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Jonah, the protagonist of the book of the same name in the Old Testament, receives the task from God to convert the pagans of the Assyrian capital of Nineveh, before destroying the enemy city of the people of Israel. The prophet refuses the mission entrusted to him; he flees from God by embarking in Jaffa towards Tarshish. The most represented episode describes, in fact, his sea voyage. To punish him for his disobedience, God unleashes a storm endangering the entire crew, to whom Jonah tells the truth. The sailors, considering him the cause of misfortune, throw him into the sea, which immediately calms down. He is swallowed by a large fish, probably a whale, he repents of his disobedience by praying to God for three days. The fish throws him up alive on the beach. The episode is considered as a prefiguration of the death and resurrection of Christ (Matthew 12, 38-40; 16, 1-4; Luke 11, 29-30). In the fresco the prophet - at whose feet his name <lang xml:lang="it-IT">JONACI</lang> is written - holds a stone on which are engraved the words <lang xml:lang="it-IT">STETIT MARE A FERVORE SUO</lang> (Jonah: 1, 5): ... and the storm calmed down.