH Alright. Jedidiah runs out of the living room and into the kitchen. Sheriff Hoyt smiles at Erin, who starts to cry. SHERIFF Now don't you worry. Everything's gonna be okay. Erin closes her eyes and tries to scream. Jedidiah runs into the living room with a long stretch of rope. SHERIFF Thank you, son. Now go fix up the dinner table. Jedidiah runs into the kitchen and runs into the dining room, his hands full of plates. Sheriff Hoyt grabs Erin's arms and ties them up, letting go of her mouth. She screams horribly. Henrietta walks into the living room and sticks a dirty sock in her mouth. SHERIFF Thank you, honey. Now where's your grandfather? HENRIETTA He's coming, He just needs a little help coming down the stairs. Sheriff Hoyt laughs as Erin accidentally spits out the sock. Sheriff Hoyt smiles and grabs her face. SHERIFF You simmer down, now. ERIN WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!? SHERIFF Just stay quiet now. And don't move a muscle. Sheriff Hoyt picks up the sock and stuffs it into her mouth again. Erin's muffled screams can barley be heard. A single tear rolls down her cheek. Sheriff Hoyt smiles and stands up, leaving Erin alone on the dirty couch. Just then, Leatherface walks into the house. Sheriff Hoyt walks over to him. SHERIFF What the hell did you do to this door!? Leatherface says nothing but starts to cry and wail. SHERIFF NOW WE'RE GOING TO HAVE TO GET ANOTHER DOOR! YOU DAMN FOOL! Sheriff Hoyt smacks Leatherface, who makes his way down the hall. Sheriff Hoyt follows him as we stay on Erin, who cries and tries to scream. EXT. OLD HOUSE_FIELD_RAINING_(CONT.) From a high angle, we watch the lit up house as the rain starts to pour even harder. Thunder rumbles and lightning strikes. INT. LIVING ROOM_OLD HOUSE_(CONT.) Erin lies on the couch without moving. Suddenly, she turns to see Jane walk into the living room! She smiles and walks over to Erin. Erin moves and moves, trying to break free from the ropes. JANE DAD! What should I do with the girl? A few seconds pass, then Sheriff Hoyt walks in the room and looks at Erin. SHERIFF Take her to the dining room. Your grandfather is getting a little hungry. Sheriff Hoyt smiles as Jane grabs Erin by the feet and drags her on the floor into the hallway. INT. HALLWAY_OLD HOUSE_(CONT.) Jane continues to drag Erin across the hall until she makes her way into the INT. DINING ROOM_OLD HOUSE_(CONT.) The table is completely set, and very nice, too. One extra chair has been added to the front of the table. Jane picks up Erin and sets her down into it. She looks at her. JANE Car trouble? Jane laughs as we hear Erin's muffled cries. JANE Jedidiah! Get in here! Jedidiah comes running in through the kitchen door. JEDIDIAH What? JANE Do me a big favor and get some more rope, please? JEDIDIAH Why do I always have to get the rope? SHERIFF (from hallway) Do what your sister tells you. Jedidiah stomps off into the kitchen while Jane tends to Erin. JANE Where are your car keys? Couldn't find them, could you? From behind, Sheriff Hoyt steps into the dining room. Jane doesn't notice. JANE (holds keys in air) You're never gonna get 'em back either! Sheriff Hoyt grabs them and stuffs them into his pocket. Jane turns around. JANE Daddy! SHERIFF Jane, now I told you, you cannot keep taking things from a person, that's just not right! JANE But, dad, I was just- SHERIFF Don't but dad me. Now go downstairs and get those other kids for dinner. Jane nods and walks out of the dining room. Sheriff Hoyt leans over towards Erin. SHERIFF Daughters. What can you do? Erin closes her eyes tight as a slight tear rolls down her cheek. SHERIFF Now don't you worry. Everything's gonna be okay. Sheriff Hoyt pulls back Erin's hair and smiles at her. Jedidiah steps in from the kitchen, holding the rope. SHERIFF Give it here, son. Jedidiah hands the rope to his father and then steps back into the kitchen, joining Henrietta. SHERIFF Now, just stay still. Erin kicks as Sheriff Hoyt tries to tie her feet to the chair. He looks