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Typically, through a Sales and Marketing function, your company needs to establish the processes for communicating with customers in relation to: • information relating to products and services • enquiries, contracts or order handling, including changes • obtaining customer views and perceptions, including customer complaints • the handling or treatment of customer property, if applicable • specific requirements for contingency actions, 1228 when relevant. Your company must establish, implement and maintain a process to determine the requirements for the products and services to be offered to potential customers and ensure that: • product and service requirements (including those considered necessary by the company), and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, are defined, • it has the ability to meet the defined requirements and substantiate the claims for the products and services it offers. Your company must review, as applicable: • requirements specified by the customer, including the requirements for delivery and post-delivery activities (see also clause 8.5.5). • requirements not stated by the customer, but necessary for the customer’s specified or intended use, when known. • requirements that can arise from relevant interested parties. • additional statutory and regulatory requirements applicable to the products and services, • contract or order requirements differing from those previously expressed. This review needs to be conducted prior to the company’s commitment to supply products and services to the customer and must ensure contract or order requirements differing from those previously defined are resolved. Where the customer does not provide a documented statement of their requirements, the customer requirements must be confirmed before acceptance. Documented information describing the results of the review, including any new or changed requirements for the products and services are retained. Where requirements for products and services are changed, the organization must ensure that relevant documented information is amended and that relevant personnel are made aware of the changed requirements. This is good business practice, make sure you know what is expected. Think about: • Delivery date • Technical requirements • Quality requirements • Pricing • Other relevant issues If you cannot meet these, negotiate with the client Keep records of this “Contract Review” the documented information may be an order form, a PO or an online order. It must include some evidence of review by the person accepting the order. A signature, initials, or other indication of review. Make sure that changes are also reviewed and approved. Remember changes can come from the client or from your company. Make sure both agree on the change. Again, have a process for communicating the change throughout your company to those affected by it or responsible for meeting new requirements.