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September 16, 2023. part 3. I continue to bike and thought back to when I used to break side mirrors on this block and how I never got caught. So I figured the block ain’t have no cameras. I figure it’ll be a good block to break into some cars. I spotted a car and took my bike light off. I shined that bitch into the car so I could see what’s inside, as the person had some deep tinted windows. It was impossible too see into the car, without this bright ass light !! I seen a purse inside and immediately knew this was a car I was breaking into !! The purse seemed packed too and I was really hoping some money was in that bitch !! I walked around the spot and looked for cameras. I ain’t see none and I kept looking right and left while facing the car. As other cars were driving by from time too time, I kept moving away from this car. I finally had a chance to put on my gloves and goggles and too break the car’s back window with the glass breaker. So I took the opportunity and did that. I smacked the window with the glass breaker and pushed the glass into the car. I then immediately, but carefully went into the car and snatched the bag out. I stuffed the purse in my plastic bag and biked up outta there. I went a bit of a different way than I usually do and then I ended up going to this park. I went into the park. It was pretty dark and I dumped all the shit out !! Bitch had an iPad, the charger and some extension cord. Along with other shit, but money !! There was no fucking money in there !!! As packed as that fucking bag was !! Mosquitoes also kept biking me up and shit and there was lots of them !! So god fucking annoying and stupid !! That bike light put in work. You gotta be dumb to leave a purse in the car, especially with something expensive like an iPad !! Tinted windows don’t mean shit !! Yes, it probably can be traced, which is why I never took it home, yet at least. I figured if they don't find it in like a week or two, I’d come back for it. After I kept trying to factory reset the god damn iPad and kept swiping my finger up, I washed my prints off the iPad with some water. I should’ve brought a god damn fork, as that works too for electronics. I put the thing in a plastic bag and washed the bag off a bit with water. I had scraped the iPad and bag along the wet grass. I accidentally put my charger in the bag too and then I threw the bag into some bushes. When I couldn’t find my charger, my dumbass had to get the bag and then put that iPad’s charger, into the bag. I had on the gloves and shit. I was hoping they wouldn’t track it. Cause with selling an iPad, depending on which one it is, I could get over $100 for it !! Thing is, if they see me on camera the same time the shit went missing, especially if they track the iPad, I’m probably fucked !! At least I didn’t take it home !! I had no idea an iPad was in that bitch. Like, god damn !! If the iPad is there when I go back, I’ll have it reset'edd by an Apple Store employee after telling them I don’t remember any of my passwords or apple I D. Just hoping they don’t get suspicious. Since it’s a female’s iPad, I’d tell them it’s my cousins or something and that they don’t remember anything. They still may get suspicious. Maybe I’ll tell them that it’s my girlfriend or some shit. Yeah, that sounds better. Girlfriend. Anyhow, I decided to head home. It was now getting light outside. I got home after some time and watched some porn. The fave later on texted me back. She had missed my texts by accident. She said hey and that she’s so upset she didn’t see my texts. I fell back asleep. I dreamed that I was in a strip club and it was barely people in there. I had came around closing time. I sat down on the couch in the back area that was near the entrance, against the wall. Too the front, was the stage and it was basically the floor. I had stood up and was now on this small balcony like structure. Too the right and ahead of the couch, but before the stage. A stripper was at the other end of the stage, on a balcony. She said something. Not sure what, but some of strippers who wasn’t far from where I was, but by the couch, said she’s a hoe. I just made a funny face. Like, what ?! Who cares. Next thing I know, I’m in this place meeting up with an escort. A house. I wanted to use the bathroom to charge my computer. So I went into the bathroom and plugged it in to charge. The place, seemed like the place, that I had just met the lady that I fucked at, but it was altered. Y’all know how dreams alter shit. It seemed to be nighttime tho. So I get on the bed and I knew that I had just fucked another chick earlier. I get on the bed and the sexy lady holds my dick and starts to suck my dick. I had on a condom and she was young. In her 20's. I started to think, like, the other chick I fucked, doesn’t have anything on her. Anyhow, She almost immediately stops like she doesn’t like it.