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e Elliott family was one of the nicest families on their block. John and Jackie had been high school sweethearts. Jackie had gotten pregnant at 17 so the two of them got married. John had already graduated and was working full-time while attending community college part-time. They had difficulties at first. But Jackie wasn't due until summer so she was able to graduate. Their son, Josh, was born. Then the following year Jackie got pregnant again and had their second, and final, child, Jana. Despite the odds being against them the Elliotts prevailed. John finished school and got a decent job. Then Jackie continued her education once both of the kids were in grade school, and she too got a nice job. They became very active in their local church and enrolled their kids into Catholic school. Jackie had decided to do her best to ensure that her children had better moral values as teenagers than she had so that they would not have to face the early struggles that she and John had to endure. At 36 Jackie was still a striking looking woman. She always took care of herself and was often thought to be a few years younger. She was only 5'4" but still had a firm body. She kept her black hair cut short. And even her small 32-B cup breast looked nice on her petite frame. John stood over six feet and was a handsome man in his own right. He had short brown hair and was in pretty good shape for a man for 38. He could be accused of having a wandering eye, but had never strayed from his wife of 19 years. In fact, the two of them were the only sexual partners that either had ever been with. Josh took after his father. Standing just over six feet, he had well-trimmed brown hair and eyes. He was very handsome and had always been popular with the girls. His first year of college had been particularly good as he often found himself surrounded by attractive females. And he had taken advantage of the situation to lose his virginity and explore sex with three different girls throughout the year.