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October 2, 2023. October 2, 2023. In the daytime, I put some wood outside to woodwork. Mom had left and later ends up picking my sister and I up to ride around with her too some stores. First place we went too, was sugar and spice. My sister had got some food. We go into staples next. I seen a cop in there and mom ended up getting me a couple notebooks. I need too copy my e-tah in a book. I’ve copied it on paper. An e-tah, is a reading you get when you make ocha. A reading about your life. What too do, what too avoid, etc. it’s quite important and is personally, very specifically, for you !! Making ocha is moving up in the religion I’m in. I’m not going into any details. Anyhow, Mom and I went to Barnes and noble and walked around a bit. Next store we went into, was michael's. My sister came into the store this time. We walked around some and I saw this big ass ladder like structure. Not sure what it’s called, but it’s pretty big and has wheels on the bottom. I mentioned how I may wanna get up on there. I headed up on the thing and could see over the whole store !! My sister was like, “get down from there” and was surprised I was up there. I had to go up and see the whole store. Mom was looking at me like I was nuts. I get down and next store we headed too, was kohl’s. Mom had to drive over too a kohl’s. Mom and I in headed into kohls. We next went to a Christmas tree store after some time and the place was closed down. The doors opened, but the place was fucking empty !! I was wondering what the fuck happened !! I got back in the car and we headed to the mall. My sister wanted to go home pretty badly at this point and wanted some juice. She was tripping a bit. Mom and I headed inside the mall through this side way to get into the mall. We walked around the mall a bit and I ended up getting a sample of general tso’s chicken from this Asian guy who was walking around with the samples. I walked passed some stores and went into this Buddha store at one point. They always selling some lit ass stuff. I like they stuff. Mom and I headed to target a bit later to get us some juice. Mom brought a big ass thing of peak tea. We went back to the car and my sister was being real ungrateful. Mom don’t gotta buy her e b t ass, shit !!! Complaining over cups and shit. She ended up taking the whole ice tea, as mom really got it cause my sister was thirsty. Mom dropped my sister's ass back the fuck home. Mom then lets me drive and she wanted me to drive to the hood too the tropical fresh supermarket. So I do and we head inside. I ended up buying a real small bag of takis. It was around a dollar. We get in the car after shopping in the store. I then drove to Home Depot and ended up buying some wood filler and screws. Mom had me drive back too the hood too market fresh. A bigger supermarket. I brought a lottery ticket. The 7 11 21 lottery ticket and only won a dollar. I walked around the store for a bit and actually ended up not seeing mom around. I was looking for her and stuff. I was starting to get worried after some time. I went outside and tried to call her. She wasn’t picking up. I went back inside the store to look for her some more. I was getting kind of pist off now. I brought another lottery ticket and ain’t win. Some bullshit. I walked back outside and tried calling mom again. I was pist off at this point and went back inside the store. I finally found her and asked where she was. She said she had went to another store. Wow. We soon got up outta there and mom drove us too a dollar tree store by stop and shop. We headed into the store, and then went over to stop and shop next.