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Chapter 16 Calci was in her second week of freedom when one day she heard what sounded like human voices. She grew both excited and nervous as she didn't know if they would be friend or foe. As she got closer, she realized these people spoke her language! "Hello!" she called out. Startled, the group turned towards her direction. There stood four men wearing peculiar clothing, unlike anything she had seen before. One man approached her slowly, asking questions while attempting to establish trust. "Who are you?" he asked in a friendly tone. "My name is Calci," she replied, hesitantly showing her hands empty in a gesture of peace. The man introduced himself as Dex, leader of the small expedition party. Overwhelmed by curiosity, Calci asked him where they came from. Dex explained that they belonged to a community situated several days walk away from here. He said they were exploring uncharted lands in search of resources beneficial to their society. While Dex was talking, Calci noticed that he and the other men were looking her up and down, obviously noticing her skimpy attire. She felt self-conscious but tried to remain calm. With increasing curiosity, she wanted to learn more about these strangers, hoping to form an alliance against future enemies. However, fear kept nagging at her thoughts, wondering whether these newcomers might pose a threat instead. She tried hard to maintain composure during their conversation, all the while feeling uneasy due to the intense gazes of the men. "You sure have some nice goodies on you," one of Dex's companions commented once his leader was finished talking. "Yeah, bet she bounces a lot," another said. Their comments made Calci squirm slightly, unsure how to react. Although she felt awkward in her makeshift clothes, Calci couldn't hide her fascination with these mysterious travelers who shared her tongue. "I really could use some help," she conceded. "I was kidnapped from my village by a large bird and have been free for about a week. I've been struggling to make it on my own." Calci continued, explaining how she survived by collecting wild edibles and trying to create crude tools. The men listened intently, captivated by her bravery and resourcefulness despite adversity. "It sounds dangerous out here alone," one of the others chimed in, "especially for a little girl like you." "Yes, I often feel afraid," admitted Calci honestly. "How old are you?" Dex asked. She hesitated for a moment. Not sure whether to answer, but perhaps if they knew she was so young, they'd leave her alone, she thought. "Forty-one rotations," she revealed. The man all grinned. She noticed Dex and two of the others beginning to undo their belts and zippers. Realization hit her full force. These were not friends, these were rapists! Before they could do anything, Calci began to run, leaping over fallen logs and diving past brush as swiftly as possible, her big butt cheeks jiggling wildly for the mens' entertainment as they pursued her. She knew if they were to catch her, they would take her back to their camp, forcing her to submit under their desires. And she couldn't let that happen. But just as she was gaining distance, suddenly, out of nowhere, a giant shadow loomed overhead. She heard the men screaming behind her. Diving into the cover of some bushes, Calci looked back and saw Goliath attacking the men. He had one in his mouth and bit him in half, then scooped up Dex and quickly did the same to him. Another fell prey to a well-placed claw slash as blood spurted everywhere. The remaining one managed to flee, leaving Calci to witness the brutality unfold. Still trembling from the encounter, she surveyed the gruesome scene laid out before her. The carcasses of her potential assailants lay lifeless amidst a sea of crimson. It dawned on her that she owed her rescue to none other than Goliath. Despite everything that had transpired thus far, Calci had grown considerably stronger. After all, she had lost her innocence not only to the likes of Stike and Thyko, but to other monsters, both men and demons, as well. Every time she surrendered herself willingly or unwillingly, she emerged transformed, carrying with her a renewed strength and wisdom, like a warrior stepping forth onto the battlefield. Even today, she had escaped certain enslavement twice - once by evading the malevolent intentions of those 'explorers', and subsequently by narrowly escaping Goliath's grasp moments later. She found herself thankful that Goliath had killed those men since they seemed bent on raping her. But the sight of death, even if brought upon cruel aggressors, left its mark on her psyche. Biting her lip, tears welled up in her eyes as she processed what had happened. After taking a moment to mourn, she swallowed her grief and moved forward with determination. As nightfall descended, she settled into a cave for shelter, preparing herself mentally and physically for whatever challenges awaited tomorrow. Unbeknownst to her, Goliath had observed her throughout the entire encounter – silently observing her tenacity, her courage, and her resolve to protect herself. In the morning, Calci set out once again along the banks of the canal, searching for signs of life and