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Chapter 4 Pega arrived just in time to kill a giant rat like creature that had pinned Caylee in a clearing by the canal. The girl was screaming by the time he got the creature off of her. He managed to quickly calm her down as Kya and Calci came running up. "Is she OK," Calci asked, worried for her sister. "She's fine," Pega replied curtly, pulling out his hunting tools. "Let's move on. We'll have your tribe pick up this kill later." Kya, still shaken from the encounter, stayed close to Calci and Caylee as they all followed Pega deeper into the canal. They navigated the rocky terrain, carefully avoiding hidden crevices and pitfalls. The group moved stealthily, using their keen senses to detect the presence of any potential threats. The air carried a chill that seemed to penetrate deep into their bones, and the thick mist blanketing the ground did little to alleviate the chill. Their footsteps echoed softly against the ground, reverberating through the trees. Calci glanced at Pega, who walked ahead of them, leading the way. She wondered what he was thinking and why he was so enamored with her butt. It made sense that the mutant alien trader would try to gain their trust in order to use them as bait for capturing feral creatures, but why play the naughty doctor game with her and make her tell the awful story about her friend's dad?  Calci couldn't understand it, nor could she believe how she had allowed herself to get caught up in his games. But it was too late now, she had revealed too much of her personal life, and she wasn't sure how she would face her friends and family if he shared any of it. As they trekked deeper, Calci became increasingly uneasy. The chilly mist seemed to envelop them, making it difficult to see beyond a few feet. Calci strained her eyes to make out the surroundings, her heart thumping in her chest. Her body was covered in perspiration, causing her clothes to cling to her skin. She couldn't help but feel vulnerable, exposed. The air held an eerie quality that sent shivers down her spine. It felt like they were being watched. She tried to focus on the sounds of their movements – the crunch of leaves underfoot, the rustle of branches above, the faint breath of her companions. What she didn't know was that their scents, especially hers, had drawn more demons in, and the sight of her even jigglier butt had these creatures riveted.  One such demon, named Rikko, who had grown quite fond of watching her from afar, decided to make his move. His eyes gleamed in the darkness as he emerged from the shadows. He was a tall, powerful-looking demon with long, thin limbs, and his body was covered in glistening, silver scales. His head resembled that of a crocodile, with razor-sharp teeth protruding from his mouth. He wore nothing but a loincloth made of feathers. As his eyes fell upon Calci's plump butt, the demon Rikko felt a surge of desire course through his veins. His nostrils flared as he took in her sweet, delicious butt scent. His tongue flickered across his lips, his eyes locked onto her exposed, jiggling buttocks. In his mind, he could see those cheeks bouncing before him as he pursued her. Calci, oblivious to the demon's presence, continued walking alongside Pega and the others. Kya kept glancing back, her eyes searching the dense forest. Despite her growing uneasiness, Calci attempted to maintain a cheerful demeanor. She wanted to reassure her companions that everything would be okay.  Suddenly, Pega stopped abruptly, signaling for silence. They listened intently, ears pricked for any sign of movement or sound. Calci's heart raced as adrenaline coursed through her veins. She couldn't bear the thought of facing another creature like the one that attacked Caylee. Shivering, she clung tightly to Kya, taking comfort in her friend's embrace. She whispered urgently, "Do you smell that? Something feels wrong." Pega stood alert, his muscles tensed as he scanned the surrounding area. "Stay close together and stay quiet," he ordered. "We don't want to attract anything more dangerous than we already have." Pega's command filled Calci with dread, as though the mere utterance of the words was enough to summon a host of horrors waiting just beyond their view. She felt her heart race, her breath shallow. Her gaze darted between the flickering shadows and the determined faces of her companions. As they pressed onward, careful steps measured out in inches, she couldn't help but notice the increased intensity of her fellow hunters. Rikko finally made his move, bounding forward quickly from out of the dark. In seconds, he had reached Calci and grasped her by the waist, lifting her effortlessly into the air and carrying her intot her darkness. With a swift motion, he drew her back against his massive chest, her face level with his own. Calci struggled desperately, trying to free herself from the demon's iron grip. