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september 16, 2023. part 4. Or it has a funny taste. Then I woke up. It’s like I knew, I had just banged the other white chick yesterday. Odd. Weird dream. I woke up and checked again for the fave’s texts. I just told her to not beat herself up over it and that I should be available again on the 2nd or 7th. I just had to grind. Do the stairs and keep building the shelf. I ended up woodworking all day on the 26th !! I had to deal with this fucking reetarded dickhead of an iPad !! Fucking camera kept stopped recording because of the stupid ass storage !!! In the early hours of the 27th, I brought the tools and wood inside. I started making myself the ingredients for wraps !! I made myself a couple wraps and baked them a bit. I made them at separate times. I had poured some ranch salad dressing into my wraps as I kept eating it. In the daytime, my Facebook account was fucked up. More fucking stupidity. I also was posting to Craigslist to scam. Pops and I ended up heading out to stop and shop. I stayed in the car because I didn’t have a mask. Pops was tripping about Covid again and I don’t give a flying fuck at this point !! The fuck !!!? He gets back and drives to a parking lot area so I could practice my turns more. We got out and switched seats. I drive around the parking lot in a long ass oval to practice my turns. Pops said I’m much better than before, and that’s good. I drove back home and parked the car. I drive pretty good. We brought in the groceries and I put them away. A guy from Craigslist who I texted before, tells me he paid my girlfriend’s Venmo 3 days ago. I was happy and the bitch never even texted me neither !! She from more upstate. I want to fuck her one day, even tho she quite far. She got good reviews and looks pretty sexy !! If I scam for hundreds of bucks one day or even win quite a bit from the lottery, I’ll travel up to see her. I ended up texting the chick and had asked if she could send some videos and that I paid her 3 days ago. She never responded. Damn. Also, I post to a state that’s 3 states away to scam. So not my own state, unless I’m selling someone something that doesn’t work or some shit. I ain’t even know the dude paid. He never told me. He only told me when I told him that he needs to pay, after he asked about the item again, and that’s when he said he paid. As long as she eating, I was happy. Whatever. I’ll scam for other escorts, at least the ones I wanna see. I want them to not be starving and so, they’ll do good service if you feed them. I’ll be feeding them with other people’s money tho, from scamming like how I scammed this sucka !! One of the chicks I texted asking for their Venmo, didn’t wanna send her Venmo. So she sent her only fans and I posted her only fans for guys to go support that. I posted it too my fake account. My sister, lil bro, pops and I later talked about some financial stuff for a while. I later on walked the dog. For dinner, I fried some half cut wings for dinner. I made the batter and stuff. My sister made the vegan Mac and cheese, and some kale. I had me a peach and some cranberry juice a bit later. Lil bro cleared the sink a bit and I wiped off the section of the counter that I dirtied up. Someone cooked the yams. Lil bro or my sister. So we also had that for dinner. I ate my food and was glad to eat. I also had me some soy milk. I later on was rounding over some tenons I made, with this gouge chisel I got. I was working inside the house too. In the early hours of the 28th, I was still woodworking a bit, but inside still. In the daytime, grandma wouldn’t open the bathroom door. I ended up using the upstairs bathroom and I fucking hate when she locks the bathroom door and isn’t in there !!! I made another Facebook account that day. I also woodworked for some time and chilled after. I played some call of duty black ops 4 and later helped get some stuff out of mom’s car. Her and big bro were still on vacation. It later started raining and I had to take the wood shelf parts and tools outside. I ate a peach and a guy from Craigslist, hit me up. Long story short, I tried getting him to leave a deposit, but the size I told him of my deck, wasn’t the size he was looking for. And I made up a size, never actually told him our deck size. Wix emailed me that day about my bill. I couldn’t afford the shit at the time. I later dealt with some dumb fuck scammer on my fake account, who said he’d send me money. Scamming bitch wanted me to send him $30 to get $3000. Fuck outta here. Lil bro later on cooked himself and I a burger and we had some fries with it too. I thanked him. 28th and 29th wasn’t much of a day. I mean, on the 29th, I woodworked mostly. I took breaks in between to edit the videos to make them faster so I’d have space too record. One of my breaks I took, I helped to make a shopping list for when pops goes to BJ’s. I wood worked some more and then made myself some Caribbean jerk tofu. Caribbean jerk sauce from Buffalo Wild Wings, is what I used. It’s very good !! I woodworked some more afterwards. I later on around nighttime, helped to cook dinner. I did the broccoli and pop’s tofu. I had one sweet potato, one regular potato, broccoli and some meat loaf for dinner. I had some soy milk on the side too. In the very early hours of the 30th, the fave texted me. She basically wanted me to send some money again. Asking how I am and stuff. I started stealing and reposting people’s posts from Maine and posted their shit back to the state of Maine again, with a lower price so that people click my listings. People are more likely to click the listing with a lower price. I added that scam paragraph to every posts and the payment options. I added in the preferably a ⅓ of deposit after stating that a hold would be put on the listing for a fraction of the price. I was cycling between 3 escort’s Venmo’s. So each post, had an escort’s Venmo. Each post had 1 out of 3 Venmo’s. I also picked up another trick I thought of. That is, too post in one neighborhood, but make it appear in another. The way you do that, is let’s say you wanna post in Portland, Maine. You’d use the zip code to post it there, but you want it to appear like it’s from Augusta. So for the neighborhood, you put Augusta. You basically use a Portland zip code, but give the neighborhood name Augusta. That way, people who don’t mine paying shipping, will pay it. Or, they’ll be willing to drive to Augusta and may be more likely to place a hold on it since they gotta drive there. Augusta and Portland are like an hour from each other. I did this with a few posts. Posted them to one neighborhood by their zip code, but put a different city name maybe a hour away. I was thinking of doing this with states. For example, put a zip code from Florida into the zip code part, but put a city from another state such as Maine, as the neighborhood name and include the state name as well since Florida is a different state !! That way, someone may be willing to pay shipping. In some posts, I replaced my cash app with some escorts, just because. I wanted to mix things up a bit. Too confuse people in a good way. If they see my cash app on 100 listings, that may raise red flags. One posting was for $420, so I just switched it to $240 too cause a bit of confusion. I had to edit some descriptions by adding dashes in front of the sentences. Some descriptions were a lot to read and all over the place. They had lots of spaces, so they were unorganized as fuck !! I later in the day time put on the oven for some California pizza. I put the pizza in the oven. I was dealing with my router bit and YouTube. The ½ inch collets are a bit tricky. They be getting stuck. Luckily, I eventually figured things out. I went back inside and remembered the pizza. It burned a little bit and I started to eat it. As I was eating, lil bro and pops came back with margaritas pizza from queens. Nice !! The oven was already on too !! So everything just lined up perfectly !! That day, I also got a match on this dating app, hinge. I sparked up the conversation and found out that we both like horror movies. I called some movie theaters so that I could schedule a time and day for our date. The point is to get these women off the dating app fast !! The second movie theater ain’t answer and the first, they weren’t playing insidious: the red door. My god ! Bitchass wanted to play the nun 2 tho. I seen the first one. I told the chick that the nun 2 was out and mentioned that I’m in New York. She was in Connecticut. And she was either paying half or I’d buy the food and she’d buy the drinks, but we got our own ticket. I don’t do that sucker shit of paying 100% on dates. That’s sucker shit !! You’re not taking a hooker to the movies !! I expect more work from regular women. Much more effort. I ended up falling asleep and some British nigga from Craigslist woke me up by calling me.