sustenance. After walking aimlessly for hours, she again heard a human voice in the distance, but this time it sounded familiar, very familiar! "No way, it couldn't be," she thought. "Tharock?" she said aloud, albeit softly and mostly to herself. She hurried toward the voice and soon came upon a clearing. There, up in a tree, suspended from in a cage, was Tharock, the closest thing young Calci had to a boyfriend. His skinny frame showed signs of malnutrition and exhaustion, his body covered in bruises and scratches. It appeared he had faced quite the journey to get there. Upon seeing her, Tharock cried out, joy filling his face, followed by worry. "Don't come any closer," he warned, holding a hand out through the net. But it was too late. Calci suddenly felt her feet flying up from beneath her as a hidden net swooped her up and lifted her high up into the same tree holding Tharock. Struggling to break free, she fought frantically against the confining mesh, her heart racing, her muscles strained beyond endurance. Tears streaming down her face, Calci heard laughter below and saw Junior, Stike's eldest son emerge from the woods below. "No, no," Calci cried, shaking her head, but quickly succumbing to her defeat. "Please, don't hurt me! I won't fight anymore...just please..." Junior glared at her coldly. His eyes gleamed dangerously, filled with malevolence. He then dropped some clothes on the ground in front of him. Calci immediately recognized the skimpy attire, which included the little pink balls meant for her feet. It was quite clear what was expected of her. She was to surrender, put her sex slave outfit back on and return to Stike to be his young mate. "Do you surrender?" Junior asked as several of the men, including some she recognized from her village, ogled her squirming body in the net. "Do you obey?" Calci reluctantly nodded, hating every minute of it, but knowing obedience was the price she must pay for her safety and Tharock's freedom. Overcome with anxiety, Calci took slow measured breaths, fighting off tears. She was determined not to lose hope, reminding herself of times she had managed to escape worse situations. They lowered the net and Tharock's cage. It was clear they'd brought the boy as bait to lure her in. It had worked. But how did they know she was free from Thyko? She quickly put on the humiliating pink attire with Junior and the men watching, covering herself as best she could so they couldn't see her most intimate parts as she did so. A woman from her village was also there with them to help her change and to cook for the men. Stike had added some new features to Calci's degrading outfit. It now included: the little pink balls on her otherwise bare feet, with little pink ribbons on the straps that went across the tops of her feet and little white puff cotton balls on the back of her ankles, each about the size of an apple. On her upper left thigh, she now wore a pink and white ribbon that circled her hep, on its front a large pink bow was attached. Around her waist, young Calci wore a tiny pink thong with a thin strap in back that descended into the depths of her deep butt crack. While the thong still had the modest white butt bra straps below her cheeks (which Stike had left simply so he could pull them up later to further humiliate her) it also was now crotchless in front, leaving her young pussy exposed for the men to ogle. And in back, it, too, had a white fuzzy ball meant to be her bunny tail. Around her large young breasts, she now wore a white nursing bra, which could easily be adjusted to expose her nipples or to pull her entire breast out into the open. Around her neck she wore another large pink bow. On her ears, she wore the cowbell earrings, and her face the bunny nose and whiskers makeup. And atop her head she wore the white bunny ears and her hair, now quite long (as Stike had demanded it be), was drawn up into a ponytail. As one final measure of control, Junior cuffed Calci's hands close together at the wrists, with little pink fuzzy cuffs. Once dressed, she turned towards Tharock in her humiliating outfit, unable to hold back her tears. "I'm sorry," she told him. "This is who I'm meant to be." He looked at her with shame, and it broke Calci's young heart. She was then forced to walkout in front of the men on the long journey home, so they could be entertained by her jiggling butt. Junior eventually pulled up her butt straps so they could get more of a show. There was much laughter and jeering at her expense. It was humiliating for Calci, prancing along in her absurd pink ball heals, her tits and butt cheeks bouncing wildly as she moved. Each step sent Calci's heart sinking deeper, until it became nearly unbearable. Her embarrassment intensified as she approached their campsite where they would stop for the night. She wanted nothing more than to vanish, to cease existing, to avoid facing these people ever again. However, she tried hard to maintain composure as Junior forced her to her knees near the campfire. She was shocked when he began to undo his pants. "You're going to service me and some of my top men and thank our dicks for rescuing you," he told her. Calci began shaking her head but knew there was no refusing them. She was at their mercy. Junior's ugly