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Chapter 1 October 1979 In a dark and gloomy grotto somewhere in England, a couple were busy moving some stones and drawing on the ground. One of them was a man with dark messy hair, brown eyes and round glasses, he was placing the stones in strategic places. His companion, a woman with crimson red hair and green eyes, was drawing a circle on the ground with a piece of chalk, and the stones were situated on the edges of the circle. Meanwhile, there was an open book in the centre of the circle. The woman placed a hand on her stomach and spoke, "James, are you sure about this? I know that you want to get back at that bitch, Alecto Carrow for her impotency curse on me. I want to skin her alive just as badly. Is this Ancient Greek fertility ritual really the answer? Also, do Sirius, Remus and Peter know about this?" He replied, "Padfoot does, he was the one who gave it to me in the first place. He had to search pretty darn deep in the Black library. I was hoping to surprise Moony and Wormtail. Don't worry Lily, we'll get our revenge." Finally, James finished drawing and took out his wand. Lily stepped in the circle as well and the two began chanting in Ancient Greek. Elsewhere, in the Forest of Dean Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt and Moon, knelt and examined the fresh tracks in front of her. Her most trusted Lieutenant, Zoe Nightshade knelt next to her. Zoe spoke, "The beast won't be far now. Tis' a good hunt for us My Lady. King Lycaon's right hand man, Fenrir Greyback is proving to be a very crafty opponent." "I agree Zoe, It won't be long before Greyback's severed head adorns my tent." The goddess, in her adolescent form, turned to the rest of her group and signalled to them to follow her. They were making steady progress when Artemis froze in her tracks. She murmured, "In the name of my father! I haven't heard that ritual in millennia!" The Hunters also stopped, and Zoe shot her a confused look, "My Lady? Artemis replied, "I can feel someone trying to perform a summoning ritual! I recognise this one, it summons the closest deity to the source of the ritual. I'm sorry Zoe, I must answer this." Zoe Nightshade stood, "Then I shall come with thee, My Lady. It could be a trap." The goddess nodded firmly, "Very well! Phoebe! You are in charge until Zoe and I return! I shall brief you all on the specifics of this encounter when we return." She morphed into an adult form before placing a hand on Zoe's shoulder. Then the two of them teleported to the location of the ritual. When they arrived, they saw a brown-eyed man with messy black hair and a woman with crimson red hair and piercing green eyes. Zoe laid eyes on the man, growled and nocked an arrow and prepared to take aim at him. The woman stepped in front of the man with a glare aimed at Zoe. However, Artemis stopped her lieutenant from doing something that she would regret. "Peace, Zoe! Let us not resort to violence immediately. Now, I assume you two are the ones who performed the summoning ritual? I am Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, the Moon, Maidenhood and Childbirth, among others." The man paused and studied a piece of parchment carefully before smacking his forehead. He grumbled to the woman, "Lily… remind me to neuter Padfoot. He told me it was a fertility ritual. Clearly, the git is illiterate despite seven years of education in Hogwarts. He confused a fertility ritual with a summoning ritual." He turned to the Goddess and evidently recognised her. Not trusting himself to speak and potentially piss her off, he nudged Lily forward. His wife spoke, "Thank you for answering our prayer, Lady Artemis. I am Lily Potter and this is my husband James Potter, we are witch and wizard respectively. The thing is, we desired a child, but we are in the middle of a war with other witches and wizards of opposing ideologies." Artemis nodded, "I see, Hecate has often spoken of a magical community. She is aware of the conflict, but as Gods, we cannot interfere with mortal or demigod affairs too much. However, Lady Hecate also firmly believes that the so-called blood status is a ridiculous reason to fight over." Lily continued, "During one of the battles, an enemy cursed me to be barren. We have scoured so many books and manuscripts, searching for a cure, but in vain. In the end, we decided to seek some divine intervention, so to speak." The goddess beckoned Lily, "Come Lily Potter, I shall see what I can do." She placed her hand on Lily's shoulder and closed her eyes, murmuring in Ancient Greek. A minute later she opened them, "The bad news is that, I cannot reverse or banish this curse. However, the good news is that I may have a solution to your dilemma." Artemis looked at the chalk circle and flicked her hand towards it. The circle altered itself a little and the goddess gestured towards it, "Step in with me and we shall begin." They obeyed, when she suddenly had a thought. Artemis looked to the heavens and called out, "Father! I have need of your assistance!" A few moments later, lightning crackled and a bolt struck the ground. The two mortals and Zoe instinctively looked away. When they turned back to the spot, they saw a tall, imposing man with electric blue eyes, neat shoulder-length black hair and a full beard. He also wore a dark blue pinstriped suit. He effused such a powerful aura that James could feel the hair on his arms standing straight and an urge to kneel. Zeus spoke, "Hello daughter, you have summoned me?" The goddess explained the couple's plight, before saying, "I wish to aid this young couple in conceiving a child. I've surmised that a Blood Ritual should suffice. Will this be in violation of my oath?" He adopted a thinking pose with furrowed brows, "Hmm… This does offer an interesting situation. You know that your oath was on the River Styx, right? I may have to consult The Fates, but I do not think that the Blood Ritual will be in violation of your oath of maidenhood. If we are going by technicalities, you will be counted as the child's Godly parent even though have not birthed it. Very well… I shall bear witness to this ritual!" Both Lily and James bowed to the two gods, before taking their positions in the circle. Artemis unsheathed a dagger and handed it to Zoe, before instructing her to make a cut on both of the Goddess' palms. After that, she requested her lieutenant to do the same for the couple. Standing in between the couple, she took each of their bleeding hands, while James took Lily's free hand with his own. From there, Artemis began chanting in Ancient Greek. As she chanted, a dull white glow formed in front of the Goddess. It travelled through her body and through James' body before it finally entered Lily's body. Soon, the ritual was over and Artemis gave a small smile as she healed all of their cuts, "Congratulations! You are with child. As far as parentage goes, both of you are the child's parents, as am I." She paused before focusing her gaze on Lily's womb. The smile morphed into a mildly disappointed sigh, "The child is a male, I can tell. Oh well… It matters not. When the time comes, I shall still love him as my own." Zeus gave a single nod in their direction before leaving, and only Artemis and Zoe remained. The other girl gestured to the Goddess, "Come, my Lady. The hunt waits for no one." Just then James called out to her, "Lady Artemis!" "Yes?" "With this wizarding war raging, mine and my wife's safety is not guaranteed. Should anything happen to us, do you promise to take care of our child? We were thinking of naming him Harry." The Goddess smiled, "Should anything happen to the both of you, My Hunters and I promise to look after Harry, I swear on the River Styx!" As soon as she said that, thunder boomed in the distance. James bowed respectfully, "Thank you Lady Artemis. Farewell and good hunting."