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This audio was created by Woord's Text to Speech service by content creators from all around the world.
Text Content or SSML code:
"Have you ever noticed that whenever money comes your way, unexpected problems seem to arise that drain it away? This is what’s known as the devourer—it undermines your hard work. If you’re a farmer, it can ruin your crops. If you’re a business owner, it can threaten your success. It’s no wonder your progress feels slow, if you’re making any at all. When you pay your tithe, God provides you with insights and creative ideas—those intangible gifts—and He wants you to transform them into tangible success. So here’s my advice: don’t misuse what belongs to God. If you want to experience His blessings in your life, make it a priority to give your tithe and offer your first fruits. Also, consider giving seed offerings and freewill offerings. By taking these steps, you’ll activate the blessings in your life."