black dick, which looked similar to his fathers, was soon bobbing in front of Calci, erect and waiting to enter her young mouth. Despite being disgusted, frightened, and utterly ashamed, Calci opened wide and let him push his cock inside. She closed her eyes tightly, blocking out the world around her. Junior began to thrust, gripping her by the hair, making her look straight ahead while servicing him. Her throat burned with pain, yet she continued to accommodate his desires without complaint. This would go on for a few minutes, until finally, he released himself, shooting his hot cum right down her throat. All Calci could do was think about Tharock watching all of this and what he must now think of her. Disgust rose in Calci's stomach as she struggled to swallow his load, wanting to spit it all out. It was too much for a girl her age, but she did her best. As angry as she was, Calci held her tongue, understanding that resistance would only lead to harsher treatment. With a mixture of revulsion and fear, she allowed Junior to withdraw his limp penis from her mouth, allowing her saliva to cleanse it. While Calci sat trembling nearby, Junior signaled to other members of his group. They stepped forward, eager to have their turn at exploiting her youthful beauty. She tried to stand up, hoping to refuse them, but they just grinned at the girl. There were five of them and they quickly surrounded her. She recognized Mr. Motton and Mr. Kang in the group. All of them smiling menacingly. Each man positioned themselves over Calci, forcing her back onto her knees once more. Despite feeling completely violated and objectified, Calci remained composed and focused solely on their pleasure. She sighed and closed her eyes, attempting to block out the world around her. As the first penis pressed against her lips (Mr. Motton's) she parted her lips and allowed him to enter her mouth. She began bobbing her head up and down on him as another man lifted her cuffed hands to his penis so she could stroke his erect dick. Each action caused her heart to race faster, wishing for it all to end, though she kept performing dutifully. Another member grabbed her bound hands and placed them upon his own groin, instructing her to stroke him, adding his voice to those surrounding her. Soon, Calci found herself pleasing three of the men simultaneously, with one after another entering her mouth and having her fondle their genitalia, her heart aching with despair. At least five men were involved altogether, and Calci made certain to satisfy everyone. Throughout this horrible experience, Calci’s body was subjected to numerous acts of cruelty, including having her breasts fondled roughly and slapped during playtime. They also would spank their dicks against her beautiful cheeks before entering her mouth. In the midst of all this, she was helpless and terribly afraid of what might happen should she fail to perform satisfactorily. Her body shook uncontrollably beneath the weight of their combined demands, both physically and emotionally. Every moment seemed to last forever, torturing her soul and tearing apart her fragile sense of self-worth. At the end, once she'd swallowed all of their cum, Junior whispered a little message in her ear for her to give to them. She looked at Tharock briefly and they exchanged eye contact. He then hung his head in shame and she did as well. "Thank you, sirs, for rescuing me," she told the men while looking at the ground. Junior grabbed her chin and forced her to look up at them with her blue eyes as she continued with her shameful message. "As you know, I'm just a cute, dimwitted, jiggle bunny. Our village's little blonde whore. I've been out in these woods carelessly getting raped by demons instead of being where I belong, back in Master Stike's bed, naked and making his babies. Thank you for bringing me back to him. I'm glad I could pleasure you and your penises to show my gratitude." "Now be quiet and remember your place, you dumb whore!" Junior snapped. Then he gestured toward the sleeping area, indicating that Calci needed to move there immediately. She crawled off, her little pink balls the last thing the men saw as she disappeared into a sleeping bag. Tharock watched her with mixed feelings. Part of him felt sympathy and sadness for the situation she had fallen into, the other part of him was angry with her for falling victim to the men and letting them treat her in such a shameful way. She'd sucked on their penises for crying out loud. It was disgusting. As Calci lay down and curled up in her strange attire, trying her best to cover herself despite the awkwardness, she felt a strange sense of relief. For the first time in days, she didn't need to worry about hiding from monsters or protecting herself - she'd serviced Junior and these men, given them their oral reward, and now they would take her back to Stike. While she dreaded the humiliation he would no doubt subject her to, Calci was beginning to accept that no matter what she did or tried, fate would always steer her back toward a life of sexual servitude and obedience. Perhaps that explained why she had never managed to escape successfully or find any genuine refuge from the suffering inflicted upon her – because destiny itself had predetermined