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The scene, painted inside a lunette, represents the moment when little Mary, at the age of three, is accompanied to the temple of the Lord by her parents, who intently invite her with gestures to walk the last meters of their journey. At the top of a short staircase, at the entrance to the building highlighted by two columns, the little girl, in a devout attitude with her hands clasped, finds the high priest Zechariah welcoming her. Tradition has it that the temple, isolated, was on top of a mountain, alluded to by the painted rocky landscape that surrounds it. Here Mary will live until the age of 13 in the company of other young virgins. On the outside, on the side of the building, a beggar is visible sitting on a rock with a bundle at his side. She is depicted as a little girl older than the age handed down to us by written sources (the Protoevangelium of James of the apocryphal texts) who runs impetuously into the arms of the priest, as her fluttering robes demonstrate.