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part 10. I biked around some more roads, looking for more apartments. I kept either looping back around too this ave or too this other road. Damn. At one point, I saw a car heading my direction, but some distance away. In case that was the cops, I biked quickly down the road and made a turn. Then I biked hella fast down the road I turned on. This bike still fast as fuck yo ! By the time this nigga turns on the same road, I’m pretty far down by now. The road isn’t that short neither bruh !! I got a fast ass bike !! I made a right after the light turned red and the car just ended up sitting at the light as I was down on another road. I biked straight down this hill and turned onto another road as I just seen some more L E D lights coming from in front of me. I thought how that may be a cop too. They be having them types of bright ass car lights. I made a left onto another road after that and just biked around the area. I couldn’t find any more apartments and didn’t even know how I found that apartment place. I eventually decided to just head home and so I did. Took a lil while to get back. I found that Facebook restored one of my accounts. I eventually went to sleep. In the daytime, someone texted me about some credenza I had listed on Craigslist. I told them they gotta pay to hold it. If they red the description, they’ll know that. I got on my Facebook account that’s just been restored. Some bitch of course found me on Facebook. She’s one of the people I scammed. The chick I had send $160 too an escort so I could get laid. She had posted and said to not buy from me and how I scammed her last week. Oh boo who. Bitch talking about she knows where I’m at in New York. Yeah, ok. Bitch is from Maine and had contacted me through Craigslist. She probably knows where the hooker is at. Not where I’m actually at. You could guess by looking at other listings I got posted. But, whatever. She got some comments on her posts. People with actual brains. Telling her to not send any money online. On my listing, I had scammed her on, that I had listed on Facebook, I changed the I’m not gonna be available date from the 7th to the 12th that day and was still tryna scam in the same area. I later on tried out this cherry blossom stain from minwax and it’s a cool stain. I later checked my Facebook messages again for the dresser and people who knew about the scam, hit me up. Someone said I scammed someone in the town who’s well known. Aw shit. I would’ve be surprised if she wasn’t lying neither. My god !! When the fuck is my luck ever just, perfect !! The listing was getting many views and stuff. I had tried scamming some people who texted me. One was like, “you know we took a deposit for this already right ?”, and so I blocked her. I con'd another person before, for $60 for the dresser. Money was sent to some hookers tho.