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Depicted standing in a painted niche corresponding to the first register on the walls, next to the Fathers of the Church. Painted in Franciscan habit, with a habit and a cord with three knots (poverty, chastity and obedience), he bears his iconographic attributes: the book, the white lily and the Child in memory of his legendary apparition. Born in 1195 in Lisbon, he entered the order of the Augustinian Canons in Coimbra and then in Lisbon. Here he saw the bodies of five Franciscan martyrs beheaded in Morocco where they had been sent by Francis on a mission. Struck by this event and fascinated by the experience of faith of the new order of the saint of Assisi, he joined them. He went to Morocco, but sick with malaria, he was forced by his brothers to return to Bologna as a reader in theology, then he taught in Montpellier and Toulouse. Still in Italy in Forlì and then in Padua he is appreciated for his learned and passionate sermons, so much so that Francis entrusts him with the role of preacher and teacher to take care of the education of the brothers and not to be less than the Dominicans. Padua becomes his second homeland and here he dies in 1231 and where, in the chapel of the Treasury of the Basilica his incorrupt tongue is preserved after his death, as a venerated relic. Already Gregory IX in 1228 had defined him as the “ark of the Testament” and in 1946 Pope Pius XII proclaimed him “Doctor of the Church”.