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part 7. The taste makes me think of a sexy women you like a lot. If y’all been up with my journals, y’all know who I’m talking bout. It tastes tangy, spicy and just good. Kind of hard too describe. I fucking love it !! I went back upstairs at one point and lil bro talked about me cutting up some tomato. When I’m on kitchen !? Nigga are you fucking stupid ?!! You never wanna do shit when you’re on kitchen !! I damn sure don’t wanna do shit. I have a whole fucking place to clean up and I only sometimes sweep the dirty floor. So what the fuck, makes you think that I’m doing anything related too cooking my nigga !!! I told his punkass that I’m on kitchen and he tells me too just cut it. Yo, I would slap the fucking shit outta you !! Pussy bitch, who you talkin too !! I said, “You cut it !!! Who you talking too !!”. Fuck outta here !! Big bro said that lil bro would say the same if he was on kitchen. Thank you !!! I’m not the only one who realizes he’s a god damn hypocrite !! He gets it from our pops. Lil bro tried to deny it and he’s so full of shit sometimes !! Pops comes in the kitchen and asks what’s going on. I told him I’m on kitchen and in a very irritated tone, said, “I’m not cutting anyway !!”. He has the nerve to tell me that I could just tell him I’m on kitchen and so I don’t have to help out. He’s knows that tho !! Big bro knows that, and he don’t even live here !! Nah, his bitchass thinks he could boss me around and I’ma break his fucking jaw. Pops said that he’d just cut it. Anyhow, I went downstairs and ate my fish burger. I had toasted the bun, like I always do. I went back to woodworking afterwards. Pops interrupts me at one point and says we’re about to watch power book 4. The new episode. I had already watched it, but I figured I could watch it again. I finished sanding down one of the shelves for pop’s shelf and then headed inside. I fixed my plate and someone had already got me an ice cup. We had vegetarian beans, barber q chicken and salad for dinner with a glass of ice and grapefruit juice. I had some wish bone dressing on my salad. The creamy Italian flavor. I’m not too crazy over it. I mean, it’s alright. We sat down and watched power book 4, season 2 episode 1. In the very early hours of the 4th, we we’re finishing up power book 4. I later loaded the dish washer and lil bro told me he was about to head out. Probably to get some pussy. I went outside at one point and started sanding again. I came back inside at one point and lil bro was arguing a bit with someone on the phone. Some of his friends. I played some call of duty black ops 4 a bit later. I later cleared up the kitchen completely and then washed some clothes. I had put this frozen food in the microwave and forgot it for some time. I had to heat it up again later on. It’s was some frozen vegetables with curry keen-wah. I also had that and some more grapefruit juice. I eventually watched some porn and fell asleep. I got up in the late morning and put my clothes in the dryer. I had went to sleep like around 6 am. So I got up around 11 something to put my clothes in the dryer. I ended up getting on some call of duty black ops 4 and played some capture the flag. They should’ve mandatorily put that in the game. Like, come on !! I later wiped the wood dust off the bookshelf pieces and I wipe the sanded wood dust off the wood before I stain, so that no wood dust gets in the stain. My plan was to put the big ass bookshelf together, after two coats of stain I’d apply would have dried. So when it was time to polish it with polyurethane.