up to Erin and gives her a death stare. SHERIFF Just stay still. Sheriff Hoyt tries to do it again, but Erin continues to kick and scream. He sits up and slaps her. Her head goes falling back. SHERIFF I told you to stay still! Erin breathes hard as Sheriff Hoyt comes back down and ties her feet to the chair. He sits up and wipes his hands. SHERIFF That's a good girl. Erin tries to kick and scream but we only hear her muffled cries. Erin looks up and sees Drayton wheel himself into the dining room. Erin looks up as Drayton makes his way to the side of the table, next to Erin. Leatherface makes his way into the room from the hallway. He joins Drayton at the table. Sheriff Hoyt walks into the room, holding a small pocketknife. Sheriff Hoyt smiles and makes his way over towards Erin. Henrietta and Jedidiah follow them. SHERIFF Now this will only hurt for a second. Sheriff Hoyt unties Erin's hands and grabs one of Erin's fingers. He brings the knife closer and closer towards her finger. Everyone laughs and smiles. Leatherface jumps up with excitement. Soon, the blade comes down and cuts Erin's finger! She groans and closes her eyes tight. Sheriff Hoyt holds her finger and brings it close to Drayton. SHERIFF You were hungry, weren't you, Grandpa? Drayton smiles as Erin's finger comes closer and closer to his mouth. Soon, her finger is in Drayton's mouth. He sucks on the blood for a long time. Erin leans her head back and continues to moan and scream. Everyone laughs and leans their heads back. Leatherface jumps up and down and claps his hands together. From Erin's point of view, we see everything slowly fade out and the laughter continue in the background. We slowly fade to a white screen and then FLASH CUT TO: A DARK SCREEN. Then, the sliding door opens, and we suddenly find ourselves in the INT. DARK ROOM_OLD HOUSE_(CONT.) The sliding door opens and we see Leatherface holding Erin by the waist. The ropes are off of her, and the sock is out of her mouth. She screams as Leatherface throws her down into the dark room. Erin goes toppling down the stairs and suddenly falls onto the ground. The room becomes dark after Leatherface slams the skidding door shut. A small light can be seen spreading across Erin's closed eyes. We pan closer and closer towards her closed eye until it suddenly opens. She sits up and looks at the supposedly open window. As she looks over to it, she sees that wooden planks have covered it up. She sighs and looks at her finger. A small amount of blood pours from it. She cries and closes her eyes. She looks around and sees the closed door to the left. She stands up and opens it, almost running smack into one of the hooks. She turns around and shuts the door. As she looks around, she sees Kemper's body lying face down on the ground, his arms outstretched. She cries and sits down next to him. She takes him and holds him tight. Soon, he slowly moves. He isn't dead! Erin looks at his face. His eyes slowly open and Erin smiles happily. ERIN Kemper! Kemper! KEMPER Where the hell are we... ERIN Kemper, we have to get the fuck out of here now! KEMPER I can barley move... ERIN I'll help you, just get up! We need to leave, now! Kemper tries to stand up, but quickly falls to his knees. ERIN Oh, god, Kemper... KEMPER I can't walk... Erin looks around, but sees nothing that can help Kemper. ERIN SHIT! Footsteps can be heard above them. They both stay silent as the footsteps continue to be heard. From above, we hear Sheriff Hoyt screaming at someone. It slowly fades out and Erin turns back to Kemper. ERIN We need to get you out of here... KEMPER How? ERIN I don't know...There's no way except for the front... KEMPER Shit... Kemper can barely talk. He sighs and closes his eyes. ERIN Kemper, no! Just stay with me, okay? You're not going to leave me! Just stay the fuck awake! KEMPER I can try but I doubt anything will happen...I can't feel my legs... Erin pulls her hair back and starts to cry. ERIN Shit... Erin stands up and looks around. She opens the door