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- The respondent should rectify this breach by paying the appellant the outstanding amount tobring her compensation in line with the statutory minimum wage.2. Wrongful Termination: The appellant's wrongful termination following her legitimate complaintabout the breach of payment terms necessitates corrective measures. To address this wrongfultermination: - The appellant should be awarded compensation for the unjust dismissal as well as any associateddamages resulting from the termination. - The respondent should review its termination practices to ensure compliance with employmentlaws and regulations.3. Delayed Disclosure of Payment Information: The delay in disclosing payment informationundermines transparency and fairness in the employment relationship. To address this issue: - Employers should be required to provide essential terms of employment, including wages, withina reasonable time frame at the beginning of the employment relationship. - Labor authorities or relevant agencies should monitor and enforce timely disclosure to ensurecompliance with employment standards.4. Uncompensated Work Period: The appellant's work without proper wage disclosure during theinitial period of employment raises concerns about fair compensation. To address this issue: - The principle of "quantum meruit" should be applied, allowing the appellant to claimcompensation for the work performed during the uncompensated period. - Employers should be reminded of their obligation to provide clear terms of employment,including wages, from the outset.In conclusion, the recommended remedial steps aim to provide the appellant with appropriatecompensation for the breach of contract, wrongful termination, and the period of uncompensatedwork. These steps also emphasize the importance of transparent and fair employment practices andsuggest regulatory measures to prevent similar issues in the future