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part 7. The next day on the 31st, a bitch texted me about a dresser I had listed on Craigslist. I told her she’d have to leave a payment. She said she’d pay through Venmo. Of course. I don’t fucking know why, but people love to use that dumb fucking app !!! Venmo, is fucking trash !!! They ban accounts for no reason !! So I told her an escort’s Venmo and she asked about the name. I told her that my girl and I share a Venmo account and that she wears the pants. That’s the best excuse I came up with too why the Venmo was a female’s. The bitch of course says, “as she should”. Ew, I couldn’t wait to scam her dumbass now !! The bitch sent $160 very quickly. Nice !! If only all suckers folded this easily. Chicks asks my location and I said what I said. She then said she wants the money back and thought I was in so and so. Nope. I blocked the bitch, logged out of that Text Now account and signed back into the other. I texted the chick and told her I sent the Venmo. I texted the fave and asked if she has Venmo. Most escorts use cash app. She was like, aw fuck, no. Damn. I would’ve added her Venmo to the list. I shortly after thought of another way I could scam. This time, I’d turn Venmo payments, into cash even tho I don’t have a Venmo. This idea is brilliant as fuck and makes sure I bitches don’t run off with the money !! But the seller might. I thought of contacting a seller of let’s say a Ryobi tool. And tools always sell. I’d ask for their Venmo and then put their Venmo into the description onto Craigslist, instead of an escort’s. That way, I’ll have some suckers send them a Venmo payment, text the seller that I paid and then go pick up the product in person. When I get the product, I’d relist it onto Facebook to resell it for cash !! This would be awesome !! Depending on how much a person pays, depends on what the buyer is selling and how many. So I went onto Craigslist and started looking for things I could resell easily. I contacted a guy who was selling multiple things. Like damn bro, let other people sell shit my guy !!! I called the guy about one of his listings, a ladder. He ends up telling me cash only. This old fucking bitch !! The chick texted me and told me to send a screenshot of the payment I sent. So I unblocked the bitch and asked the bitch I scammed for a screenshot and she sent it. Then I blocked the bitch again after saving the screenshot. I sent the screenshot to the chick. Silence. Chick wasn’t texting me now. I was texting more people on Craigslist who were selling things worth between $50 and $160. I wanted to get their Venmo's. I was also thinking about stealing the posts of people, who I have money sent too. That way, I could advertise their shit back to Craigslist without having to take any pictures. This whole plan is brilliant as fuck !! A person texted me back about a drill they were selling. I asked if they had Venmo and they do. I asked for their Venmo and said it’s in case I want to put a hold on it. Bitch was refusing to cough the Venmo up. I said I don’t like cash and the person said they’ll send a request to the Venmo when I’m ready to pick it up. Later on as I was heading out, my sister was pulling into the driveway with mom’s car.