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part 11. I ended up posting the shit to Florida too maybe scam someone down there. I then went to Craigslist and I have the dresser listed multiple times on there. One listing I put in New Jersey and the other in Florida. I be forgetting that people in New Jersey, be gullible too. The other post of the dresser, I just kept in maine. Craigslist isn’t like Facebook. You can’t share people’s post or comment on them. I was really hoping to get people to pay cash app so that I could get the money myself and not have to worry about escorts running off with it. I also found out that you could find a post that’s in your area, by searching anything that may be in someone’s description. Like cash app's and venmo's for example. Damn. So I could check if the fave is really using my strategy too scam by searching up her cash app. Anything you add to your post description or title, could be searched and found. At first, I thought I could have the dresser appear in all states. Like if I add certain keywords, anyone from anywhere could find my listing. Nope. That’s not the case. It’s only for the area, which is dumb too me. That day, I also played some call of duty black ops 4. I later walked the dog. Some time later, I stained the table with the cherry blossom color, which is really purple. I did purple because most of my customers are women. So I wanted to market too them. The camera was acting up again because of my low storage and I swear too god, I fucking hate that shit !! Pops was mowing the lawn that day too and I edited some videos. For dinner, I cooked myself some Alfredo chicken over Penne pasta. It was pretty good. I was thinking how I need to keep myself motivated. Keep myself just doing something so that I could keep from falling into depression. I was thinking about how I gotta finish the stairs and stuff. Like yo, I wanted some money. I like money a lot. Anyhow, I ate my dinner and ended up drinking two glasses of soy milk to go with it. One glass at a time tho. I later on was plugging up the extension cords for the halogen lamp in the barn. I usually plug an extension cord into the outside of the house. So the ground outlet, and plug the other extension cord to the one that’s connected to the house. The second extension cord reaches the halogen lamp in the barn. I restained the table. Some time later on after I had cut out the halogen lamp and exited the barn to go back in the house, it was the 6th, very early morning and I thought about selling the chargers I’ve stolen from breaking into cars. I eventually went to sleep and I’ll talk more about the 6th and later dates in the next journal. Until next time, peace out yo !!