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Documented information: • For the control of documented information, consideration is given to distribution, access, retrieval, use, and storage. • The QMS includes the documented information required by the ISO 9001 standard and the documented information determined to be necessary for an effective QMS. • Documented information is created and updated to provide identification and description (a title, date, author, or reference number), and review and approval for suitability and adequacy. • Documented information from external sources and determined by your company to be necessary for the planning and operation of the quality management system is identified and controlled by the user of the documents. For example - Customer documents are controlled as defined with the Sales & Marketing staff, and international standards, statutory and regulatory documents can be the responsibility of the Management representative, Documented information is controlled to ensure that it is available and suitable for use, where and when it is needed, and it is adequately protected from loss of confidentiality, improper use, or loss of integrity. To ensure that documented information is maintained and everyone in the Magnaflux is working with the latest revision. • It is important that you have access to the documented instructions that apply to you and that you understand these instructions. • If you have any questions related to the instructions, ask your supervisor for clarification and guidance. • Once you understand these instructions, it is important that you follow the instructions consistently. • If you disagree with the instructions, let your supervisor know. The instructions may need to be updated. When completed the forms required and used in the operation of the QMS, become documented information. Documents must be reviewed on a regular basis to make sure they are up to date. We currently review our documents on an annual basis. When employees are using the documents, they should be watching for documents that need updating, and submitting document change requests. e internal audit program measures compliance with documentation requirements (along with other requirements) and should identify required revisions. In other words, if you are using the system as it is designed, documents are continually updated, reviewed and revised and an annual review step is not necessary to build into the system. As your processes change or requirements change, the documented information will be revised. • An authority will review and approve the changes. This is controlled by our change control system. • The documents will have a revision of some type for example a revision letter, and you will be provided with a description of what changed. • It is important that you only use the most recent version of the documentation and follow the most recently approved practices. • When a document has been updated a training/briefing form is issued to team members who may use or may need to be aware of the document update. Employees will sign to say they have been notified of the update using the form called “Train 01”