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Chapter 5 Calci found herself once again kneeling before Rikko in his nest. "Do you finally give up now, Plump Butt?" he asked. "Do you accept that you are my sex slave?" "Yes, I can't get away," the youngster admitted, hanging her head. "You've won me. I'm yours." "Annnnd?" he asked. "And I'll be a good mommy to the baby you are going to put in my belly," Calci said. Her voice quivered slightly, but she hoped her submission would buy her some mercy. Rikko smiled, pleased with her response. "Good," he said. "Now, you'll be ready to start teaching your baby proper manners and etiquette." Calci nodded in agreement, trying not to show her true feelings of dread. Inwardly, she prayed for her father to arrive and rescue her from this nightmare, even though she knew that was now impossible. No one would find her here. She took one last look at the huge monster's penis, the one that would be her first as he spun her around and shoved her down onto her belly. He put a pillow under young Calci's waist to prop her butt. "No, no, no," she cried as she felt the head of his penis press against the deep crevice of her fat butt. Then it pressed into her, entering young Calci's butt hole. "You're mine now, young one," he roared. He then mounted her from behind, grabbing her slender waist with his powerful claws. He claimed her tight butt hole, shoving his dick deep inside the helpless knockout. Her soft gasps filled the cave, her breath coming faster. He pushed into her, stretching Calci, claiming her. Inside, Calci fought against the intrusion, trying to push him out, but it was useless. This wasn't supposed to happen, she thought. She should be free, running around with her friends, exploring new territories. Instead, she was imprisoned in this cave, trapped beneath the scaly body of this terrifying creature. The pain was excruciating, yet she remained strong, refusing to let her captor see her fear. Tears stung at her eyes, blurring her vision, as she finally gave in and began to sob."Mommy, I want my mommy," she called out as Rikko butt fucked her, thrusting harder, driving himself deeper into her resisting anal canal. Rikko growled as he picked up speed, thrusting with an unrelenting force. Calci felt her body being pushed and stretched, as her anal muscles screamed in protest. Sweat dripped down her face, and she bit her lip to prevent another cry. Soon Rikko began to cum inside Calci's butt, his sperm racing through the entry point it created to her womb. He was done, having marked his territory, taking ownership of the girl. He released a triumphant roar. Calci lay there, unable to process what had just happened. He had taken her innocence in the most brutal manner possible. As the initial shock wore off, Rikko pulled out of her, leaving her gaping and hurting. He stepped back, admiring his work. Calci slowly turned around, feeling the unfamiliar sensation of semen leaking from her anus. She looked at Rikko, anger and hatred burning in her eyes. A short time later he laid back down with the exhausted Barasonian and beauty and spooned with her for the rest of the night. Sometime near morning, Calci woke to a kick in her belly, which had expanded overnight. She was quite pregnant now. Her young belly big and round with Rikko's offspring inside. Her already large young breasts also fuller with milk ready for their baby. When Rikko awoke he was quite pleased to see her knocked up with his spawn. "The perfect sight," he hissed. It seemed almost like a cruel irony that her own child would grow within her, the product of violence and abuse. She couldn't help but feel disgusted at the thought. As much as she hated it, Calci realized she was defeated. She belonged to Rikko now. She was his sex slave until he was done with her. In the woods outside, Pega, and the villagers continued to look for Calci, knowing she was likely in the beast's nest and pregnant by now. Her parents were devastated. They couldn't believe what had happened to their daughter. How could such a thing happen? Why hadn't they been able to protect her? The tribe mourned the loss of their innocent girl. Rikko watched Calci's transformation with a mix of pride and lust. The changes in her body were signs of the life growing within her, and he reveled in the power he held over her. At the same time, he ached to possess her again, his desire only growing stronger with each passing day. Every morning, he would check on Calci's belly, marveling at its expansion as his child grew within her. He felt a mix of tenderness and possessiveness towards the little girl who had become his mate. Calci tried her best to cope with her situation, finding solace in the knowledge that she'd brought life into this world, even if it was a creature like its father that would someday be a threat to other young girls from her village. Calci couldn't believe it when it took just three days for her to go into labor. She started cramping and could feel something pushing to exit her bottom. Really, she thought, it has to come out the same way it's father went in? "Such a good little breeder," Rikko said proudly of Calci as he petted her blonde head. My kind's spawn always grows fast, but even faster in a Barasonian as fine as you. Calci cringed upon hearing this, then