Read Aloud the Text Content

This audio was created by Woord's Text to Speech service by content creators from all around the world.

Text Content or SSML code:

1. We clean ourselves with soap, but nobody knows how clean the soap itself is. 2. Your future self is watching you right now through memories. 3. Your brain knows where all of your organs are, but won’t tell you. 4. The person you are right now is a stranger to your future self. 5. The only time the word “incorrectly” isn’t spelled incorrectly is when it’s spelled incorrectly. 6. A moment can feel long or short, but it’s always the same length in time. 7. You’ve never actually seen your own face, only reflections and pictures. 8. You’ll forget most of your life, and that’s probably a good thing. 9. Somewhere in the world, someone has memories that include you, but you don’t know it. 10. If two mind-readers are reading each other’s minds, whose thoughts are they thinking?