and looks around for anything to break the wooden boards from the window. She finally finds a large hook and runs over to the window with it. She jabs it into the crack of the boards and tries and pull at it hard. The boards do not come loose. ERIN SHIT! Erin throws down the hook and looks on the table for anything else she can find. She spots a hammer and grabs it. She runs back over to the window and slams the hammer on top of the boards. One of the boards suddenly come loose. She tugs on the board and it comes falling down to the floor. Two more are left, but it's still a small space. She smiles and does the same with the other boards. One of them comes falling down. There is one more left at the bottom of it. She sticks the hammer into it and it suddenly comes loose! She grabs it and throws it down, along with the hammer. She smiles and runs over to the dark room. She leans over to Kemper, whose eyes are half closed. ERIN Kemper, I found a way out, but you need to stand up. You need to help me. KEMPER I can try... Erin picks him up and they both make their way towards the window. He looks up and groans. KEMPER I can't do this... ERIN Kemper, don't do this! We need to get out of here now! Suddenly, there are many footsteps above them. Erin pulls Kemper up towards the window. ERIN COME ON! Kemper finally makes his way through the window. Erin pushes him out of the window. She looks back and hears the sliding door open. ERIN Oh, shit... Erin jumps up and pushes herself through the window. We watch as Sheriff Hoyt runs down the stairs. He sees her and runs towards her. She is almost out the window. SHERIFF Henrietta! GET IN HERE NOW! Sheriff Hoyt reaches for her feet but misses just as she makes her way out of the window. SHERIFF Damnitt! Sheriff Hoyt runs up the stairs. EXT. BACKYARD_OLD HOUSE_RAINING_(CONT.) Erin and Kemper lie down on the wet ground. Erin stands up and grabs Kemper by the waist. ERIN WE NEED TO GO! Erin grabs Kemper and they start to run into the field. INT. HALLWAY_OLD HOUSE_(CONT.) Sheriff Hoyt runs through the sliding door and looks around. He makes his way into the kitchen and comes back out holding a rifle. SHERIFF Henrietta! Stay in here with your brother! I'm gonna bring home the dinner... Sheriff Hoyt runs past the CAMERA and runs through the front door. EXT. FIELD_OLD HOUSE_RAINING_(CONT.) Erin still holds Kemper, who can barely walk, but they are somewhat far away from the house. Sheriff Hoyt runs out and stands at the porch. The rain continues to fall. SHERIFF GET BACK HERE! Sheriff Hoyt fires a shot into the air. Erin and Kemper duck. They both stand up and continue to try and run. Sheriff Hoyt runs towards the police car and steps inside. He starts it up and drives after them. Erin and Kemper fall down into the field, and the police car drives right past them. Sheriff Hoyt did not see them. KEMPER WHAT THE FUCK DO WE DO- ERIN Just stay down...We're going to get the hell out of here. JANE (O.S.) Hell no you're not. They both look up to see Jane standing still, smiling. She reaches down and grabs both of them by the shoulders. JANE HEY, POP! The police car stops and turns around, the headlights flashing on Erin and Kemper. JANE I got 'em! ERIN NO! LET ME GO! JANE You want him, pop? Sheriff Hoyt sticks his head out of the window and smiles. SHERIFF Drop the boy. Jane drops him and the police car zooms towards his body. ERIN No! Jane grabs Erin and runs back into the house. Kemper looks up as the headlights come closer and closer to him. From Kemper's point of view, we watch until the headlights cover the entire screen. We watch as Jane and Erin run back into the house. Kemper's screams can be heard in the background. ERIN (O.S.) NO! Sheriff Hoyt laughs as he drives back towards the house. INT. HALLWAY_OLD HOUSE_(CONT.) Jane holds Erin and drags her into the dining room. She kicks and screams wildly but cannot get loose. INT. DINING ROOM_OLD HOUSE_(CONT.) Jane sets Erin in the seat and grabs a piece of rope. Erin suddenly