she felt it coming out. A reddish-brown egg soon exited her anus as she squatted and landed safely in their straw nest. Rikko insisted they both huddle next to the egg to keep it warm. Within a few hours the baby demon began to crack through the egg. They woke to it crying for its young mommy's nutritious milk. Once the baby, little Rikko Jr. was born, Calci nursed it from her large breasts, which produced enough milk to feed five of Rikko's children at the same time. Though she loathed giving sustenance to the creature that had destroyed her innocence, she did so dutifully, understanding that this was her duty as a mother. Days passed, and as Calci nurtured her son, she observed the ever-changing dynamics between her and Rikko. Sometimes, he treated her with kindness, allowing her freedom to explore parts of the woods outside their cave unaided. Other times, he would punish her harshly for perceived transgressions, reminding her of his power over her life. By the end of that first week in his possession, young Calci was pregnant again, now with she and Rikko's second child. After two weeks there was a third. Eventually, Rikko left to hunt one day, taking the two older fast growing boys with him to learn. Pega, who hadn't given up the search, found the cave where Calci was being held captive and finally rescued her. Calci wept in relief as Pega retrieved her from the cave, tears streaming down her cheeks. She knew her time with Rikko was over, but she also felt guilt for falling victim to him and bearing his children, the third of which they left in the cave for their father to find upon his return. As they trekked back home, Calci couldn't help but wonder what she would tell her people about her time with Rikko. How could she explain what had happened to her without shaming herself further? To her surprise no one asked her what had happened while she was in Rikko's possession, but it became clear they all knew. It didn't take much guessing. The village's reaction was understandable - disgust, confusion, pity. But it wasn't exactly a surprise. They all knew a demon, probably many, would eventually get Calci. Within a couple of weeks the resilient blonde beauty had mostly moved on. She was back to exploring the woods on her own, equipped with her knife and ready for Rikko if he showed himself again. One day Pega found her by the village's main watering hole. She was surprised he was still hanging around and hadn't moved on. "You know, when I first saw you, I couldn't resist the idea of having one of my slaves," he told her. "I still have a bit of a desire to do just that and take you with me when I leave tomorrow." "I was already a slave once, I don't want to experience that again," she said. "If you have any respect for me, don't try to kidnap me, or talk the elders into selling me to you. They won't anyway. My parents would never let that happen." "I know, I know," Pega said. "Let me finish." She rose from her kneeling position so she could better listen to him. "You and the other girls can do these hunts on your own, you just have to be careful," he said. "Stay closer to the village, go for smaller game." She nodded. "Thank you for the advice, Pega," she replied, her expression serious. "And please remember what I said. I won't be part of any more enslavement." Pega studied her for a moment, assessing her sincerity. Finally, he agreed. "Alright, I will honor your wishes. But, if something happens and I have to come rescue you again. I won't return you to this village. I'll keep you as one my slaves. Understood?" Calci felt a mixture of gratitude and apprehension. Grateful for his understanding, but apprehensive about the possibility of needing his assistance. Calci nodded in agreement, knowing she must be cautious moving forward. She could sense that Pega might pose a threat to her safety and her freedom, but she also acknowledged that it wouldn't be easy to refuse his protection entirely. Over the next few days, Calci returned to exploring the vast expanses of the earth, traversing the terrain with the grace and agility she'd always shown. Bats came with her on occasion, traveling in a satchel she carried over her back. One day, she ventured deep into the forest, far beyond the village's reach. She heard rustling ahead, and decided to investigate. With her knife tightly grasped in her hand, she followed the sound. She encountered a family of rabbits, frolicking in the sunlight. Smiling softly, she watched. This made her happy. Then she heard loud thundering steps that scared the rabbits and sent them running. There was only one creature that could create such a noise. His name was Goliath. And he was massive. Almost as tall as the giant trees surrounding the clearing, he was a monstrous sight to behold. His arms reached wide across the ground, nearly touching the tips of his claws. His face, a horrifying combination of crocodile and dinosaur features, dominated the landscape. Even his feet, with sharp, scaly toenails, could easily stomp a small village into rubble. Goliath was a slaver, whose job was to capture beautiful young Barasonian women to breed them and sell them as sex slaves. Had he smelled her scent, she wondered. Calci was terrified. "We run, we run," Bats squealed. "Don't worry, Bats. We're going to be fine," Calci