her path, leading her directly through the fire to her ultimate fate. Perhaps what the men said was true. Why else was she born so beautiful and with such a desirable butt if it wasn't so could become the sexual plaything of men and demons. The sound of Junior's snoring echoed throughout the makeshift shelter as Calci tried to find solace in restless slumber. The next morning brought renewed terror as the sun peeked above the horizon, casting light upon the gruesome reality of her existence. She soon found herself back out in front of the group, leading the way as the village's prize jiggle bunny. As they entered their village several people Calci recognized were there to witness her return. Many shaking their heads upon seeing her in the skimpy attire again. She'd had her chance to find lasting freedom and had been dumb enough to get caught again, they thought. What's more, young Calci had conceded to putting the shameful slave attire back on. Several of the older women glared at Calci with open contempt, knowing exactly how she got here. Some even went as far as calling her names, 'slut', they shouted, and accusing her of 'asking for it'. She felt her face redden with shame and anger. Calci couldn't help but feel like she had betrayed everyone who trusted her, especially her friends and family. Her cheeks burned crimson with embarrassment as she walked alongside Junior towards the crowd. His leering gaze never left her, taking pride in his conquest of Calci. He even gave her a smack on the butt, which caused her to give a little yelp and hop slightly, then he pulled her breasts through the openings her nursing bra, so her tits hung out for all to see. She longed to disappear from the scrutiny of the people around her, yet felt powerless to break free from her bondage. Junior stopped beside Tharock, who stood among the assembled throng. Both of them cast scornful glances at Calci. Though neither spoke aloud, their expressions clearly conveyed their shared opinion that she was nothing more than a worthless sex object. Yet Calci knew that beneath their arrogance, they each held feelings for her of their own, both wanting to possess her, but in different ways. Junior as her master, Tharock as her husband. Two men, both driven by lust for Calci, yet holding contrasting views on how to approach and claim her. Meanwhile, poor Calci was stuck amidst this chaos, torn between the desire to escape and the compelling urge to succumb to her fate as Stike's eternal concubine. In response to their collective insults, Calci attempted to hide her breasts with her hands, but cuffed together they were too small to hide much of ample bosom. The crowd jeered and laughed cruelly at her expense. Tears welled in her eyes. "You know Stike kicked his wife out for you," one woman shouted to Calci. "He plans to make you his wife. Hope you're proud of yourself, you slut." This was news to Calci, who found it shameful enough being Stike's concubine, never mind his helpless Barasonian wife. As Calci wiggled and jiggled her way toward the center of her village with her short little awkward steps, Stike emerged from his hut and smiled upon seeing her. Junior had her stop in front of his father and pressed down on her shoulders, indicating she was to drop to her knees. Her hands now bound behind her back, Calci awkwardly lowered herself onto the hard ground. Shame coursed through her veins as she bowed her head, unable to meet anyone's gaze. All around her, murmurs of judgment passed between neighbors and families. "Look at her dressed in that disgusting outfit, like she's a damn bunny," one woman said, clearly blaming Calci for her skimpy wardrobe, not Stike. Amidst the commotion, Stike approached calmly. He looked over Calci with interest, studying her exposed body underneath the tiny pink and white garments. She shifted nervously, feeling vulnerable and anxious. "As you can see, the town bimbo is back where she belongs," Stike said, speaking to the crowd as he stood before Calci, towering over her. Jemiaha and several of the other town boys eyed Calci's big round butt, which now rested on her little bare heals as she knelt in front of the bird demon. They each grew erections as they witnessed her defeat and humiliation. With a slight twist of his lips, he revealed his intentions and expectations of her as he began to undo his belt and unzip his pants. He knew precisely how the people now perceived Calci - as a simpleton who was now his property. And as such, her role within the community changed entirely. No longer could she hope to marry someone decent; she would only ever be a beautiful blonde bimbo suitable only for powerful demons like Stike. This transformation hit Calci harder than anything thus far, rendering her question everything she believed in. "Now tell everyone how sorry you are and what your place is in this village," he ordered Calci. Her voice trembled with fear and despair as she obeyed his command. "I want to apologize for running away," she confessed, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Please forgive me. I understand now that I must serve Master Stike faithfully, honor our marriage and bear his children." The crowd seemed satisfied with her contrite words, nodding approvingly. But