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part 8. I headed out and later down the block, my sister pulled up and said I should be riding on the opposite side of the street. I’m guessing so that I could see cars coming toward me instead of having my back too cars coming toward me. Good idea. I ended up switching sides on the road. I biked to Stewart’s and ended up buying a slice of pizza. I paid $2.50 in quarters and the lady working there paid the remaining 8 cents. It was $2.58. Damn. I biked out and more down the road. I ate this pizza on this road that was near this other gas station. I went into the store after eating my pizza on this block and riding back out to the road. The place wasn’t that cold. At all. Kind of annoyed me. I ended up buying a strawberry kiwi arizona drink and asked this asshole for the receipt. Receipts should be required to give out after your purchase, by law !!! Dumb cunts ! Dude ain’t hear me at first, so I said in a strong tone, “receipt !!”. He gives me the receipt and says, “here is your receipt”. Some fucking Asian guy working there. I hate when store owners do that shit and I should’ve gotten a fuckass receipt from Stewart’s !! I had forgot, but I usually ask for a fucking receipt !!! They know who in the fuck I am by now !!! I biked out toward that road again and drinked my arizona drink. I biked deeper into and around that section of the neighborhood. It’s the part where I walked around back in April. I believe I walked around and that my bike was fucked !! A dog was barking as I was heading toward the direction of one of the houses in that area. I biked pass the house as the car passed the house. I headed back home and watched some video for class. This investment class we be having weekly. Another person I had texted, gave me their Venmo after I had told them that I don’t like cash. Plan now, was that the next to text me about the dresser who’s willing too pay, is to pay this seller. That way, I could go pick up the item from the seller and resell what they were selling. This person was selling a Ryobi lawn mower for like $120. I’d sell it for $100 since I basically got it for free. Anyway, we had class that night. Some time after class, I made myself some Nathan fries and seasoned them. I had ketchup on the side along with a lemon icy. I later made myself two black bean burgers and had some water with them. I didn’t like them much and I don’t like black beans burgers like that. Like, at all really !! I saw the video with Brittany Renner twerking on Charleston white. Lit !! She needs too come twerk on my dick !! And for you bitchass niggas complaining over that, y’all sound like fucking faggots !!! The fuck ?! And I hate when guys try and flip the gender card. Oh, what if a man pressed himself up on a women like that ?! Then he’d get beaten too a fucking pulp !!! As he should. Women doing something versus men doing something, is different !! Only a fuckass idiot doesn’t know that !!! So only a fuckass idiot flips the gender card, like a bitchass faggot !! #RealMenAreStraight !! Dumbass niggas !! Only women get to be bisexual. That’s why they go to the bathroom with each other, you reetarded mother fucka's !! That wraps up what happened in August, except for when I had sex. Until next time, peace out nigga !!