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part 6. I answer my iPad and he wanted to bring someone he knew, to see some credenza I had relisted. Nigga talking bout an important person is coming to see it. Yeah ok. And does this important person work to reduce poverty ?! Does this important person give people advice on life ?! So called important person. Probably some dumb fuck, who just looks out for himself !! Maybe, I don’t know. Most of the time, people think being self centered and selfish, is important and it isn’t !! Anyhow, I told the white boy I’d send him the Addie, blah blah blah. The lady on hinge texted me back and said she can’t be driving that far and that she’s in school. I understood. That would be a two hour drive for her. So I created a plan to meet her half way. My lil brother could drive me a hour to a movie theater and she could drive an hour there. So we meet in the middle. If lil bro couldn’t drive me, I figure big bro could. Thing is, an hour away by big bro’s is different than an hour away from my home town. Like, we’re more north. And so that would change the timing of how far she needed to drive. The weird thing is, her school was two hours away from big bro’s and two hours away from our house. Odd. I called around and niggas was only playing the nun 2 the next week. I wanted to go for the 8th for a date. I asked big bro, mom and lil bro if they could drive me the next week to a movie theater in Connecticut that’s an hour away. Mom didn’t want too and lil bro ended up saying that he has to see by a certain day. So I still wasn’t sure which town I was leaving from. Big bro’s or the town I live in. So yeah.