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September 16, 2023. September 16, 2023. September 16, 2023. The rest about August. | Except when I had sex. So back on the 24th, in the very early am, I was watching some game of thrones. Afterwards, I watched some porn and fell asleep. In the daytime, I sent a guy a hooker’s Venmo to pay since mine don’t work and I told him mine don’t work and that the Venmo is my girl’s. I was hoping to maybe pay for some videos. I was working on doing the deposit scam on him. I was texting some escorts and a escort told me the price for half was $120. Nowadays, it’s like $160. I wanted to smash and save $40 and the fave hadn’t texted me back yet. I brushed my teeth and put my clothes in the dryer that I had washed. I started washing my whites next. This asshole who I texted didn’t wanna leave a deposit. The listing he texted me about, I wanted too change part of the description to what I had on other posts. Where I basically say that I’m on vacation and don’t get back until next week on so and so date, that the first to leave a deposit, gets the item and if two or more leave a deposit, that they’ll be refunded immediately !! Under this statement, is my cash app and a hooker’s Venmo. Either I get paid, or a hooker gets paid. If the person sends enough money to a hooker for me to get laid, I’d text the hooker and say I just sent them so and so amount and then I’d plan a time to hook up. Of course the escort is more likely to run off with the bread, but so what !! At least try and get laid. If I get paid, I most likely withdraw the money so I’ll have cash and just meet up with a hooker. If the sucka doesn’t send enough money to a hooker to get laid, I’d just tell the escort I want some videos and that I just sent her some bread. If I get the money and it ain’t enough to get laid, I’m buying me some food or something. So yeah. Thing is, I gotta change the date every week on the listings tho, too a date more out. For example, if I put the date on the listing too the 24th and it’s the 16th, when the 24th comes around, I’ll change the date to the 31st. So it’ll always say next week, but the date I put, changes. The reason I mention payment prior too meeting, is too only get people who are willing to pay, too pay up !! This weeds out the people who wanna pay cash, unless their dumbass didn’t read the description. If they didn’t read the description and are texting me, then I’d tell them to leave a deposit !! If they refuse, that’s when I’ll cuss they ass out for not reading the description. Multiple people texted me about this chair listing and so I put the scam paragraph in the description of that listing as well to get people to pay. I added a different hooker’s Venmo to this listing too. Another hooker’s Venmo, was on another listing that I get texts on too. But all my cash apps, were on the listings. I later on walked the dog and brought the bike light inside. I slept that day a bit. Lil bro woke me up too cook some fish. Salmon. I tried looking for my bike light charger and couldn’t find it that day. I texted an escort to meet in Fishkill so I could fuck. She said it was $120 as well. I never seen her before. Like, I haven’t seen her listing before on an escort website. Must’ve not been around the area. I ended up falling back asleep for a bit. Pops woke me up and said class is about to start and that I gotta cook the fish first. So I started the fish and put them in the oven after resetting the oven from 350 degrees, too 400. Lil bro had put the oven on 350 to put potatoes in there. Some sweet potatoes and regular potatoes. We had class and some new plans for class.