inside, Calci seethed with frustration and pain, wishing that she could defy their cruel dictates and somehow find a way to reclaim her dignity. "What else do you have to say?" Stike asked her. Calci swallowed hard, forcing herself to look straight ahead at the bulde in his pants, clearly meant for her. Calci's heart raced with fear and humiliation, but she knew admitting weakness was what he wanted from her. He wanted her to demean herself and show her complete servitude to him. So, with all the strength she could summon, she answered, "Master Stike, I'll be a good little jiggle bunny for you and keep your big penis happy. It seems my destiny always leads me back here, enslaved and used solely for your pleasure. I know better than to ever try to run away again. I promise to stay put from now on and a be a good little mommy to our offspring," Calci continued, struggling against the waves of sorrow threatening to overcome her. "If you want to make me your wife, I will gladly accept. And I swear to cherish our children, raising them well and serving your every need." Even though these words filled her with self-loathing, Calci understood the importance of appeasing Stike publically. Her display of submission would prove she accepted her lot, further legitimising his claims over her. The villagers watched intently, some even whispering amongst themselves. Deep down, Calci knew that submitting completely to Stike meant losing herself forever. However, the idea of being freed once and for all seemed impossible for her now. She'd always end up right back here in Stike's possession. So, reluctantly, she accepted her fate as Stike's lover and future wife. In doing so, she resigned herself to spending every day of her life trapped in this nightmare world, living for the sake of satisfying this bird demon's desires. Stike finally revealed his ugly black penis to the crowd and Calci immediately understood what was expected of her. Everyone waited silently, eager to watch Calci submit to her fate. Save for her family and few remaining friends who turned away. Feeling utterly defeated, she crawled towards Stike's crotch, grabbing hold of his large member tightly in her hands. With determination, she took it firmly into her mouth, allowing the coarse skin to brush past her tongue. Gathering every bit of courage, she closed her lips around the base, suckling him gently. Despite the repugnant act, she maintained eye contact with Stike, signaling obedience and submission. Slowly, she took his enormous phallus deeper into her throat until it reached the back of her palate and pressed further. Swallowing hard, she managed to relax her throat enough to giving Stike full access to push it still deeper. She began to gag for air until he started to piston his dick in and out of her throat. Hearing the audience’s whispers and giggles surrounding her, Calci was reminded that she was also putting on a show. She forced herself to continue pleasuring Stike despite her revulsion. As he pumped his dick in and out of her throat, Calci's lips rhythmically and steadily suckled his massive organ, she made sure no air escaped her throat while moving forward and backward, increasing the pressure around his member. Every second spent on this task felt like hours to Calci. Each moment felt like an agony, each breath taken another opportunity to choke and fail. Yet, knowing the consequences if she did falter, Calci pushed herself further, pushing aside her natural instincts and overriding her physical limits. After about 10 minutes of sucking her master off in front of the crowd, Stike pulled his dick out of Calci's mouth. This surprised her, as she'd expected him to fiinish and force her to swallow his cum. She quickly realized he had other degrading acts in mind for her, as punishment for disobedience. "Master, don't you want to finished," she asked, hoping he might change his mind and cum in her mouth. She didn't want to experience whatever horror he planned for her next. It wasn't just because she feared the thought of having more semen filling her mouth. It was due to the fact that something ominous hung in the air – an underlying sense of dread whenever he decided to play a new game with her. His sadism excited the perverts watching, including Jemiaha, making the act all the more sinister. Their expressions became sordid as they awaited what lay ahead. "Lay down across my lap," he instructed her as he sat down on the stoop of their hut. It became clear then to Calci that he planned to spank her in front of everyone. Her face clouded with anger, mixed with intense embarrassment and fear. There was nothing subtle about it. Just the same way he'd paraded her naked in front of the entire village earlier today, now he sought to expose her further. He wanted everyone to watch as he administered discipline, reinforcing her status as his captive slave. Calci did as told and crawled up onto his lap, belly down over his knees, her big bubble butt protruding up into the air. He quickly lifted her butt bra straps so they wouldn't prevent her cheeks from jiggling wildly with each slap he administered. Then, grasping her ass tightly, he brought his hand down swiftly, slapping her left buttock with intensity. The smack was loud, echoing through