reassured him, attempting to project confidence she didn't fully feel. "I don't think he's seen us, and I don't think he smells me yet. We just have to get out of here very quietly." Calci knew she had to be careful, if he saw her, he'd easily outrun and catch her. If he tracked her, he'd follow her to the village where he'd Demolish their homes, kill all the men and enslave all the women he could capture. This was the first time though she'd ever seen him. Until now she'd only heard terrifying stories about the monster. As he came a little more into view she could see his enormous phallus, so long that when not erect the tip dragged on the ground behind him. His testicles were the size of her home. How could he ever fit such a thing inside a girl like her, she wondered, and yet she knew he had. At least three women from her camp were presumed kidnapped by Goliath. "Calci, we must go," Bats reminded her. "Right, Bats. We've got to get out of here without him seeing us." Goliath roared, startling both Calci and Bats. The thunderous echoes of his cry reverberated through the forest, making even the birds fall silent. Calci knew she had to act quickly, or else the monstrous slaver would surely find them. She backed away quickly, then began to run back toward her village. Bats hung on tight in the satchel, missing the opportunity to see Calci's buns jiggling, one of his favorite pastimes on their exploratory hikes. As they fled, Calci's thoughts raced. What could she do to avoid Goliath? How could she protect her friends and neighbors from his terrible wrath? These questions swirled in her head, compounding her fear and anxiety. She only hoped he didn't smell her. Goliath was known to have an acute sense of smell, which allowed him to track down his prey with incredible precision. In her panic, Calci struggled to control her breathing, hoping it wouldn't give her away. As she ran, Calci thought of ways to escape this nightmare. Her quick wit and instinctual survival skills served her well, but she realized this monstrous creature posed a far greater threat than anything she'd faced before. Her heart pounded heavily in her chest, her breath coming in short gasps. Her young butt jiggled wildly as she ran. Fortunately for Calci, Goliath had not seen her and he did not pick up scent. But unfortunately, and unbeknownst to her, he did know of her. He'd smelled her once when she traveled deep into the forest. He followed them to a clearing and saw her on a distant hilltop with some friends. Even from faraway, too far for him to get to Calci in time to catch her, he could see her amazing ass. For months since then, he had lusted after her, desiring to make her his slave. He even learned her name from others he'd captured, Calci. He was the ultimate predator, and she was his prey. He couldn't wait to lay his hands on her. Soon Calci was back in her village, safe and unharmed. But she was tormented by thoughts of Goliath. The thought of being captured by the monstrous slaver filled her with dread. She needed to find a way to protect herself and her loved ones from this terrifying force. She discussed her fears with her closest friend, Zara. They talked late into the night, brainstorming ways to combat Goliath. Zara, a resourceful young girl, suggested creating an early warning system, using bird-call signals. It seemed a good idea to Calci, but it was not enough. "We have to become skilled hunters," Calci said. "Pega said we can hunt on our own, starting out on younger creatures. Perhaps with more experience will figure out how to kill a monster the size of Goliath." "But you and I don't like killing," Zara noted. "We don't even squash bugs." "We're going to have to," Calci said. "The village always needs more meat, and we need to get better at protecting ourselves." Zara nodded in agreement. As she was returning home to her family's hut that evening Calci heard some boys giggling. She turned and saw them watching her. Jemiaha was among them, but he was not laughing. They stopped their giggling when they noticed her looking their way. Jemiaha stepped forward to talk to her. "Hey, Calci," he said, trying to appear casual. "What's all the giggling about," she asked. "Uh, nothing," he said, as he didn't want to tell her how they were giggling at how much jigglier her young butt now appeared. "Don't lie, Jemiaha," Calci snapped. "Well," he said hesitantly. "We were talking a bit ago about how you girls are wanting to go hunting on your own. Zara told Kya, she told Jana, Jana told Herbie and that's how we found out. Calci hesitated briefly, unsure of whether she should trust Jemiaha or not. But deciding he wasn't laughing at her, she responded, "Yes, you heard right. It seems the best defense against Goliath and others like him is to become stronger and more skilled." "But your girls," he said. "So, that's what you were laughing about?" she asked. "You don't think girls can become good hunters? I'm better at traversing the woods than any of you scared boys." Calci said, raising her chin defiantly. Jemiaha shrugged. "Not everyone is meant to be a warrior, Calci. You shouldn't let your adventures take you away from who you really are." Calci frowned. "Who I am is someone who wants to protect her people. And becoming skilled hunters helps us do that." "You're