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She had also learned the art of teasing very well. While still a virgin, Jana had figured out how to take advantage of her looks to get her way. And nothing excited her more than leading a cute guy on with unspoken promises of a peek under her shirt or a chance to run their hands over her firm little body. She had gotten two boys to masturbate in front of her, pretending that it grossed her out while getting wet watching. She wasn't a prude. It was just that Jana was biding her time. She was going to make someone work very hard at earning the right to be the first to enter her highly treasured love box. Jackie and John had taken Jana with them on their trip up to Josh's college to pick him up for the holiday. They wanted to use the opportunity to give Jana a tour of the school to see if she was interested in applying there. With graduation less than seven months away she needed to begin applying soon. They toured the campus then left for the trip to Grandma's. Spent the next two days there then started the journey home. Expecting to drop Josh off at school late Saturday night. Then grabbing a motel room and heading back home Sunday. But on the way back the car blew a fan belt and overheated. Leaving them stranded in the middle of nowhere. Worse, they had left the cell-phone at home. As luck would have it (so they thought) a passing truck stopped. The two men in the truck had spotted Jana standing outside the car in her tight jeans and clinging shirt had immediately caught their attention. Upon learning the out-of-town family's situation they offered to help. But help was not what they had on their mind. The driver, a rugged looking man in his late-twenties went back to his truck and used his phone to "call for assistance". In about fifteen minutes a tow truck arrived. John noticed that it said 'Private Use Only' on the side but was not about to argue with help. The driver, a long haired, skinny man who introduced himself as Ray said that he had a friend who operated a small shop and he would have no trouble replacing their hose. John regretted the $100 dollar tow bill but paid. Ray hooked their car up. John got in the truck with him and left the other three in the car. Seeing that everything was under control the other two men, Doug and Tim, wished them well and drove off. Ray towed the car down the road a few miles then turned off a side road. John was more concerned about his family sitting in the car being banged around on this bumpy road than he was about where they were headed. After several more minutes, and a few more turns, Ray pulled into a dirt driveway. In the dark John could barely make out a small, garage-like, building. Then he saw the pickup that had been driven by Doug and Tim. Ray lowered the car then led everyone inside. When they entered they saw Doug and Tim leaning against a tool counter drinking beer with two other men. The taller of the two was the so-called proprietor, as Ray had called him. A heavyset man about John's height named Ed. The other fellow was a homely man with a beer gut and a nasty scar on his face. He looked to be around 40, while the others were all in their late twenties to early thirties. He introduced himself as Don. John was immediately uncomfortable with the way the men looked over both his wife and daughter. His concerns grew worse when he asked how long it would take to fix his car and he saw an amusing look exchanged between Ray and Ed. John was about to usher his family outside when he realized that while talking to Ed, both Doug and Tim had moved into a position close to the door. "We're gonna fix your car, alright." Ed told him. "But I want more than money to pay the bill." "What the hell are you talking about?" John demanded. "My friends and I would like a little action. Why don't you ladies take off your clothes for us." "Fuck you!" Jackie shouted back.