the silent square. The spectators winced slightly. Some grinned with sadistic satisfaction as they imagined themselves delivering the blows instead. Just as Stike had wanted, Calci's butt cheek gyrated wildly after receiving the blow, recoiling like it was made of rubber. Then he smacked her right butt cheek. It, too, jiggled wildly. The sting reverberated throughout Calci's young body, intensifying the pain in her lower regions. Embarrassment flooded her mind, her face reddening under the heat of the shame she bore. She couldn't help but feel exposed and vulnerable as the crowd looked on, laughing and snickering. She also saw a couple of boys rubbing their crotches, clearly aroused by her situation. She wished she could disappear beneath the earth, escape the torment of the situation. But Stike was quick to strike again, raising his hand high above her backside. "Now what do you have to say for yourself?" he asked after four blows, two each to each butt cheek. Her buns were already turning read. Calci had begun to cry as she answered him. "I'm sorry, Master Stike! Please forgive me! I was a very bad little girl," she cried out. Tears streamed down her face, but the villagers only jeered at her, mocking her for displaying any sign of emotion or weakness. Stike's eyes burned with fury as he raised his hand once more, preparing to land yet another harsh blow upon her quivering bottom. However, before he could do so, Calci continued to beg for his mercy. "Please stop, Master Stike!" she wailed, tears streaming down her face. "I promise. I'll be a good jiggle bunny from now on. I promise to serve your every whim," Calci said, desperately trying to sound submissive enough to satisfy him. "Please believe me," she begged. "I promise I'll be good. I promise I'll keep my behind big and jiggly for you, so you can enjoy watching me jiggle and wiggle whenever you please," Calci sobbed, almost collapsing under the weight of the promises she made. "Please, please, please," she cried, continuing. "I'll be your best little jiggle bunny ever. My butt will never disappoint you. It will always be fat and bouncy for you, like jelly on a plate," Calci continued, sobbing uncontrollably. Unable to bear the sight of her broken state, many people laughed at how pitiful she appeared. It served to highlight her position as a slave - one without control over her own destiny. "Good, good, I want to hear more," he said, giving her a softer, almost playful smack on her butt. "I'll makesies my big butt jigglier than ever, master," Calci promised with a submissive girly voice, which caused several men to leer. She used the slightest movement in her voice to indicate that she was willing to give much more than simply offering her body to Stike—she offered not only her devotion and her young butt, but also anything else he desired, including making her girlier. It wasn't lost on anyone there, least of all Stike himself, that Calci was attempting to use her sex appeal and innocence to gain favor. She then wiggled her butt a little for him. "Pweassse Master," she added. "I promisies my butt is all yours forever and ever. If you wishsies it to be even plumper and bigger, tell me whatsies to eat, and I will, I'll make it supersies big," Calci responded, looking at him with a mixture of hope and despair. "I want my behind to be perfectsies for you, master. I will work hardsies on exercises that will make my bottom rounder and firmer for yous. I'll make my jiggly butt the desire of every male creature that sees it. But you'll bees the only one that gets to put your thingy up it and use my butt to get me pregnant over and oversies again." Several in the crowd were now openly laughing at her. They enjoyed seeing her humiliation, her tearstained face as she apologized profusely to Stike. They seemed to relish in the power dynamic that was playing out before them. While some may see Calci as a victim, others found pleasure in witnessing her suffer and submit. To those individuals, it was entertainment, titillating, sickening voyeurism. Even though she was stripped bare physically and emotionally, her beauty remained undeniable. Her long hair cascading down her shoulders in soft waves, reflecting the sunlight. Her willful vibrance was still there, even as she submitted completely to being a demon's concubine. "More," he demanded, giving her right butt a playful little poke to make her cheek jiggle for he and the crowd. Despite feeling utterly humiliated, she maintained her subservient attitude. Calci quickly tried to think of more to say about her butt that would be humiliating and would please Stike. He obviously liked her girly voice, so she decided to keep using it as she said, "My big round firm young booty will be waitingsies for you whenever you want, master, whether during the daytime or at nighttimesies. Whenever you need to fill it with your seed, you'll find me in your bed, Master," she said, wiggling it a little for him. "It doesn't matter when or where we do it, just as long as my butt grows larger and jigglier for you alone, filled with your babies growing inside it until I birth a litter of your little demons. "If you want me to walk around the village showing off my pregnancies for you, I will. I'll make sure everyone knowsies