also the one girl every male creature in the forest wants to mate with," he noted. "Look what happened." She was getting mad at Jemiaha. He was supposed to be her friend. Or at least, she thought he was. But now, Calci felt betrayed by Jemiaha's comments. "Maybe you should spend less time gossiping and more time learning how to defend yourself," she retorted coldly. Before Jemiaha could respond, Calci turned and walked away, her hips swaying seductively underneath her loincloth. "Stubborn woman," Jemiaha muttered under his breath as he watched her leave. Despite his misgivings, he respected her determination. Inside her hut, Luna noticed how angry her youngest daughter as she came in. She'd seen Calci through the window speaking to Jemiaha. "You know he has a crush on, don't you," she asked Calci with a smile. "Mom," she said with disapproval. "He does not. He's just my friend." "He follows you and watches you anytime you're near him," Luna noted. "Trust me, he likes you as more than a friend. Not that you're old enough for such things yet, but maybe soon." "I have no interest in boys," Calci said, storming off to her room. Luna shook her head in concern. Had Calci's experience with Rikko resulted in this, she wondered. She knew her daughter's feelings about boys were changing rapidly, but there was no point in pressuring her. For now, she decided to let her daughter stew in her anger, knowing full well Calci would eventually cool down. Meanwhile, Jemiaha, although hurt by Calci's reaction, understood why she acted that way. She was always so proud and defiant. He felt a mix of confusion and admiration for her determination. The next day, Calci set out with Zara and three other girls from their village to hone her hunting skills. She did not have them remove their shorts and booties though as Pega had done. That might lure more demons out, but they only needed one, preferably smaller creature to kill. That way, if they made a mistake, it wouldn't cost them too much. As they stalked their prey, they honed their senses, listening intently for any rustling leaves or the sounds of wings flapping. It was essential for them to stay quiet to avoid drawing attention to themselves from bigger creatures. Calci knew better than any of them, except Jana, the consequences of being caught. The group moved through the forest in silence, using hand gestures to communicate silently. Calci took the lead, carefully navigating around obstacles and choosing the path with the most concealment. She listened intently to the whispers of the wind, allowing her ears to guide her movements, just as Pega had done. Every step she took was calculated, ensuring minimal noise. Her focus was so intense that her muscles ached with strain. Behind her, Zara maintained the rear position, responsible for covering their tracks and alerting the group to any potential threats. She was determined to learn from Calci's skillset, her eyes constantly scanning the environment for signs of danger. Then they saw him, a small reptile demon drinking from the edge of one of the canal's wade pools. He'd been tracking Calci's scent, the strongest of the girls, but had yet to find them. The girls found him first. "He's perfect," Zara said of the three-foot-tall creature that stood on his hind legs. "He doesn't even have a large penis. We'll be safe going for him." Calci agreed. "He's small enough for us to handle." The girls split up, forming a half circle around the creature. Calci took the lead, moving silently closer to the creature until she was within striking distance. As she prepared to strike, Zara signaled for the others to be ready to act. The demon, oblivious to the impending attack, continued drinking water from the pool. Its scaly skin glinted in the sunlight, revealing a faint bluish iridescence. Its long tail curved gracefully behind it, providing balance as it leaned over the pool. The girls had never encountered this type of demon before, making them cautious despite their confidence in their hunting abilities. Their bodies were trembling slightly with adrenaline, fueled by their desire to prove themselves. Silently, Calci took another step closer, her knife raised to strike. Just as she was about to make her move, Zara held up her hand signaling a pause. The girls froze, their hearts pounding wildly. The sound of something large crashing through the trees nearby sent a chill running down their spines. Zara looked at Calci with wide eyes, both terrified and determined. This was it. The moment they had been preparing for. As the mysterious creature drew closer, the sound of its heavy footsteps growing louder with each passing second, the girls instinctively moved closer together, seeking comfort in each other's presence. Their palms grew sweaty, and their knees began to shake. Their breaths became shallow, and the air hung thick with tension. Then the small demon took off running. Their prey was getting away. A large big teeth emerged, giving chase to the creature, oblivious to the girls' presence. Calci and her friends took off running the opposite direction, hurrying back to the safety of their village. They'd failed to catch their prey, but they managed to avoid becoming the mate of the large big teeth and had gained some confidence as they stalked the little lizard creature.