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TEST 26 A Creature of Habit Mr Griggs is a quaint, old-fashioned kind of guy, but most of all, he is a creature of habit. On Mondays, he does the washing and sweeps his house. He bakes bread, winds the clock and trims his beard. He visits the library in the afternoon and feeds the ducks in the park. At night... he goes to sleep in front of the television. On Tuesdays, he irons his clothes and polishes his shoes. He goes to the bank then does his shopping. Mr Griggs always buys a dozen saveloys! In the afternoon, he goes to a sketching class then has coffee at his favourite café. At night... he goes to sleep in front of the television. On Wednesdays, he dusts the furniture and cleans out the birdcage. He bakes scones to take to his neighbour and stays for a game of chess. Mr Griggs likes to fix things, so he spends the afternoon pottering in his shed. At night... he goes to sleep in front of the television. On Thursdays, he weeds the garden and mows the lawn. He blows the clippings off the driveway and waters the plants. In the afternoon, he goes to the hospital to read to the patients. At night... he goes to sleep in front of the television. On Fridays, he vacuums the carpet and mops the floors. In the afternoon, he plays golf. (Mr Griggs has a very low handicap.) At night, he likes to watch Friday night footie, but... he goes to sleep in front of the television. At the weekend, Mr Griggs relaxes. He listens to music, sips coffee and reads the Sunday papers. He plays Solitaire on his computer and chats to Mr Ray over the fence. In the afternoon, he goes for a drive in the country. At night, well at night, he just goes to sleep Read the text and shade a bubble or write an answer to each question. 1 Complete this sentence. Mr Griggs is called a creature of habit because 2 List three of Mr Griggs' household chores. 3 From the story, we know that Mr Griggs owns: a dog a cat a bird a duck 4 During the working week, there is one thing that Mr Griggs always does. That is: 5 Mr Griggs buys saveloys. These are: liquorice-flavoured sweets spicy, red sausages sea fish canned in oil salty crackers 6 What would Mr Griggs learn at a sketching class? how to draw pictures with a pencil how to use watercolours and oil paints how to do exercises to keep himself fit how to dance 7 Name one game that Mr Griggs likes to play. 8 What volunteer work does Mr Griggs do? chats to Mr Ray feeds the ducks visits the library reads to people in hospital 9 Mr Griggs has a very low golfing handicap. This means: he is a good player he only needs one golf club he has to wear glasses to see the ball he doesn't play golf very well 10 Which of the following things would Mr Griggs probably also do every day? You may shade more than one bubble. pick flowers from his garden brush his teeth eat breakfast go to bed 11 Name one place Mr Griggs goes to. 12 Number these events in order from 1–4. Mr Griggs likes to watch Friday night footie. Mr Griggs goes to a sketching class. Mr Griggs winds the clock and trims his beard. Mr Griggs spends the afternoon pottering in his shed.