your the daddy," Calci said, speaking in her feminine girlish tone. A few women in the audience rolled their eyes, disapproving of her submission, while a small group of men began to salivate at the idea of breeding rights over such a beautiful woman. Her words pleased Stike, feeding his enormous ego. "I'm so youngsies, master, and I know I'm super, super pretty," Calci said. "And I have a big beautiful bouncy butt, too. I wanted to be free and indepentsies, but I'm not smartsies enough. I'm meant to be a sex slave. Only someone as smart and powerful as you deservesies a possession like me. Only you, master, who possesses great knowledge and strength, not to mention a very large and powerful penis, deserves the privilege of owning my youth and beauty. With me as your possession, you'll show everyone how dominant you are," she sweetly said, using her childish innocence to entice him. This display elicited laughter and amusement from the gathered crowd, whose attention focused entirely on the interaction between Calci and Stike. Many found joy in watching Calci degrade herself for the sake of appeasing her master and his butt fetish. Others felt sympathy for her, recognizing the hopelessness of the youngster's predicament. Despite her degradation, however, her physical attractiveness and innocent appearance remained apparent. Though her clothing no longer provided modesty, her large expressive eyes retained a certain delicacy that contradicted the vulgar circumstances surrounding her. Stike listened intently to Calci's declarations, taking pride in her servitude and adoration towards him. His gaze moved slowly along her slender frame, tracing every curve and line with his eyes. Possessing such a striking young girl once again excited him. His other concubines could not compare to Calci. Calci's heart raced as she awaited his response. She knew that pleasing him was vital if she hoped to avoid more of his anger and wrath. She was like a helpless beautiful blonde insect caught within the web of this horny spider, she struggled against her fate, helpless to resist its insidious pull. Calci recognized that the man towering over her held absolute dominance. His raw masculinity was palpable in the air, commanding respect even among the other males present. She hated being possessed by a man so arrogant, so sure of himself, but there was no denying Stike managed to get whatever he wanted, including Calci and her spectacular young butt. Her breath caught in her throat as Stike reached down and began openly fondling her butt cheeks in front of everyone. As he did so, a wave of revulsion rippled through her, despite her attempt to hide it. The cruel look in his eye told her that he understood exactly what was going through her young, naive head – and that he thoroughly enjoyed tormenting her further. His fingers squeezed her tight, causing Calci to yelp in pain. He smiled cruelly at her reaction, reveling in his ability to inflict suffering onto her. He grabbed her roughly by the arm, dragging her closer to him and forcing her to stand upright beside him. In the midst of the jeering crowds, she couldn't help but feel incredibly exposed and vulnerable. Their disdainful glances cut into her soul, amplifying her sense of isolation and shame. Stike spoke with authority, declaring, "You are mine, now get over there." He shoved her toward a bench in the middle of the town square and Calci wobbled toward it on her clumsy shoes. When Calci reached it, Stike was right behind her, shoving her face down onto the bench, which was tilted slightly toward the ground. Calci left her feet and soon found herself in an extremely vulnerable position, her butt up in the air for Stike. He yanked down her thong, and that's when the young girl realized what he planned to do. "No," she cried out. "Not in front of everyone. Pleasssse!!!" Tears streamed down her face as she squirmed desperately underneath him, trying to escape his grasp. However, she lacked the strength to break free from his iron grip. "I know damn well you'd run if given the slightest chance," he told her, "but you'll never get the chance again, whore." Taking hold of Calci's sexy hips, Stike prepared to mount her butt in front of the entire village. "No," she cried again, as she felt him spread her fat butt cheeks slightly and begin to wedge his enormous bird penis between them. The sudden invasion of her private space caused tears to flow freely down her cheeks. Her body shook with fear and trepidation. Everyone in the town looked on silently, watching as Stike began to press his cock deeper and deeper into Calci's helpless butthole. Stike took full advantage of the situation, thrusting deeper and harder than usual to maximize Calci's distress. This brought gasps from some female observers, while male admirers nodded approval at his brazen domination. Stike grinned sadistically, enjoying Calci's defeat. Calci hoped her parents and friends were no longer watching. But she could see Jemiaha now, and saw he, too, was rubbing his crotch while watching Stike do this to her. How could he, she thought. He'd been her friend. Why was he enjoying seeing a demon do this to her? "Unh, master," she cried as his dick pressed deeper into her butt. "You're so big. Oh." Another