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part 3. I split the Chinese food in half and even in half, it was quite a bit of food. Mom was tripping a bit and put some of the food I took, back. Like, damn !! That’s what I like about these Asian spots. They can pack so much food, into a small or decent sized container. It’s awesome !! I ate some rice and chicken wings. Mom wasn’t letting me get more food, which is why I need my own fuckin money !! Talking bout she may eat some tomorrow, blah blah blah. It’s ok, cause recently, I had big bro buy a reciprocating saw off some dude from Facebook. I plan on sawing off some catalytic converters and selling them bitches at a scrap yard. They go for $100 to $300 each at least !! Scrap yards don’t give a fuck, cause they make around $3000 off the materials that are inside the converters. So I’m making them money and making the auto shops money cause people have to get them replaced. Catalytic converter thefts have been up a whole lot since the past 3 too 4 years. I now got the saw and I’ll tell the story of how I got it when I get to that part in another journal. Fucking sick of being broke my nigga !! Advertising don’t be fucking working !!! I like the idea of if I got something, I could sell it right away !! Instead of just waiting for some fucking sale !!! When I sell the sawed off converters, I could afford some ad campaigns to get more sales on my website !! Since I don’t got the outfit yet, I’ll be sawing converters off out of the sight of cameras. When I get enough money from selling them shits, then I could afford whatever the fuck I need and want !! Anyway, my sister later in the night came over and ended up driving me back home. I put the shelf parts together for pop’s shelf and took some pictures. I ain’t glue any of the shelves too the legs tho. In the very early hours of September 2nd, I was wood working inside for a bit. Dumbass camera kept cutting off because of storage space. I ended up attaching the stabilizers for the bookshelf, too the legs. After woodworking for a bit, I watched the new episode of power book 4, force. Season 2 episode 1. After the episode, I eventually went to sleep. In the daytime, I was woodworking for some time and later went inside. I had some frozen veggie curry keen-wah. It’s one of them frozen veggie bowls. I later on sanded down half of the stairs and it took some time. Some time after, around nighttime, I fried 8 chicken legs using my batter and flour method. The chicken ended up being just an ok. I felt like it could’ve cooked more, which really fucking annoyed me !! I went back to woodworking after and I had been woodworking for a decent amount of hours that day.