runs out of the chair and runs out of the dining room! JANE WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING? INT. HALLWAY_OLD HOUSE_(CONT.) Erin runs towards the front door and stops right in her tracks as Sheriff Hoyt stands in front of her. SHERIFF You're not going anywhere. He laughs as Erin turns around to see Jane, Henrietta, Jedidiah, Drayton, and Leatherface standing there. They all laugh as Erin back away. She looks up and starts to run up the stairs. SHERIFF FOLLOW HER YOU FOOL! Leatherface runs up the stairs, screaming. INT. UPSTAIRS_OLD HOUSE_(CONT.) Erin looks around and makes her way into an old room. INT. OLD ROOM_OLD HOUSE_(CONT.) Erin runs inside and shuts the door. She locks it and looks around. There is nothing in the room except feathers lying all over the place and old bones. A loud bang can be heard behind her. Leatherface is trying to get in. She looks around and sees a closed glass window. She looks at the door and then back at the window. She runs towards the window and breaks through it! EXT. BACKYARD_OLD HOUSE_(CONT.) We watch as Erin comes flying through the window in slow motion. She screams as she comes falling down on all the wet sheets. She stays till for a second...Is she dead? Suddenly, she moves and looks up. The window is completely broken. She stands up and runs over to the front of the house. She stops and ducks as she sees Sheriff Hoyt running towards his car. SHERIFF I'll be back! You get her, do you hear me!? Erin stays silent until the police car drives off. She stands up and runs into the backyard. She looks around and sees the old cars. She runs over towards them and opens the door to an old truck. INT. TRUCK_BACKYARD_OLD HOUSE_RAINING_(CONT.) Erin falls to the ground of the truck and stays completely silent. She breathes deep and watches as the rain continues to pound hard on the glass windshield. She breathes hard and closes her eyes tight. She looks around at the dark truck. Noises can be heard from outside. She starts to sit up and looks out the window. Nothing seems to be wrong. She starts to open the door when suddenly Leatherface appears from outside the window! Erin screams and steps back. Leatherface holds the large chainsaw and jabs at the large door. She steps back and makes her way to the driver's door. She tries to open it, but it seems to be stuck! ERIN OH, GOD, NO! The chainsaw continues as Erin tries harder and harder to open the door. Finally, it busts open and she steps out. EXT. TRUCK_BACKYARD_OLD HOUSE_RAINING_(CONT.) Erin runs back towards the house and looks back to see Leatherface chasing after her! She turns the corner to the house and makes her way towards the field. EXT. FIELD_RAINING_(CONT.) Erin screams and runs faster and faster into the field. She looks back and sees Leatherface running towards her, not stopping. She cries and cries, but nothing is helping. ERIN SOMEBODY HELP ME! She screams and runs into the field until she can barely see the house anymore. She looks around and sees that she can no longer see or hear Leatherface or his chainsaw. She stops and looks around. She starts to walk slower into the field. She looks back and starts to run again. INT. POLICE CAR_LONELY COUNTRY ROAD_RAINING_ (CONT.) Sheriff Hoyt drives faster and faster into the road. He looks around and sighs deeply. An angry frown spreads across his face. EXT. VAN_LONELY COUNTRY ROAD_RAINING_(CONT.) Erin can be seen running through the field and stops, out of breath. She looks up and sees the van. She runs towards it and slides open the wet door. She steps in, shuts the door, and locks it. INT. VAN_LONELY COUNTRY ROAD_RAINING_(CONT.) Erin leans over to the mattress and cries into it. She bangs on the side of the door in guilt. She leans down and presses her back against the door. Suddenly, a loud bang can be heard behind her. She jumps and leans back over to the mattress. She cries as Leatherface tries to get in the van with the chainsaw. She cries and cries and covers her ears. Sparks fly as the