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We must determine the competence of persons required for the work that affects quality performance. Competence issues deal with: • Ensuring that employees are competent on the basis of appropriate education, training, or experience, • Taking actions to acquire the necessary competence and evaluating the effectiveness of the actions taken, • Retaining documented information as evidence of competence. • Define the education or experience requirements for each job and keep records that show each person is qualified for the job, either in the form of a resume, job application or education records. Awareness issues are addressed with new employees. They attend orientation training and made aware of: • The quality policy, • The relevant quality objectives, • Their contribution to an effective QMS, • The benefits of improved quality performance, • The implications of not conforming to requirements of the QMS, • The importance of meeting customer requirements and the need for ensuring customer satisfaction, • The importance of meeting regulatory, statutory requirements. All training is documented on either your onboarding plan or using TRAIN 01 form. For those with email access TRAIN01 will be sent via Adobe Sign.