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In 1603, commissioned by the Americi family, Bernardino Cesari – brother of the more famous Giuseppe known as the Cavalier d’Arpino – and assistants frescoed the vault and the walls of the choir with episodes from the Life of the Virgin, with figures of prophets, sibyls, fathers of the church and saints. The scenes and figures are inserted within false architectural frames. The lower part of the frescoes is partly covered by wooden stalls, made in 1611 at the expense of the canon Giacomo Fascio and the duke Pietro Caetani, whose family had the patronage of the choir. At the top of the stalls the Caetani coat of arms is recognizable. In lunettes are represented on the left the Presentation at the Temple and the Marriage of the Madonna, on the right the Annunciation and the Visitation. All the scenes are surrounded by Prophets and Sibyls. In the lower band on the right is the Nativity of Mary and on the left the Dormitio Virginis, surrounded by the Fathers of the Church, Saint Anthony of Padua and Saint Francis of Assisi. The Assumption of the Madonna is painted in two parts: on the back wall there is the scene of the Apostles in front of the empty tomb and in the center of the lowered vault the Madonna Assunta.