chainsaw almost opens the door. As they do, Erin covers her ears and cries. She turns and opens the driver's door and runs out, not shutting it behind her. EXT. LONELY COUNTRY ROAD_RAINING_(CONT.) Erin runs down the road, followed by a far away Leatherface. She continues to scream and run down the road. She runs down the road more and more until she sees a small car parked on the side of the road. She runs towards the car and continues to look back. Leatherface is far away, but is coming closer and closer towards her. ERIN HELP ME! INT. CAR_LONELY COUNTRY ROAD_RAINING_(CONT.) Inside, an old chubby woman of about forty-five sits in the driver's seat, smoking a cigarette and tuning the radio. Suddenly, Erin bashes on the side of the passenger's window. The woman jumps and sees her. ERIN PLEASE! OPEN THE DOOR! WOMAN (trying to calm her down) Alright, alright! The woman opens the door and Erin steps inside and slams the door. She locks it quickly. WOMAN What happen- ERIN Just go! Please! WOMAN What's the hurry? ERIN DRIVE! PLEASE! The woman looks at Erin and then starts the car. EXT. CAR_LONELY COUNTRY ROAD_RAINING_(CONT.) The car goes zooming down the road just as Leatherface approaches it. It zooms down until it becomes a small speck. Leatherface screams and waves the chainsaw in the air. INT. CAR_LONELY COUNTRY ROAD_RAINING_(CONT.) Erin looks back and watches at Leatherface becomes a small speck. She turns back and looks ahead at the road. The woman sits still and drives. She wears very thick glasses and dark lipstick. WOMAN What was going on with you back there? ERIN (trying not to cry) It's a long story, I just want to go home. WOMAN How about the nearest police station? ERIN I dunno... WOMAN I have a house just a little further up here. You can rest there for a second while I call the police. Does that sound alright? Erin nods. There is silence after that. ERIN Thanks...for the ride... WOMAN I always try to help someone. It's my job. The woman smiles and Erin half smiles. She looks out the window and covers her forehead. She is trying hard not to cry. WOMAN It's alright, dear. You can just tell me everything that happened when we get to the house. ERIN How much longer is it? WOMAN Just a few minutes. You know not many people live out here. It's just like our own little town. There's so little of what you can do. Erin stays silent and listens. WOMAN I can't even imagine what happened to you...But I promise you that I will take care of you. Erin nods and closes her eyes. She cries silently and breathes deep. EXT. CAR_LONELY COUNTRY ROAD_RAINING (CONT.) We watch as the car makes its way closer towards a small house on a hill. Lights from inside of it blare on. The car suddenly turns a corner and we watch as it finally makes it way to the house. INT. HOUSE_RAINING_(CONT.) The woman and Erin walk inside the house quietly. Erin looks around to see that the house is very warm and cozy. Different kinds of sculptures are everywhere. A warm fire burns in the corner in a furnace. Erin runs over it and warms herself up. WOMAN Oh, dear, come back here, I'll get you a warm blanket. Would you like some tea? ERIN No...No thank you... The woman nods and disappears into the back of the house. Erin turns back towards the furnace and warms herself up. She starts to cry silently. The woman comes back and wraps the blanket around Erin's shoulders. She then walks over to a large rocking chair and sits in it, grabbing a ball of yarn and some needles. Erin looks at her and then back at the furnace. WOMAN Do you mind telling me why you were out here in the rain? And alone, no less! Why if I was stuck out there I'd at least bring a friend. Erin stays silent. She looks at the woman and then at the furnace. She looks down and wipes her tears. We fade to a clock, which moves from one time to a half of an hour later. The CAMERA turns back to Erin, who still lies down on the floor. The woman shakes her head. WOMAN Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk. Erin looks down