groan escaped her lips as Stike started moving his hips back and forth, driving his enormous organ deeper into her ass. Each time he pulled out, Calci winced in anticipation of the impending pain that followed. Meanwhile, the murmurs from the crowd grew louder, turning into outright whispers of shock as Stike butt fucked young Calci right there in front of them. Some people gasped audibly as the true extent of Stike's cruelty became evident to all. It wasn't merely about raping Calci—it was about doing so publicly, ensuring her ultimate humiliation and loss of dignity. Not only that, he could have raped her the traditional way and seeded her, but instead, he made it a point to always take Calci in her butt. The smell of her violated behind began to hang in the air. Stike continued to relentlessly pump Calci's butt hole, his muscular arms flexing with power. Calci let out humiliated scream after scream and balled like she was half her age, each one echoing throughout the town square. Onlookers turned away in disgust, yet many still watched, captivated by Calci's humiliating defeat. Fear mixed with dread coursed through Calci’s veins as she was repeatedly penetrated by the unrelenting force of Stike’s massive erection. It seemed endless, like something etched into stone. No matter how much Calci tried to fight it, how hard she tried to push him back out, she simply couldn't stop him. And with each passing moment, she became more aware of her own weakness, her futility, the reality of her bondage, the weight of the enslavement forced upon her. Each movement, each sound, each breath, reinforced her utter dependence upon him. The more intensely Stike used her, the greater the proof of her subjugation, the clearer the evidence of her status as his property. All around, the townsfolk witnessed her degradation, drawing conclusions, forming opinions, judging harshly her compliance with her conqueror. Everything else had disappeared — the noise of the town square, the wind rustling leaves overhead, everything else just ceased to exist. There was nothing except this man and his ownership of her ripe young body. After about 20 minutes of sodomy, Stike let loose his orgasm and began to ejaculate inside Calci's rectum. Her bowels twitched involuntarily at the surge of semen filling her anus. Pain shot through her lower abdomen, making her cry out even louder. Spasms wracked her body, leaving her aching and exhausted. Tears ran down her face, dripping off her chin onto the cold stones beneath her. The warm stickiness of Stike's cum filled her, and the feeling of complete submission welled up inside her as his sperm entered her young womb. Many in the crowd erupted into applause as Stike raised his arms in triumph, his dick still buried in Calci's butt. He laughed mercilessly, knowing that his victory was total. No part of her would remain untouched. This final act served to solidify his control over her life, reducing her worth to mere pleasure vessel available for his personal use. Even though several women shared a mix of horror and fascination, others secretly envied Calci's privileged access to Stike. For better or worse, she was now marked forever by his claim of her. By nightfall, Calci was kneeling at Stike's side on their front stoop, back where she belonged. Her belly was already big and round with another of his sons growing inside her. That fact added to her despair and hopelessness. Proof of his absolute control over her. That night, she curled up in Stike's bed with him. He spooned with her and kelpt Calci's fat butt pressed up against his cock. "Tell me where you are," he told her as he held her pregnant belly. "Back where I belong, master," Calci conceded. “Back in your bed, keeping it warm for you. Having your babies.” "About to become my wife," he added. "Say it. Say your my little fiancé." Calci conceded. "Yes, master, I'm your little fiancée. I'm right where I belong." The soft light from a nearby lantern cast an eerie glow on their bodies as Calci lay nestled in Stike's embrace. They both knew that once they tied the knot, it would be official - she would truly be bound to him in the eyes of her village, unable to resist or refuse him anything. She would submit entirely to him, fulfilling whatever fantasy he desired, his loyal servant, his playmate, his jiggle bunny. His grip on her tightened almost imperceptibly as he felt his desire stirring awake within him, fueled by thoughts of the many ways he could have her. The fire of possession burned brightly within him, and she felt its heat radiate from his touch, pressing into her sensitive skin. Calci soon found herself beneath the covers, again suckling her master's massive cock. As she wrapped her delicate lips around it, she imagined biting it off – striking revenge against the creature who tormented her daily. Yet, she knew she didn't have the courage to do such a thing. It was better, she thought, to keep him happy. His thick member throbbed inside her mouth, pulsing with primordial energy. It swelled larger and larger, seemingly infinite in size. The smell of sweat permeated the room as Stike's powerful frame trembled with excitement. He soon began to ejaculate in Calci's mouth and she rushed to swallow his semen. She was his once more.