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she fought futilely against the unimaginably strong being. Kya screamed, her terror escalating as she witnessed the struggle between her friend and the fearsome creature. Calci fought desperately, but the monstrous demon's strength proved too great. "Got you, jiggly one," Rikko told her. "No, no, let me go," she cried. Pega sprang into action, drawing his crossbow and charging toward the two figures in the center of the clearing. Rikko's cold, reptilian eyes fixed on Calci's trembling form, savoring every moment of his conquest. The demon's hands moved slowly, caressing her buttocks with deliberate intent. Calci squirmed helplessly in his grasp, her heart racing in fear and panic. Rikko continued to stroke her firm bottom, relishing in its smoothness and the way it undulated beneath his touch. This only served to fuel Calci's growing despair, as she realized she was entirely at the mercy of this terrifying creature. Meanwhile, Pega approached cautiously, his crossbow aimed squarely at Rikko's chest. The tension in the air was palpable, as both parties were aware of the consequences should either side falter. Rikko's lust for Calci's succulent derrière was undeniable, yet Pega's determination to protect her was unwavering. His fingers gripped the trigger of his crossbow tightly, his mind racing through possible strategies to ensure Calci's safety.  He knew he had to act quickly, as Rikko showed no signs of letting her go. As Pega charged closer, Rikko noticed his approach and growled menacingly. His eyes turned fierce, the glow intensifying within the depths of his reptilian irises. "Her rectum is mine for breeding," Rikko declared. Pega's decision was made in an instant. Drawing a deep breath, he pulled the trigger, sending a crossbow bolt speeding towards the demon. It struck Rikko squarely in the chest, eliciting a bloodcurdling scream. The demon's powerful grip around Calci weakened, and she began to fall. Desperate to save herself, she released a primal cry and launched herself away from the wounded demon. Her buttocks swayed wildly, causing Rikko to roar with frustration as he lost his grip on his prey. Without missing a beat, Pega swooped in, grabbing Calci and pulling her behind him, shielding her with his body. He aimed his crossbow again, firing another bolt at the retreating demon. The missile embedded itself into Rikko's shoulder, causing him to howl in pain and rage. Rikko leaped towards Pega, his fury burning bright as he swiped at the hunter with his razor-sharp claws. Calci watched in horror as the demon bore down on Pega, his malice apparent in every twitch of his muscles. She rushed to his aid, drawing her hunting knife from its sheath and brandishing it defiantly. Pega looked back over his shoulder and saw her there, strong willed and defiant, holding her tiny little knife. "What are you gonna try to do with that thing?" he laughed. "Just get back, Cheeks. I'll protect you." Calci blushed with embarrassment and hid behind a tree as Pega stared the monster down. Rikko, still seething with anger, approached them once more. His eyes burned with fury, and his jaws clenched tightly. Rikko lunged forward, attempting to grab Calci once more. Pega leapt back, narrowly avoiding the demon's sharp claws as it swiped at him. With superhuman agility, Rikko rolled to his feet and dove toward Calci, sweeping her up in his arms again. "She is mine," he roared. "This buttocks belongs to me, and I will breed it!" His words echoed through the forest, reverberating off the trees. Calci, overcome with fear was hoisted onto the demon's shoulder, unable to comprehend what was happening. She glanced over at Pega, pleading with him silently to come to her rescue. Pega was winded however and slow to react. Rikko quickly scaled a nearby tree with Calci in his possession and disappeared into the tree tops with his fat-butted prize. Caylee screamed in terror as the demon left with her kid sister in his clutches. Panic engulfed the tribe members as they spent the rest of the day searching for Calci. Lake, Calci's older brother, ran towards where Calci had been taken. He was a skilled tracker, having learned from their father, and would not give up easily. The villagers followed suit, determined to bring Calci home safely. Rikko, now perched high above the ground, held Calci tightly, feeling her soft flesh pressing against his hardened body. He admired her curvaceous figure, reveling in the thought of having complete control over her. He watched the villagers below while fondling her butt. Calci whimpered, helpless and incapable of getting away. "As soon as they move on, I'm taking you to my nest," he told her. Calci cried and cried, but realized her situation was hopeless. If she called for help, he'd pinch her butt hard and still easily get away with her in tow. Once the coast was clear Rikko climbed down with Calci in his arms and took her too a small cave. Once he had her inside, he concealed the entrance so no one would find them. Rikko sat her down in the straw nest he'd made at the back of the cave. He restrained her hands behind her back so she couldn't try to get away. "I've stalked you for the past two weeks," he told her. "Me and many other demons, but I knew I'd be the