and looks at the furnace. WOMAN That is just unbelievable. How could something like that happen to such a nice and pretty girl like you? Erin stays silent. WOMAN, my, my, my my...Are you sure you wouldn't like any tea? I make the best tea in the county. ERIN I...I just want to go home. WOMAN I understand. You can stay here until I get you to the nearest police station. I'm going to call the police. Just wait here. The woman stands up and makes her way into the next room. Erin sighs and leans over to the floor. She closes her eyes and falls asleep on the floor. The woman returns later to see her on the floor. The woman smiles and sits back down in her chair. EXT. LONELY COUNTRY ROAD_RAINING_(CONT.) We watch as a familiar police car makes its way towards the tea lady's house. INT. HOUSE_RAINING_(CONT.) Erin stays silent, sleeping on the floor. A loud knock can be heard from behind the front door. The tea lady comes out from behind a door and makes her way towards the front door. She looks at Erin, who stays silent. The tea lady opens the door and the CAMERA zooms in on SHERIFF HOYT! He smiles and takes his hat off to the tea lady. SHERIFF Hello, Kathryn. How are you this evening? WOMAN I'm just fine, Sheriff. She's right in here if you follow me. The woman shuts the door and Sheriff Hoyt makes his way towards the living room, where Erin continues to sleep. From the point of view of Erin, we watch as she slowly opens her eyes to see Sheriff Hoyt standing up looking down at her. SHERIFF Hello, little lady. Erin stands up and screams. She slowly makes her way to the corner of the room. SHERIFF Now hold on, now. You get your ass back here right now! ERIN No...NO! Erin screams and runs through the house into the INT. HALLWAY_HOUSE_(CONT.) She runs through the hallway, looking around for a place to hide. She turns and sees an opens door leading into an empty room. She runs into it and slams the door in front of the CAMERA. INT. BEDROOM_HOUSE_(CONT.) Erin looks around and tries to lock it, but there is no lock! She cries and falls onto the ground. Footsteps can be heard from the hallway. She cries and crawls towards the corner. Slowly, the door opens, and Sheriff Hoyt stands there with the tea lady. He smiles and wags his pointer finger at her. SHERIFF You naughty girl. You get back here right now! Erin screams as Sheriff Hoyt grabs her and covers his hand over her mouth. She screams and kicks wildly and we watch as they all walk out of the room. The woman shuts the door quietly. INT. LIVING ROOM_HOUSE_(CONT.) Sheriff Hoyt holds Erin who continues to scream while the tea lady opens the front door for them. SHERIFF Thank you again, Kathryn. WOMAN Oh, it's my pleasure, Sheriff Hoyt. Come back sometime and have a cup of tea! SHERIFF You know I will! WOMAN Goodbye! Sheriff and Erin run through the door while the tea lady shuts it. She smiles and starts to hum. EXT. POLICE CAR_HOUSE_RAINING_(CONT.) Sheriff Hoyt still holds Erin will all his might as she continues to kick and scream. He opens the police car door and throws her inside. She tries to open it to get out but can't. Sheriff Hoyt laughs and makes his way to the driver's seat. He steps inside and shuts the door. INT. POLICE CAR_HOUSE_RAINING_(CONT.) Sheriff Hoyt smiles as Erin tries to open the door. She pounds on it and screams wildly. SHERIFF Now you shut the fuck up before I go back there and teach you a lesson you'll never forget! Erin WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!? SHERIFF That's for you to decide. You see, I don't make the rules. I just follow them! Erin screams and kicks at the door. Nothing helps. Sheriff Hoyt starts the car and laughs at Erin, who continues to scream and kick wildly. EXT. POLICE CAR_HOUSE_RAINING_(CONT.) We watch as Erin pounds on the window and the car drives off into the lonely country road. EXT. OLD HOUSE_RAINING_LATER The police car is already parked outside and the rain continues to pour down faster and faster. INT. DINING ROOM_OLD HOUSE_(CONT.) The