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She is the most famous, thanks to Virgil. She is basically the Erythraean Sibyl brought by the Ionian colonists to Cumae and became, thanks to her relationship with Rome, an independent figure to the point of taking on her own name, Demo or Demophile (in Virgil Deiphobe). Famous for having been visited by Aeneas. The Sibyl carried out her oracular activity near Lake Avernus, in Pozzuoli, near Naples, the gateway to the Underworld, according to the Greco-Roman religion. Inferi or Avernus were in fact synonyms. Avernus is located in a volcanic crater. From here began the journey of Aeneas to Hades and then that of Dante in the Divine Comedy. The Sibyl prophesied in a cave, known as the Sibyl's Cave, where the priestess, inspired by the divinity, transcribed her prophecies in hexameters on palm leaves which, at the end of the prediction, were mixed by the winds coming from the hundred openings of the cave, making the prophecies "Sibylline". Her importance in the Italic world was equal to that of the famous oracle of Apollo, in Delphi, in Greece. In the Sermonetan painting she appears young, wears precious clothes and shows a book on which, due to the state of degradation of the fresco, only the words <lang xml:lang="it-IT">DEIPARA VIRGO</lang>, could be distinguished: Virgin mother