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Lecture One: Intro to Mindset 1. Introduction to Security: • Security: Security is about protecting important data or systems from harm. The key goals are: o Confidentiality: Keeping data private (e.g., a password only you should know). o Integrity: Ensuring data isn’t changed without permission (e.g., preventing someone from altering an important document). o Availability: Making sure systems are available when needed (e.g., a website that works without downtime). 2. Mindset for Security: • Adversarial Thinking: To protect systems, you must think like an attacker. Ask yourself: "How could someone break in?" For example, attackers might look for weak passwords to access accounts. • Defense-in-Depth Strategy: Use multiple layers of security to make it harder for attackers. For example, securing a building with a fence, security cameras, and locks. • Risk Management: Not all risks can be eliminated. Focus on reducing the biggest threats. For example, using encryption for sensitive data even if some lower-risk systems aren't as protected. 3. Types of Attacks: • Passive Attacks: The attacker just observes but doesn’t interfere. Example: A hacker using Wi-Fi sniffing tools to read emails sent over an unprotected network. • Active Attacks: The attacker changes or injects harmful information. Example: An attacker intercepts and changes a message during transmission (man-in-the-middle attack). 4. Security Principles: • Least Privilege: Give users or systems only the access they need. For example, a cashier should only access the register, not the entire company’s financial records. • Fail-Safe Defaults: By default, access should be denied unless allowed. Example: A new user account shouldn’t have access to everything until specific permissions are granted. • Separation of Privilege: Use more than one check for access. Example: Logging into an account requires both a password and a code sent to your phone (two-factor authentication). 5. Security vs. Usability Trade-Off: • Balancing Act: Strong security often makes things harder to use. For example, requiring long, complex passwords is safer but harder to remember. A good system finds the right balance between being secure and easy to use.