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september 13, 2023. september 13, 2023. september 13, 2023. part 7. I also later realized that the bolts weren’t to go in through the siding, only if the wall was concrete. Screws go in the wall. I found this information on YouTube, somehow. Shitty ass search engine. I was very infuriated. I just felt like I couldn’t get any clear fucking information !! I was worrying about how I may need to get some siding in an area to cover the holes. I needed to go back to Home Depot to get some big ass screws now. My blood was boiling man !! Now, I definitely gotta hear this nigga bullshit !! I couldn’t catch a break and I was out there for a good while too !! I wanted too fucking kill somebody !! Sometimes, I just think like, one day, I’m going to go on a killing rampage. Fucking hate life and I hate most people !! All Fuckass day, tryna figure this shit out of how to put the shit up. So fucking stupid !! I just went into my room and shut my damn door !! I ended up cussing out the bitch who wanted the two tables for free. Bitch had responded with a “never mind” after I told her the tables are $30 each !! This is why I rob and break into cars bro !! So I sent her a message and said that I’d build them for free, if we could have sex. I hate everybody !! I said that too get her mad and then I went in. I violated her shit !! I called her a trifling bitch and then said she’s a broke bitch and asked why she’s even texting me !! You’re a female, so go sell some pussy and come back to me when you got the fuckass money !! Women are never broke !! It’s very easy for them to get money !! So I get so pist off, when a bitch asks me for free stuff, that I’ve build with my hands, and not a lot of people buy my stuff in the first place !! That’s what makes me so angry !! All that shit together !!! Stupid dumb bitch !!! I blocked her hoe ass !! And she’s a teacher. This is exactly why I respect hookers. They don’t beg for money !! They go out and work for it !!! They use what they got. Maybe these regular bitches need too be like them !! These regular bitches are instead, wanna be hoes !! They want the same treatment as hookers, but don’t wanna work for it ! Stupid bitches !! Wanna be hoes, are worst than the hoes themselves !! Cause the wanna be hoes be half stepping !! It’s like the kid from high school, who acts like he’s from the hood, but he’s from the suburbs. But he sometimes does some hood shit and throws up gang signs like he’s really from the hood !! Shit stupid !! Either you in it, or you out !! Can’t play both sides for long. Just cause you not from the hood, don’t mean you’re pussy, cause a handful of people from the hood, are straight pussies !! And vice versa. Anyhow, my sister asked me to take some bags too her car. I asked why she couldn’t ask lil bro and she said he’s busy. She was asking me why I got an attitude. Like yo, shut the hell up with that question !! Cause the amount of fucking stupidity I deal with, you couldn’t fix it if you wanted too !! I went upstairs and poured me some god damn orange juice too help me calm down !! That’s all hoes do, take and take !! I like orange juice. I wanted to feel some sort of peace in my fucking life !! As I’m heading downstairs, she mentions the bags in her car again and I told her to give me a minute. I just wanted to be left alone. That day, was so fucking stupid too me !! She starts mumbling her bullshit. Talking bout alright watch when we need help, blah blah blah. Stupid bitch !! If you can’t tell I’m very angry, then you’re a fucking idiot !!! What type of family member are you !! Dumb hoe !! You see I’m mad, so leave me the fuck alone before I fucking hurt you !!! I bet I go out and murder 10 people or more, you’d see it then right !?! I went to my room and locked the door. Now, I wasn’t getting shit !!! I ended up breaking one of my rails on one of the stools I had. I got up angrily after sitting up and pressed my foot down on the shit with some weight.