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Eternity, along with his sister Infinity, were born with the Big Bang and they represent the multiverse in its current iteration (but each universe has its own Eternity and Infinity that represent that universe). Before Eternity, there was a single universe, whose animating force was the primal cosmic being that would later call itself the First Firmament. The First Firmament was attacked by its creations, The Celestials, during the catastrophic cosmic war that erupted between them and their counterpart creations, the Aspirants. The climax of that war resulted in the Celestials' weapons tearing the first universe apart. The core essence of the First Firmament and the surviving Aspirants desperately fled to the void outside creation. The torn fragments of the sundered first universe then coalesced into a new being that was made up of hundreds of universes: the "Second Cosmos" which was the first multiverse. Creation would then evolve, die and be reborn six more times, each time evolving and changing to add new realities, forces and properties to itself-and all these changes would be reflected in the corresponding birth of Eternity. After the destruction of the multiverse by the incursions and its rebirth at the hands of Reed Richards, Franklin Richards, and Molecule Man, Eternity is in his 8th incarnation.