dining room in empty, and the only person at the table is Erin, who sits in front of the table, all tied up with tape over her mouth. Her eyes are closed, and her head is moving back and forth. She slowly opens her eyes and looks around. She starts to scream but we can only hear her muffled cries. From the kitchen door, Jedidiah walks in with a large stick. He walks over to Erin and smiles. Erin starts to cry. Jedidiah smiles once again and starts to poke Erin with the stick. She cries and Jedidiah starts to laugh. Then, he starts to hit her. A large tear rolls down her cheek. Jedidiah stops poking and hitting her and drops the stick. He looks down and sees Erin's belly button piercing. He looks at it and touched it with his finger. He doesn't say a word but smiles. JEDIDIAH Hey pop! From the kitchen door comes Sheriff Hoyt, wiping his bloody hands with a cloth. He smiles to his son and walks over towards him. SHERIFF What is it, son? JEDIDIAH Look! He points to the piercing and Sheriff Hoyt reaches his finger at it. Erin starts to cry. SHERIFF Oh my! This is some hole you got there! Suddenly, Sheriff Hoyt starts to tug at it! Erin closes her eyes and cries more. We hear her muffled cries from behind the tape. Sheriff Hoyt pulls harder and harder on it, until it almost looks like it is about to rip off. Jedidiah smiles and so does Sheriff Hoyt. Erin cries as Sheriff Hoyt lets it go. Erin's sighs can be heard from behind the tape. Sheriff Hoyt stands up and puts his arms to his sides. SHERIFF Now what are we going to do with you? JEDIDIAH Oh please pop can I play with her!? SHERIFF No, son! She's our guest! And she hasn't even had the proper dinner yet! Erin shakes her hand and cries more as she tries to escape the clutches of the rope. JEDIDIAH Hey! Why don't we go get grandpa! He'll know what to do! SHERIFF Great idea, Jedidiah! (to Erin) Grandpa's the best damn killer in the entire county! He'll know exactly how to handle you! Erin screams as Jedidiah and Sheriff Hoyt make their way back inside the kitchen. Moments pass, and we see Sheriff Hoyt roll Drayton in from his wheelchair. Jedidiah, Henrietta, the baby in her clutches, Jane, and Leatherface, who wears a new mask, follow them all. This time, it is more like a woman's face. Makeup covers it entirely. Jedidiah carries a very large silver bucket. It is bigger then him. He sets it down on the floor and Sheriff Hoyt unties Erin. He pulls the tape off of her mouth. She tries to escape, but is stopped by Henrietta. HENRIETTA Oh no you don't! I got her pop! Sheriff Hoyt grabs her by the neck and pulls her face towards the empty bucket. SHERIFF Jedidiah, go get the hammer from the kitchen! Grandpa's going to do a little killing tonight! Jedidiah nods and runs into the kitchen. Leatherface jumps up and down with excitement. Moments pass and Jedidiah runs in with the hammer. He hands it to Drayton. SHERIFF Now remember, grandpa, hit her hard. DRAYTON I know what I'm doing you fool! Sheriff holds Erin head into the bucket, his hand covering her mouth. She can't scream. Drayton raises the hammer in the air and swings it down towards Erin, but misses. The hammer falls into the bucket. JANE Just try again, grandpa! Jane hands the hammer to Drayton, who nods. The hammer wiggles from side to side from Drayton's shaking hands. They all laugh and jump up with excitement. SHERIFF Hit her, grandpa! Hit her! Drayton raises the hammer once again, but misses again. It falls into the bucket. Sheriff Hoyt let's go of Erin's mouth and grabs the hammer. She screams loudly. ERIN NO! PLEASE! SHERIFF Hit her hard, grandpa! DRAYTON I know what I'm doing! JANE No you're not! Let's me do it! HENRIETTA No let me do it! JEDIDIAH I never get to hit anyone! Please, daddy! Please! They all argue and fight over the hammer. Sheriff Hoyt let's go of Erin, who stands still for a second, and then looks up to see a window in the dining room. She stands up and runs towards it! Everyone watches as she busts through the glass! EXT. OLD