one to get you. I made this nest just for breeding you, Plump Butt. No other Barasonian girl would do." The musky scent of Rikko's scaly skin and the faint tang of rot filled the air as he leaned closer to Calci. His sharp teeth glinted in the dim light, revealing an arsenal of deadly weapons, yet Calci tried to remain stoic, refusing to give in to fear. "You know, you're quite brave for someone who's going to be my breeding partner," Rikko said with a mix of amusement and disdain. "I'm sure you're going to make a good young mommy for my little ones." "You'll be mine for as long as I wish, and then you can return to your pitiful tribe." Calci tried to stay composed, her mind racing. She needed to think of a plan to escape. Rikko's hand found its way to her breast, groping her through her clothes. His rough touch sent shivers down her spine, making her feel dirty and violated. "You're disgusting," she said defiantly. He then reached around and began playing with her butt again, letting her know what was soon to happen to her. Calci began to breakdown and cry again. No, no, she thought, I have to be tough. I have to escape. I need to get out of here before it's too late. Calci thought, her mind working furiously to devise a plan. Meanwhile, Rikko continued to grope her plump buttocks. Calci endured the humiliating torment, fighting back tears, desperately trying to think of a way to escape.  Rikko, unaware of her silent battle for survival, smirked as he played with her. He relished in her fear, enjoying every second of the power he held over her. Try as best she could smart young Calci couldn't think of a way out. No, there had to be something, but what was it? Damn it, she thought. How did this happen. Pega had been so close to saving her then Rikko won and took off with her in his possession. She was his now. She felt Rikko removing her thong and then watched as he took her little girl underwear and hung it from a peg on the cave wall. "That will be my most prized trophy," he told her. As she kneeled there before him, she watched as he pulled out his 18-inch demon dick. It was enormous. He wanted to put that in her butt, she thought. She was horrified. Then he revealed his massive testicles, filled with massive amounts of sperm saved up just for her bottom. Calci closed her eyes, bracing herself for what was to come. Despite her dread, her mind raced to formulate a plan. Rikko continued to play with her, alternating between her breasts and her buttocks. The intensity of his grip became stronger, nearly crushing her with each touch. As her fear grew, so did her determination to escape. She focused on her surroundings, examining any potential means of escape. Calci spotted a wooden pole lying on the floor nearby, covered in dust. It might be able to serve as a weapon if she could only get hold of it. However, Rikko had her hands tied firmly behind her back, rendering any chance of reaching the pole impossible. She continued to search for alternative ways to free herself from her predicament, while maintaining her resolve to escape. Rikko, now satisfied with the level of fear he had instilled in Calci, decided to take a moment to rest. It was then she quickly sprung to her feet, surprising him with her quickness as she charged toward the cave opening. She forced it open with her shoulder and was back out in the woods, running as fast she could barefoot.  Rikko just laughed. He was confident she wouldn't get far as he gave chase. If anything this was just further arousing him, making the moment when he'd eventually breed her all the more satisfying. Calci screamed for help, but Pega and her fellow tribesmen were now too far away to hear her. She frantically raced along the forest floor as fast as her little feet could carry her. As he caught up to her, Rikko grinned with anticipation, watching as her big young 36-rotations bubble butt jiggled like crazy, knowing that he would soon feel the sweet pleasure of the forbidden fruit that was her virgin butthole. Calci, running blindly through the forest, didn't know which direction to go. She knew she had to keep moving, but her beautiful legs were trembling, and her heart pounded in her chest. She thought of Pega, hoping he would catch up to her and save her from this nightmare. Rikko continued after her, gaining ground swiftly, his scaly tail propelling him forward like a snake, but he was also taking his time, enjoying the chase. Then all of a sudden, three tribesman appeared ahead in the distance.  "Daddy," Calci squealed with joy, recognizing her father was one of them. Just as she was about to scream to them to help her, Rikko closed the final distance between he and Calci, swooped her up once more in his arms and clasped his scaly right claw over her young mouth so she couldn't scream. "Nnnn," was all the youngster could get out before she was back in his possession, her pert bare butt once again his up on his shoulder as he carried her back to the nest. As they entered the nest he let her get out one horrified scream that he knew her father would hear. "Noooo," she whaled. "Calci," Jomas said.