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3. Answer the exercise questions at the end of each topic. They’re simple and quick. If you miss one, go back and review the material until you understand. If you still don’t understand, be sure to ask your instructor about it later. Why it’s important: Immediately answering questions helps transfer what you’re learning to your long-term memory. It also confirms that you’re learning as you go, which is important because misunderstanding something can create learning difficulties later. 4. Answer Knowledge Reviews. Each section ends with a knowledge review. If you don’t know the answer to a question, review the information and then answer. If you answer incorrectly, the system assists your review until you answer correctly. The system won’t record you as having completed the section until you complete each knowledge review correctly. If you have trouble, or don’t completely understand why an answer is correct, ask your instructor for help. Why it’s important: The knowledge reviews help confirm and reinforce how concepts interconnect, and help you retain what you’re learning. They also help you confirm that you understand foundational concepts before moving on to others that build upon them. 5. Get your instructor’s help. By email, telephone, or when you meet, have your instructor explain areas in which you had difficulties, and ask questions. Your instructor will also help you combine what you’re learning with your personal characteristics and abilities to being a Tec 40 Diver. Why it’s important: The better you communicate with your instructor, the more effectively your instructor can help you become a PADI Tec 40 Diver. 6. Complete the Exam. When you’ve completed all the Knowledge Reviews and discussed anything you want with your instructor, take a moment to review. Then, you’ll complete a comprehensive final exam. Why it’s important: You must demonstrate mastery of the knowledge development material by scoring 80 percent or higher, and reviewing any missed items until you understand them. If you score lower, after reviewing and restudying, you complete a make-up exam with your instructor. Because you apply what you’re learning in the water, it’s important that you complete each section with its exercises and knowledge reviews as scheduled by your instructor. Failure to do so may delay or interrupt your training.