HOUSE_SUNRISE_(CONT.) The rain has stopped, and Erin lies face first in the wet mud. She stands up and looks back to see the white curtains from the broken window sway back and forth. She stands up and runs into the field. We watch her as she disappears. We look back at the porch to see the door swing open, and Sheriff Hoyt stands there. He starts to run after her, followed by Leatherface, who holds the wild chainsaw. He turns it on and follows Sheriff Hoyt down into the field. EXT. FIELD_LONELY COUNTRY ROAD_(CONT.) Erin screams and cries as she looks back to see Sheriff Hoyt and Leatherface running after her from a far away distance. The sun sets behind the house. EXT. LONELY COUNTRY ROAD_SUNRISE_(CONT.) It is very quiet. Soon, Erin runs into the road through the field and starts to run down the road. She looks back and sees Sheriff Hoyt running directly after her! She screams and watches as Leatherface rises from the field, cutting the grass with the mad chainsaw. She looks back to see a large red truck making its way towards her! She steps in front of it and waves her hands. ERIN PLEASE! HELP ME! The truck comes to a stop and Erin runs to the side of the truck. She tries to open the door, but can't! ERIN NO! Leatherface catches up with Sheriff Hoyt, who stops running and looks up and Leatherface and Erin. SHERIFF GET HER, LEATHER! GET HER! Erin runs down the road, followed by the truck driver, who steps out of the truck with a large hammer. Erin and the truck driver run down the road, followed by an angry Leatherface. The truck driver stops and looks back at Leatherface. He throws the large hammer at his head and watches as he falls to the ground. The chainsaw falls onto Leatherface's leg, cutting into the flesh! He screams and stands up, running after the truck driver. He catches up to him and cuts through his stomach! Blood falls everywhere! Erin looks back and screams! ERIN NO! Leatherface lets the truck driver's body fall to the ground. He looks up and chases after Erin, who screams madly! She looks back to see a small truck making its way towards her! She smiles but continues to scream. ERIN PLEASE! STOP! The truck stops, and Erin climbs into the back of it, followed by Leatherface, who tries to catch her, but can't. Erin pounds on the outside window of the truck while she still sits in the back of it. ERIN GO! GO! The truck drives faster and faster into the sunrise. Erin screams and laughs at the same time. She smiles and watches as Leatherface becomes a small speck. As we go back to Leatherface, who stands in the road, he screams and waves the chainsaw in the air! He screams and screams and screams. The chainsaw waving through the air madly. He screams once more and we CUT TO BLACK. INT. OBSERVATION ROOM_TRAVIS COUNTY POLICE STATION_(CONT.) Erin sits still, and the policeman stops the tape recorder. He sighs and stands up. POLICEMAN Thank you, Erin. A policeman will be taking you home shortly. Erin nods and watches as the policeman walks out of the room. She stays silent, and then screams wildly. INT. HALLWAY_(CONT.) The policeman stands in front of the hallway, holding the tape recorder. The second policeman walks up to him. POLICEMAN #2 That took longer than expected. Did she talk? POLICEMAN Oh yeah, and I got the whole thing on tape. Take this to Officer Hooper please. The policeman hands the tape recorder to the second policeman, who runs down the hallway. The policeman stands still and covers his forehead. POLICEMAN I need someone to take this girl home. Any volunteers? VOICE (O.S.) I'll do it, sir. POLICEMAN Great. Just make sure you get her home safe. The policeman pats the policeman on the back and walks way. VOICE (O.S.) Oh I will, sir. The CAMERA moves to see that it is SHERIFF HOYT! He smiles and walks towards the room. SHERIFF Oh believe me...I will. He smiles once more and walks inside the room, letting the door slam in front of the CAMERA. CUT TO BLACK. Erin's screams can be heard in the background as the MUSIC RISES and CREDITS ROLL.